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Looking at the bowl of porridge in his hand, Xu Chen didn't dare to take a second sip. What's the old saying? Others spend money to cook, but Xiao Wu spends his life to cook!


Xiao Wu looked at Xu Chen's reluctant expression, and a look of suspicion appeared on his face. He took the bowl of vegetable porridge, scooped a mouthful, and put it into his mouth.

"Hey, stop it!"

Xu Chen was about to stop him, but it was too late. The spoonful of porridge entered Xiao Wu's mouth. In less than a second, her face became extremely colorful. She quickly spit it out and shouted:

"Ahhh, it's so salty, so salty, so salty!……"

Although she spit it out in time, the choking taste lingered on her tongue for a long time, making her feel like crying.

"Madam, drink some water.……"

The maid quickly brought clean water for Xiao Wu to rinse her mouth. After a long time, she finally got rid of the devilish taste. At this time, Xiao Wu tasted it slightly and still felt a lingering fear.

She didn't want to try this taste again in her life.……

"Brother Chen, the vegetable porridge I made is so unpalatable, why do you still eat it?……"

Xiao Wu looked at Xu Chen who was laughing softly, and couldn't help but feel touched. He handed the water in his hand to Xu Chen and said guiltily,

"Come, drink some water and rinse your mouth."

Xu Chen drank the salty porridge without saying a word. How many men in the whole Tang Dynasty could be so tolerant?

Her husband was really the best man in the world!

"After all, this is your first time cooking, and you are not familiar with the use of seasonings, so it is normal that the food is a little salty. I can't just destroy your confidence like this, right? Let's take it slowly. Also, don't think about it blindly when it comes to cooking. You still have to ask the old masters for advice, okay?"

Xu Chen touched Xiao Wu's head lovingly and comforted him in a soft voice.

Everyone will be in a hurry when they cook for the first time. The food will either be too salty, too bland, or burnt. He himself has been through this, so of course he won't dislike it.

Besides, as a rich girl and the future wife of the Marquis of God, Xiao Wu didn't need to do the cooking work, but she was still trying her best for Xu Chen. This friendship really shouldn't be discouraged. When the female workers who were working heard Xu Chen's words, they looked at Xiao Wu with envy.

A good man like the Marquis of God is really hard to find even with a lantern!

Especially Qingquan, his eyes flickered, as if he remembered something, and his mood suddenly became a little low.

"Well, then Xiao Wu will find Master Chao to learn from him! It's a pity that Xue Rengui ran away, otherwise I would have caught him to teach me how to cook. That would have been a shame."

Xiao Wu heard this, and the guilt on his face disappeared. He immediately smiled and returned to his nature, humming.

At this time, on the Turkic steppe


Xue Rengui was riding his horse and galloping on the grassland. Suddenly, he shuddered and sneezed. He felt panic inexplicably in his heart. He checked around and confirmed that there was no danger before continuing on his way.


The morning passed quickly, and all the wool had been transformed into bundles of wool yarn, which were neatly placed in the front hall. The women workers also had their meals in the front hall.

The meals were very simple, mostly vegetarian dishes. There was only half a meat dish on the table - stir-fried pork with green vegetables. But even so, they ate with relish, because there was plenty of fragrant rice and white flour buns, and they could take as much as they wanted!

This meal was already very rich and satisfying for the women workers.

""My Lord, Madam, this is where the servants eat. Please go to the backyard for dinner."

Old Zheng looked at Xu Chen and Xiao Wu and said respectfully.

"No, I like to eat in a lively atmosphere, let's eat here! It's spacious here, go call the guards and maids, let's eat together."

Xu Chen waved his hand, and immediately sat on the main seat, took a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and started eating.

A family doesn't have two tables, he is not the kind of person who likes to make special arrangements, since the meal is already served here, let's eat together, it is also convenient for others and himself.


Old Zheng was in a dilemma. He had never seen any nobles eat with servants and servants. He couldn't make up his mind for a moment, so he turned his gaze to Xiao Wu and asked,

"Madam, look at this……"

"Hey, Old Zheng, can't you see that I'm chatting with Sister Qing? Since Brother Chen said so, let's eat here. Why don't you ask the kitchen to add a few more dishes?"

Xiao Wu sat next to Qingquan at this time, and said with some dissatisfaction

""Okay, fine, I'll ask the kitchen to make a few more hot dishes."

Upon hearing this, Old Zheng had no choice but to nod his head, and turned around to give orders to the kitchen. Thanks to the Marquis's wife, these female workers, guards and maids can finally enjoy a feast!

After a while, one dish after another was served, such as braised lamb, soybean pig's trotters, steamed sea bass, etc. Everyone's eyes lit up and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

They were servants who worked part-time, and they had never seen such sumptuous food even during festivals!

Although they wanted to eat it very much, they dared not pick up their chopsticks without Xu Chen's order. That was a delicacy that only nobles should enjoy. If they ate it, it would be an overstep.

Therefore, although the good dishes were served, everyone still kept eating the original dishes and did not dare to move.

"Hmm? How are you guys eating? Eat, Xiao Wu and I can't finish all of this. Don't worry, I'm a gentle and easy-going person, not like other officials who are so particular. You come to help me work, so you should eat my food and drink my drinks. Pick up your chopsticks!"

Xu Chen saw that no one dared to pick up their chopsticks, and he was a little helpless, so he had to persuade them like this.

In ancient times, the gap between the classes was really an insurmountable gap!

"Sister Qing, come, try it first. Just listening to what you said, how do these dishes made by my chef compare to yours?"

Xiao Wu took Qingquan's hand and said with a smile.

Sometimes, friendship between women happens strangely. If they have similar temperaments and talk, they can easily become good friends. Xiao Wu just chatted with her this morning, and by noon, the two of them were like close friends who could talk about anything. Qingquan smiled indifferently when she heard this, gently picked up a piece of fish, put it in her mouth, chewed it carefully for two bites, then shook her head and smiled softly:

"This chef's cooking skills are a bit flawed.

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