Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 362 The Burning Red Knight

Lei Wen didn't know that, as soon as he stepped out of the carriage with a miniature space and closed the door, the red knight laughed badly.

"Laila, are you really not worried?"

Laila turned her head sideways: "What am I worried about?"

"Didn't you call her a coward last year?"

"That happened last year, and Raven is ours now." Laila pulled Karin over without hesitation. Karin was embarrassed.

"Oh, you are too young. Your Raven is so popular..." The red knight couldn't stop laughing.

"Raven has already promised me that I won't add sisters casually. If there are more sisters, both Karin and I must be willing to accept them." Laila's generosity surprised the red knight.

"Really don't mind?"


As if to challenge Laila's limit, the Red Knight yelled out of fear of chaos: "Come, come, bet! 1,000 god gold coins! Within a month, this little vampire will ask Laila to be her elder sister." , buy one and get one; within one to three months, buy one and get two; three months to one year, buy two and get five; if you can’t make a deal within one year, buy one and get six!"

Seeing this scene, Karin was completely speechless, and almost forgot that the most followers of the Red Knight were gamblers...

It should be said that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, and there will be a boss of whatever kind of believer there is.


A slap can't be made, if the red knight is yelling, it is estimated that the game will not be closed.

Unexpectedly, a female local tyrant responded immediately.

"10,000 god gold coins, three months to one year." Master Suni waved her hand. There were ten bags of translucent, glittering gold coins on the table.

"Thirty thousand, it won't work." It was Tempus who placed the bet.

Aideli caressed her face lightly, as if lost in thought, waved her hand, and found a few bags of god gold coins, and finally said: "Five thousand. It can't be called. Because I didn't see any love or desire in Lei Wen's eyes." .”

The red knight's eyes are full of the brilliance of gold coins, who knows if this guy is for the bet. Sneak away to drug Raven.

Just when the red knight was about to put away the bets, Karin gently stopped her with her little hand, and Karin turned to Laila and asked, "Sister Leila, the red knight looks for you to be honest, and I always ask you to start the game, don't you?" Think it's a little too much?"

"Uh, it's a little uncomfortable." Laila frowned slightly.

Karin looked at the red knight who was using the humanoid avatar in a blink of an eye. There was a twinkle in his eyes: "It's all about finding other people's fun. It's too cunning. Why don't we open a more exciting game?"

The red knight suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Say it quickly." This time I came to Suni with great interest.

A sly light flashed in Karin's eyes: "Red Knight just now, all your time and odds can be kept the same. It's just that the target of the bet is changed to you. How?"

"Ah!?" The red knight was stunned.

Lila was immediately relieved when she heard this: "Hmph! Seeing you looking for me to start brushing all day long? I think it would be good for you to be my sister."


The red knight seemed to be struck by lightning, and his entire avatar went numb and stiff.

hell! Asked Laila to open the brush, but why did he burn himself?

"Hey, hey! Why did you get me involved? I don't have any feelings for Raven." The red knight protested unwillingly.

"Laila had nothing to do with Raven back then!" Karin said, and Laila immediately nodded in agreement.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The malicious looks from all around made the red knight feel bad.

"Ten thousand god gold coins, three months to one year." Suni took the lead in betraying the red knight.

"Suny, you..."

"30,000, it won't work." Tempus panted heavily after betting. Like a father who doesn't want his daughter to be kidnapped by some bastard.

"Ten thousand, it won't work. I feel that Raven is not such a casual person." Aideli added a note.

Although the 'can't call' made the Red Knight happy for half a second, but the following comment made the Red Knight have a toothache. Hello, what do you mean?

Before the red knight had time to lose his temper with Aideli, with Karin's support, the real *female local tyrant made a move!

With a wave of Laila's hand, a hundred bags of god gold coins almost filled the entire room: "It's impossible, 1 million!"

Honest people make people afraid when they play tricks.

Such powerful gods as Suni of Tempus can definitely afford this money. But it will never be so rich. Of course they knew where Laila got the money, and they robbed the treasuries of the two gods, Carrigos and Vishharon. Basically, all the money and equipment are in Lei Wen's hands, and Lei Wen can't use them. Leave it to Laila for safekeeping.

It is absolutely true to say that Leila is the local tyrant of God's Domain!

The moment Leila placed her bet, all the gods present wanted to understand why.

For a moment, Sune and Aideli looked at the red knight with gloating eyes.

The red knight is an idiot.

As a goddess of strategy, of course she understands the truth here, if she fails to make it, then she will pay six for one... Even if she sells it, she can't afford it.

If it can be called...

"Don't say I treated you badly. If you really call me sister, the 1 million god gold coins will be considered as a gift from my sister." Laila said what Karin taught, and after she said it, she watched The embarrassment of the red knight made Laila overjoyed, a pair of white calves were shaking happily.

The Red Knight is really betting that everything is a death.

The red knight burst into tears: "Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow-the-bet-is-not-balanced, I won't bet on this banker."

After all, the red knight ran away as if his butt was on fire.

"Hahahaha" Laila and Karin laughed happily.

Sune and Adrienne smiled slightly, but Tempus was gloomy, clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles.

Raven didn't know about this episode.

Because, as soon as they entered the territory of Erwin, Raven and his party were greeted by the royal family of the Erwin Empire. The welcome team is absolutely massive, why? The soon-to-be-crowned Emperor Agathon of the Erwin Empire came to greet Raven in person!

This throne was obtained by sending Raven to the head of Tinos, and Agathon absolutely regarded Raven as his own.

After confirming that it is Raven's team. The quasi-emperor patted his horse to greet him personally.

"His Royal Highness Lei Wen! I haven't seen you for a while, it seems that your strength has improved again!"

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, not to mention that the quasi-emperor is very kind, and whenever he shouts, he calls Lei Wen the most honorable title, instead of calling Lei Wen the Duke of the Phantom Knight.

"Hehe, I dare not, it's just luck."

"Don't be modest, luck alone can't kill gods." Agathon gave Raven a hug affectionately.

It doesn't matter whether it's a play or a sincere one. Anyway, the attitude is enough enthusiasm.

"Oh, there's no way, Karigos has already attacked the door, so we can only kill him." Raven pretended to be humble.

Agathon suddenly lowered his voice: "I wish I had you as strong. That's right, I heard that your people are looking for treasures from the ancient Arcane Empire recently?"

Lei Wen was taken aback for a moment, then quickly recovered: "Where did your majesty hear it?"

"No, didn't the elf prince Wallis go to your command? My friend happened to see it and told me."

Raven was noncommittal: "Everyone loves treasures. I am really interested in the treasures of the ancient Arcane Empire."

"That's right. It happens that the treasures are given to heroes. I'm a few years older than you, so let's call myself brother. It's rare for Brother Raven to come to Irwin, and these treasures of the Arcane Empire will be passed on to you brother. I hope Brother Raven You can accept it." With a wave of his hand, Agathon accepted the treasures he had already prepared.

When Raven saw it, his eyes straightened.

Depend on! This time I made a lot of money!

Wallis and the others had been running away for so long, and after going through life and death dangers, they managed to get a few fragments of the treasure map of the No. 25 Floating Continent.

Agathon is such a prodigal son. Among these treasures, which were obviously dug out from the royal treasury of Irwin, there were five fragments of floating continents. Although the labels were different, all of them were high-grade fragments exceeding the number 24.

Lei Wen couldn't help it, and complained frantically in his heart:

"Agaton! Agathon!"

"Do you know that you won't be able to sit on the throne for a few years. After a few years, countless powerful existences will work desperately just for these few fragments."

"It's so prodigal to you... well, please accept my worship from Lei Wen!"

Of course, Lei Wen on the surface was also ecstatic.

In front of Agathon. Lei Wen picked up the treasures one by one, constantly changing angles. A look of fondness.

"Oh, Brother Agathon. These things are too expensive, how embarrassing it is." Having said that, Lei Wen, who had lost his integrity, clearly grasped these short swords and other treasures, as if he was afraid that Agathon would go back on his word. The way I took it back.

Lei Wen is very practical. Once you get the treasure map fragments, you can call you grandpa, let alone brother. As for whether to kill you later, that is another matter.

Seeing Raven's reaction, Agathon was very satisfied. In order to please Lei Wen, he summoned a group of counselors, discussed for more than two weeks before reaching this conclusion, and then asked people to prepare carefully.

"It's fine, it's fine, the treasure is given to the hero. As long as you're happy, brother." Agathon said with great enthusiasm, his heart blossoming with joy. Anyway, they are all useless things, so if you give them away, you can give them away. It is better than anything else to get back a strong support.

"How about this, brother, you are so generous, I'm sorry if I don't return the gift. Karin, bring me the most precious piece of scale armor." Raven turned his head and blinked at Karin.

The smart Karin immediately understood, ran back to the carriage quickly, and took out a piece of red dragon scale armor made of several pieces of red dragon skin leftovers and broken scales.

When Akadon saw it, his eyes were fixed on this 'rare treasure', and he couldn't move his eyes away.

Admittedly, this red dragon leather armor is not made of a single large hide, which reduces its value. However, the flaws are not concealed. All the seams are well covered by the dwarf craftsmen with red dragon scales, and there are actually no dead ends.

Agadon had killed his brothers and sisters, and if he really counted, those who wanted to kill him would have to line up from the east bank of the Ultron Continent to the west bank, which was the time to do everything possible to save their lives.

At this time, getting a piece of red dragon scale armor comparable to the highest grade alloy armor, which is extremely light and has higher magic defense power, will undoubtedly greatly increase the life-saving coefficient.

"Thank you! Brother Raven!"

"Thank you too! Brother Agathon!"

For a time, the host and guest enjoyed themselves! (to be continued ~^~)

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