Data Wasteland

: 512th Festival Invitation

The messenger from the Hall of Thousand Candles was quickly invited in. The messenger was a young woman wearing a blood-red robe and holding a three-pronged candlestick in her hand. The three white candles on the stick were burning, and the stick body exuded a faint golden light, which was different from the luster of gold, and was more restrained. It should have been mixed with a lot of fine gold.

There are golden vertical pupils on the front and back.

The golden pupil witch, it was indeed sent by Alia!

"Is this Miss Yeyang Bailiu, the great therapist?" the female envoy asked Yeyang Bailiu. The opponent is a celebrity, often in mercenary magazines, it is not difficult to identify.

"Yes, I am the person you are looking for, you are..." Ye Yang Bailiu's words were very careful, judging from the other party's clothing and behavior, the background seems to be very big.

"I am Lan Xueqi, the messenger of the Thousand Candles. I was ordered by the fourth princess of the Malan royal family. This is her letter to you." The female messenger took out a scroll from her neckline and handed it to Yeyang Bailiu.

The scroll is grass-yellow, with a red wax seal, and a ribbon seal. It is simple and elegant, and slowly exudes a red mist.

Magic sheepskin, dragon blood wax seal, blood silkworm ribbon, real name seal.

Each item is amazingly generous. Items made by advanced mutant creatures contain strong psychic powers, which can support the consumption of rune circuits, and are usually used in advanced contract documents. This scroll uses a rune loop which is a "real name seal". If the person who opened the scroll is not the recipient, the operator will know immediately.

The three members of Beiqiao Tuan showed solemn colors, and even Xiang Caidie, who was always bold and bold and didn't care about anything, became honest.

Chen Xing was relaxed and casual. Apart from the initial surprise, there was only doubt. After all, it was the target he had done, no matter how powerful it was, it wasn't that he was screaming at him.

However, everyone's attention was focused on the scroll, and no one noticed his abnormality.

Ye Yang Bailiu opened the scroll, and the flame ignited, burning a row of black writing.

Seeing the content of the letter, Ye Yang Bailiu was puzzled at first, then Xing's eyes widened and looked very surprised, then his eyelashes drooped, as if lost in thought. At the end, she was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, looked at the Qianzhu messenger, and said, "It's important, I need to discuss with others, can I give it a few days?"

"I am only responsible for delivering the letter. Now that the letter has been delivered, I will leave first." After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to say, Qianzhu Envoy turned around and left, as if she only had the letter in her eyes, and everything else. ignore.

After the messenger left, Ye Yang Bailiu looked at Hua Beidou and Chen Xing, but he stopped talking.

Upon seeing this, Chen Xing pointed to the outside and said, "Should I go out first?" After all, this is the internal affairs of the Beiqiao regiment, and Ye Yang Bailiu is hard to say in front of Hua Beidou.

"No, Xiaoyou Chen is not an outsider, let's listen together." Hua Beidou sat down and said.

"Before speaking, I have a question..." Ye Yang Bailiu looked at Chen Xing, "Alia, this name is very familiar, do we know it?"

Chen Xing smiled, "You have had coffee together."

"It turned out to be her..." Ye Yang Bailiu suddenly realized, and then stared at Chen Xing, "How did you know?"

"Uh..." Chen Xing was caught off guard and was almost stopped by questioning. He knew the true identity of the devil princess because he had the memory of the previous life, but Ye Yang Bailiu might have misunderstood that they had a private relationship. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and found the explanation in an instant, "I also chatted with the people in the town, and accidentally learned that Aaliyah is the demon princess who is spreading all over the world now."

Ye Yang Bailiu was skeptical, and asked again, "What did you do in the dark jungle back then, and that, that..." Yeyang Bailiu paused obviously after speaking. Chen Xing knew what she was referring to. She also knew about the Dark Demon Crystal Core, but only the two of them knew.

Ye Yang Bailiu quickly changed her mind. “It’s really surprising how the proprietress of a weapon shop suddenly became the fourth princess of the Malan royal family, and she was also a powerful king.”

"There are so many weird things in Orchid Town. Who knows that the mayor is a legend of the deep sea? And you, the deputy captain of the security team of a fringe town, has also turned into a great therapist?" Chen Xing did not want to deal with this issue. Explain too much, just find a reason to prevaricate. It involves Aaliyah's privacy, and it is better not to say too many mistakes.

"The past things are over, don't worry too much, talk about the present." Hua Beidou said lightly, as if he didn't want to know too much. Sometimes the more you know, the more dangerous it is.

Ye Yang Bailiu wittyly didn't ask any more questions

Although she came out of a town back then, and even drank coffee together, and even quarreled, the other party is now a king-level powerhouse, and she must treat it with a new stand and attitude.

"The Four Princesses invited us to join the Northern Alliance..."

Then, she said the content of the letter.

Aaliyah promised to build a steel sanctuary for the Iron Sisters in Monitor Lizard City, with Yeyang Bailiu serving as the chief priest, and allowing the Iron Sisters to preach within the sphere of influence of the Northern Alliance.

Damn it, grab a woman from me...

Chen Xing cursed inwardly. He already understood Aaliyah's intentions. Due to the existence of the King's Pact, the king-level powerhouse cannot directly participate in the battle, and the battle still depends on the army. Relying on the army will cause damage, and if there is damage, a great therapist is needed.

Because of him, history has advanced three years, and Aaliyah has already begun to expand her influence.

The conditions offered by Aaliyah are undoubtedly very tempting. Any sect is eager for official status and recruits believers to expand their influence. Compared with the three major sects, the Iron Sisters is only a small organization. In Chen Xing's memory, apart from the Beiqiao regiment, there were only two others, namely Qingguo and Huangguo.

In the Western Continent, the Iron Sisters are illegal organizations and preaching is not allowed. In the East Continent, there is an association of nuns, and the Iron Sisters cannot penetrate.

"Does the Holy Light Church agree?" Hua Beidou asked.

The state religion of the Red Dragon Principality is the Holy Light Church. Although the hostility is not as heavy as the Western Continent, and the well water does not attack the river in normal times, if the steel church is opened to the monitor lizard city, the bishop in charge of the Red Dragon Principality will definitely jump up.

"It didn't say in the letter, but based on my contact with the fourth princesses when I was in Lanhua Town, the fourth princesses would not care about the feelings of the Holy Light Church." Ye Yang Bailiu said.

"Chen Xiaoyou, what do you think?" Hua Beidou looked at Chen Xing.

"I think it's okay..."

What else can Chen Xing say? He must be against it in his heart, but is his objection useful?

Not to mention that this condition is in the interests of the steel sisters. Aaliyah is the queen of the Northern Alliance. Unless they move to the other side of the river, don't refuse. The North Bridge Mission’s investment is all in the Crow Market, and they have to go, and they have to go if they don’t. They have no choice at all.

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