Data Wasteland

: The 513th Future

After some discussions that didn't count as discussion, Hua Beidou determined the future direction of the North Bridge Group-to enter the monitor lizard city and carry forward the Sisters of Steel.

Relying on the identity of Yeyang Bailiu therapist and the favor of great king-level powerhouses, in the future, the Northern Alliance will have a place in the North Bridge Regiment on the parliament table.

Chen Xing was a little unhappy about this decision, but he was helpless. When Ye Yang Bailiu went, he would definitely gather less and more. On the one hand, he dared not appear in the monitor lizard city, let alone contact Aaliyah. On the other hand, Aaliyah is very likely to be a lace edge. It can be seen from the affairs of Lacey. Such an enthusiastic invitation might be a fancy to Yeyang Bailiu, ready to be included in the harem.

The more I think about it, the more unpleasant...

No matter what Aaliyah's purpose is, she will definitely entrust Ye Yang with such a generous task. When the government affairs are busy, he thinks it will be difficult to borrow for two days occasionally...

However, the deal is done. The wheel of fate rolled over his head, and he could only accept it. From now on, it will slowly develop on his one-acre three-point area, step by step, and everything will always get better. Whether he was sincere or excuses, he could only think so.

A few days later, at noon, a floating boat drove to the rooftop of Longqueshan Hotel, and the attendants moved their luggage one by one.

As soon as parting is coming, Ye Yang Bailiu tidied the collar of Chen Xing and smoothed the wrinkles on his shoulders, just like a wife seeing her husband farewell. Perhaps it was because she had a premonition that there would be less gathering and more separation in the future, her movements were very slow, as if she wanted to stop time.

"After you go back, be honest with me. Don't run around all day and cause a lot of trouble..." She had a stern face and a fierce tone, but the reluctance in her eyes could not be concealed.

Chen Xing nodded and smiled, "Listen to my wife."

Ye Yang Bailiu looked at him with a smile, but a smile.

"Cang Lian, stare more, this guy is itchy, he won't hit the house for three days..."

"Hey hey hey, can you save me some face!"

Chen Xing said depressedly, surrounded by his subordinates. He is a mayor anyway, so he can't be prestigious, right? Fortunately, Jianyue Canglian looked as usual, as if she didn't understand the deep meaning of the words.

The court maid is really professional. If she were replaced by Li Rou's violent one, she would have laughed so much. Even if Ye Qian and Li Mei were timid, she would probably cover her mouth and laugh.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Old K was also very serious, watching his nose and nose, which made Chen Xing a lot easier.


Comment from Chen Xing's heart. This is the steward of the great nobleman, and Tai Shan collapses in front of him without losing his etiquette.

"Okay, I won't be kidding you..." When the last piece of luggage was sent to the floating boat, Ye Yang Bailiu opened his arms and gave Chen Xing a warm and flexible hug, and said in his ear, " Go back and take good care of yourself, and send me more messages if it’s okay to let me know that you are still alive."

Chen Xing was a little touched, his chin hooked against the snow-white neck and nudged vigorously.

Even if I feel reluctant to give up, it's time to part. After the ears and temples were rubbed, the two separated, and Chen Xing walked into the floating boat along the hanging board.

After a while, the hatch closed and the floater slowly lifted off. Chen Xing and Ye Yang Bailiu waved through the round glass window, until the figures disappeared from each other's sight...

"Everybody, get up!"

In a blink of an eye, the reluctant parting turned into a carnival.

Strong heavy metal music sounded in the living room of the floating boat, and the beautiful singing of the rock queen Ouyang Tianhua pierced the sky.

"The walker in the desert, the weeping sky

. Gun smoke filled the fingertips, guns roared in the ears. I am a heavy metal chariot, crushing all existence. The wheels smashed bones, and flesh and blood splashed around. I was on the road to the battlefield..."

"Burning mecha, **** earth. Soot flying from fingertips, whining echoing in my ears. I am a heavy metal chariot, crushing everything. The wheels are crushing steel, and black oil is splashing around. I am on the road to hell... …"

"The cruelty of the seraph, the roar of the abyssal demon, blood dripping from the fingertips, and chants sounded in my ears. I am a heavy metal chariot, crushing all existence, the wheels smashing wings, blood splashing everywhere, I am The way to heaven..."

The song is the favorite of the mercenaries, "v16 heavy metal chariot on the road".

"Bring me a wild rhino!" Chen Xing yelled and lay down on the sofa.

"Ye Qian, Li Mei, come here!" He patted the place beside him vigorously.

"Master, you have worked so hard~" "Master is exhausted, let me relax for you~"

The two maids ran over with a grin and threw themselves down beside Chen Xing. Bai Yu swayed, rubbing his shoulders and pushing his back, showing all her flattery and laughing.

"Master maid, open champagne!"

During this period of time, Chen Xing was in charge of Yeyang Bailiu like a Puritan. He couldn't touch a drop of wine, and the maid couldn't get close to him. Every day, except for her, she was doing her. There was nothing else to do. Now that he is free again, he must celebrate with champagne.


The air bubbles sound and the wine slurry is sprayed.

"Master, please taste~"

Seeing Yue Canglian sitting directly on Chen Xing, the tall glass was brought to her lips.

"Well, so good..." Chen Xing took a sip of the wine, the wine was sweet and delicious, and patted the stubborn place with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your praise, Canglian will definitely work harder!"

"I'm still there, Qianqian also wants to reward." "Xiao Mei wants too..."

The maids were so enthusiastic that they tried their best to please the master, and in a blink of an eye they whispered again.

"Ouuuu, the master ignores us during this period of time, and we all think the master doesn't want us anymore."

"Master, you are so cruel. You don't even look at us straight, do you know how painful my heart is? I was thinking, if the master doesn't want us, I will commit suicide, and I will dig out my heart. Because it doesn't belong to me anymore..."

It's better to see Yue Canglian, after all, she is a palace maid, and she can fight in addition to daily life. Ye Qian and Li Mei were so scared that they both thought that their master would not want them, and they were so scared in their hearts. Now that the owner regains his freedom, he must do his best to please, otherwise who will guarantee the meal ticket in the future?

All of a sudden, the garden is full of spring. Yingsheng Yanyu, laughed constantly.

However, after some carnival, what is left is endless loss.

Chen Xing was half drunk, leaning on the armrest of the sofa carrying the wine bottle, feeling very melancholy. Turning his face with Tienuo was equivalent to breaking his arm, Ye Yang Bailiu merged into Aaliya's command, and he broke his arm again. Both arms were broken, leaving him alone. Lonely and widowed, pity each other.

Hey, it's no use relying on anyone, you still have to rely on yourself...

Fortunately, he was a man of three generations and was determined and soon calmed down. Everything should be treated wisely, what to do and what to do.

"The maid, take the pot and the red box together."

The pot is an ear pot, half a person tall, and completely dark with engraved runes. It is exactly the pot of the devil.

The Devil’s Pot is a concentrator that can directly

Absorb and extract void energy. It was placed at Yeyang Bailiu's place before, and the flower and Beidou came up with an idea, but now he took it back.

Hua Beidou studied for a period of time and came up with a very bold idea.

First of all, with the assistance of the lord-level powerhouse, forcibly open the domain channel, which is the "inner domain gate". This Chen Xing doesn't need other people's help. He has a trio and can do it himself.

Secondly, extract the soul of the pseudo-artifact with the technique of quenching the spirit and forcibly incorporate it into the spiritual realm.

At this time, there will be a lot of pure psychic energy flowing out of the pot. If the personal domain does not have enough endurance, the psychic energy will flow to the spiritual pool, which will eventually lead to the rupture of the spiritual pool.

Third, protect the heart with great healing techniques to ensure that the spiritual pool is not broken.

Fourth, immediately communicate with the undercurrent of time and space, and use the huge void energy to open the outer domain gate and guide the Yuling into the spiritual domain.

When the psychic energy consumed by the Yuling and the psychic energy absorbed by the devil pot reach a balance, the spiritual realm will stabilize.

This scheme is extremely risky. Any mistake in any step will lead to disability or death.

Needless to say, the undercurrent of communication time and space is a matter of great risk in itself, and the goal must be achieved in a short time, and the risk factor is greater.

When the spiritual pool ruptures, the person is immediately abandoned. It is impossible to beat even the elite level by relying on muscle strength.

So the best way is for him to step into the lord-level threshold first, open up a few more shadow pools, and it will happen naturally.

But to be honest, holding the treasure can't be used, it's a bit depressing.

On the way back, I stayed in Grayhorn City for a few days to learn the spirit tempering technique of the third uncle, and I'll talk about other things later.

Then, Chen Xing picked up the small red suitcase and opened it on the coffee table.

"Wow, master, what is this!"

Seeing the contents of the box, Ye Qian couldn't help screaming. I saw two rows of potions neatly placed in the suitcase. Metal at both ends, tempered glass tube in the middle, the liquid inside is like flowing gold, dazzling.

The glass tube is printed with signs in the East and West continents.

"Abyss Demon Flood Crystal Nucleus Refining."

This is the most advanced psionic potion-flowing gold potion. There is a price but no market.

In his last life, Chen Xing had never seen a real thing in fifteen years, even in the largest drugstore in Monitor Lizard City.

The flowing gold potion must be the crystal nucleus of mutant creatures above the lord level, and the price varies according to different mutant creatures. The worst one needs tens of thousands of gold coins, and the expensive one can even be millions. Adult Abyssal Demon Flood Dragon possesses Lord-level or High-Lord level combat power, and it is extremely difficult to hunt.

The flowing gold potions in this box, 30 packs, are worth at least one million gold coins. When converted into the purchasing power of the earth, one to one thousand is one billion soft sister coins.

What is the concept of a billion yuan of soft sister coins? The total assets of many listed companies may not have.

Imagine that a small box contained a listed company. How does it feel? Although it is nothing to the upper level, it is extremely shocking to the middle and lower levels.

The flowing gold potion can increase the success rate of assaulting the lord class. From a certain point of view, the world is still fair. Those with talent depend on talent, and those without talent depend on money.

Ye Yang Bailiu gave him so much at once, just to let him use money to create a future.

I used nine psychic awakenings last time, but I don’t know how many of them will be used this time...

Thinking of this, Chen Xing couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

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