Data Wasteland

: Section 514 emotion

Crow Market is more than 1,400 kilometers away from Gray Point City, and the airboat flew slowly for a day and night at a speed of 30 knots, about 50 kilometers per hour, and finally arrived the next morning.

It is the turn of spring and summer, and the climate is relatively humid. Looking around, the wasteland is all white. The floater descended gradually, and the center of the white mist revealed the outline of the city.

The stone wall stands tall, bringing warmth and safety to people, but the withered grass rolling at the foot of the city always reminds them of the coldness and ruthlessness of the wasteland.

This is a barren land in the northern wilderness with sparse vegetation and dry rivers.

However, in terms of water sources, Grayhorn City is much better than the fringe towns in the depths of the wilderness. In the summer, the rainfall in the Longya Mountains increases sharply, and the water in the Longyan River is sufficient, and the dry tributaries will be reborn.

As long as there is a large enough reservoir, water is not a problem. The marginal towns can only rely on groundwater, and the main source of groundwater is one or two heavy snowfalls in winter, which infiltrates into the ground after melting.

Grayhorn City is located in the center of the northern wilderness. It is mainly managed and traded, radiating six large towns in the surrounding area and hundreds of marginal towns.

People in the northern wilderness are proud to have a set of two rooms and one living room in Grayhorn. How long has this been Chen Xing's dream. Dreaming of building a love nest here with the girl playing the piano.

However, small dreams are still shattered by the cruel reality...

But he knew that it was all over and became a distant memory.

The courier of the previous life, the captain of the mercenary squad, the mayor of this life, and the lord of the future.

When he looked at this familiar and unfamiliar city in a different capacity, he was full of emotion in his heart. For him now, the dream of the year can be realized with the touch of his little finger, and it is as small as dust.

Why is there such a desire back then, but now it is readily available?

This is the powerful meaning.

When a person becomes strong, what was previously unattainable becomes easy.

Crossing that line, everything in the past will become insignificant. Love, hate and hatred, honor and disgrace, but they are just passing by.

Stopped for a temporary material need, and forgot to move forward for an uncertain love. Then the final result is probably bitter.

So he firmly believes that the only way to realize his dream is to make himself stronger, rather than relying on someone's charity.

Give money, give love, or whatever.

"Master, did you think of something?" Jian Yue Canglian said softly. She saw her master staring at the city below with deep eyes, a touch of sadness in the silence, her heart trembling, and her heart beating.

It was an indescribable feeling, which directly breached her heart defense and made an act of arrogance.

As a maid, how can you figure out the Lord?

However, she just couldn't help her curiosity and wanted to know everything about this man. She secretly made up her mind to take one hundred commandments at night and punish herself severely.

"Hmm..." Chen Xing nodded thoughtfully.

"Remember what?" Jianyue Canglian asked, giving herself a hundred whips in her heart.

"a lot of…"

"Probably, what's the matter?" Jianyue Canglian received another hundred whips, now it is three hundred whips.

"can not say it clearly…"

"Ah..." Finally, she gave up. Convinced, five-body casts on the ground. The master's mind is indeed beyond her stupid maid's ability to guess. The owner is the deep sea, the lofty mountains, closing her eyes and following the master, giving her all her heart, this is what she should do.

"In fact, it is not clear."

"That's it?" the maid asked subconsciously, and then received another hundred whips.

"Hey, I still don't say it."


"I don't know where to start..."


Without the master's knowledge, the poor maid took out five hundred whips. Because it is necessary to ensure the smoothness of the skin the next day, so as to accept the master's luck at any time, and only receive ten whips in one night. Then for the next fifty days, I will suffer the pain of flogging every night.

If Chen Xing knew, he would definitely be pardoned. With such a conscious head maid, what can the husband ask for? But the problem is that he doesn't know anything.

After a while, the floater landed outside the city.

The reason why he didn't choose to land on the rooftop of the five-star hotel in the city was because Chen Xing had not a very good reputation in Gray Point City. It can be said that he killed the Yang family. His lips were cold and his teeth died. The clan family certainly didn't have a good impression of him, so he chose to act in a low-key manner.

Chen Xing put everyone on standby on the floater, riding a locomotive into the city alone.

Gray Point City is different from the Crow City back then. Gray Point City welcomes residents in the northern wilderness. It is not a modern city, and there are no such strict restrictions on access.

In and out of Crow City and Monitor Lizard City, suspension vehicles must be changed to ensure clean city roads. Ice Blue City is stricter and needs to be replaced with carriages, but Gray Point City does not need anything, just drive in.

After waiting for a while at the cafe near Ye Yang's house, the third uncle came. This cafe was bought by Chen Xing and given to San Shugong as a gift. When the waiter saw San Shugong coming, he immediately greeted him with a cane and a hat.

Originally, San Shugong didn't like Chen Xing very much. In his eyes, Chen Xing was a liar. My grand-niece suffered a lot. However, after contacting him during this period of time, he felt that this young man was calm and experienced, and he couldn't fault him. My grand-niece followed him, so she won't suffer hardships in the future, so she feels relieved.

He is different from the rest of Ye Yang's family. In the year of destiny, the benefits and losses are negligible. As long as the future generations can be happy and peaceful, it will be fine.

"What are your plans this time?" San Shu asked openly. He is open-minded and straightforward, and has no habit of turning around.

"I want to learn the art of quenching spirits from you." Chen Xing poured coffee for his third uncle and said seriously.

"It's simple and it's not a secret. You can learn it in two or three days." San Shugong said casually.

Except for the ancestral skills of the big family, most of this world can be found in books. Spiritual quenching is a little bit sideways, but it's not a secret. You can learn it at Baita Academy or Black Tower Academy for a little bit of money.

"That's great!" Chen Xing said happily, "When can we start learning?"

"Tell you the theory first..." San Shugong sipped his coffee and whispered.

"Spirit quenching art originated from the new Zen Taoist refining technique, which has a history of three thousand years. The so-called refining means taking its essence and removing its dross. Cheng Daqi."

"But there is only a few hundred years for the aura to recover. Compared with the civilization of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, human refining skills have always been behind, so it is impossible to create real magical weapons, let alone fake weapons in the undercurrent of time and space. "


Several friends suggested that they are a bit vague about the level of the power system of the novel, so I would like to sort it out in particular.

Ordinary people-quasi-elite

A force-sensitive body with a single attribute of more than 15 or psychic awakening, using elementary evolution potions or exercises, is slightly stronger than ordinary people, and can use one or two spiritual skills.

Once psychic awakening will open up a spiritual pool in the body, but psychic awakening is not a necessary condition for this stage.


The single attribute of the force-sensitive body exceeds 25 or the psychic power is 20, and the single attribute of the force-sensitive body is not less than 15. The use of primary evolution potions or exercises is much stronger than ordinary people. You can use one or two psychic skills

Psionic awakening is not a necessary condition for this stage, but those who cannot condense the spiritual pool will stop here.

Elite-Great Elite

The single attribute of the force-sensitive body exceeds 30 and the casting tower is 1 layer, and the single attribute of the force-sensitive body is not less than 20. The effect of the primary evolution potion gradually decreases, which is difficult for ordinary people to reach. You can use two or three spiritual skills

Big Elite-Quasi-Guardian (rank breakthrough)

The primary evolution potion is completely invalid, and the intermediate potion is used to make a breakthrough, but the physical fitness is not up to the standard and cannot be used. Forcible use will cause the blood vessel to burst.

At this stage, the three attributes of force-sensitive bodies are no longer the main criteria, and spiritual development occupies half of the position.

The three attributes of the force-sensitive body are more than 40 on average, and the cast tower has 2 to 3 floors.

Quasi-Guardian Class—Guardian Class

Use intermediate or advanced medicine to improve, force sensitive body three categories

The average performance is above 50, and the cast tower is 3~4 floors

Guardian Class—Great Guardian Class

The effect of intermediate medicine is gradually attenuated, and high-level medicine or exercise is mainly used.

The three attributes of force sensitive body have reached the limit of species talent, and the 5th level of the casting tower is complete.

This stage is the limit at which human power can evolve, and further upwards must rely on external forces.

With the help of the ancestors, or with special opportunities, you can use the inheritance guardian spirit or the life guardian spirit in advance.

Major Guardian-Quasi-lord (rank breakthrough)

The advanced evolution potion is completely invalid, and the liquid gold potion is used to make a breakthrough. Flowing gold potions are extremely expensive and vary greatly depending on the different effects of the crystal nucleus of the species. Breakthrough requires higher individual talents. It needs to perceive the ground veins, extract the power of the center of the earth, and open up a shadow pool in the personal realm.

Steal the fire on the 1st floor, the shadow pool*1, communicate with the undercurrents of time and space, guide the Yuling into the personal realm and drive it.

Quasi-Lord Class—Lord Class

Steal the fire on the 2nd floor, shadow pool *3

At this stage, the realm is very stable, and it is handy to communicate with the undercurrents of time and space or to drive the Yuling. You can have several powerful Yulings, and some of the strong can condense the destiny weapons.

The Destiny Armament is based on the information in the individual's life imprint, which fits the individual's characteristics, weapons or armor.

Lords-High Lords

Steal the fire 3 floors, shadow pool *7

This stage is the culmination of the fire-steal stage, and it is also a shackle. It is no longer possible to extract more energy from the earth veins, and it needs to borrow from the void.

High Lord-Little King (Breakthrough)

The realm appears, the edge touches the void.

Draw energy directly from the void, and have a large guardian army or false god

Little King-Big King (Breakthrough)

The realm appears, and part of it goes into the void.

Extracting a lot of energy from the void, with a super-large renewable Yuling Legion and a plurality of false gods, it can use body tissue to create a powerful natal Yuling.

The Renewable Legion is the Yuling production base, such as the armor samurai factory, the banshee camp, the lich cemetery and so on.

Great King Class—Emperor Class (Theoretical Breakthrough)

The level that only exists in the theory, the personal domain is completely separated from the original universe, and becomes a whole in its own right. The cosmos is first opened, and the individual is the universe.

The level of some major roles at this stage.

Alia, the great king class, destroys the legion (most of them have production bases), and creates the magic pupil of Yuling Destroy the World.

Triliss, the great king, the succubus army (most of them have production bases), create the queen of thorns.

Grand Duke of the Red Dragon, the little king, the false **** Red Dragon

Microroro, Little King Class, Golden Legion (a small part of them have production bases)

Li Zhi, the national teacher of the Silver Claw Principality, high lord class, ghost servant, the rest is unknown

Marquis of Begonia, Lord of the Twelve Round Table Warriors

Duncan, quasi-lord class, Roman soldier regiment

Yeyang Bailiu, quasi-lord class, big sun-breaking magic spear, seven-color deer, (old bark, unknown)

Lacey, Quasi-Lord, Big White Snake, (Ancient Beast Teeth, Unknown)

Chen Xing, the guardian class, the white wolf king who lives to protect the spirit

The third uncle, the guard class, was taken away by Yeyang and Bailiu after he had the magic spear of Da Ri.

Flower Big Dipper, large guard class, fake Buddha arm

A Qiaomu, big guard class

See Moon Canglian, Guardian

Qin Gui, guard class

Tieno, guard class

Fire Tsui, big elite

Casey, big elite

Wu Jinjian, elite

Big cat, quasi-elite

Yang Zhigou, quasi-elite

Ye Qian, ordinary person

Li Mei, ordinary person

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