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"I understand. Thank you, Lord."

All the female workers bowed to Xu Chen and said happily.

This happiness came too suddenly. It was 700 Wen at once! For ordinary people, it was enough to have food and clothing for a month! With this generosity, Xu Chen has won the favor of everyone.

This is a good boss. You have to work hard here and try to stay a few more days to earn more money!

"Well, I guess Brother Chunfeng has already told you what you need to do, right? In fact, it is very simple, you don't need to learn it. Follow the rules, wash, dry, put it into the processing machine to take out the thread, and then remove impurities. Do you understand these processes?"

Xu Chen nodded and asked casually.

There is already a fixed process for processing wool into wool yarn. He doesn't want to teach it separately again. How tiring!

However, these female workers were just called in after all. Although Li Chunfeng demonstrated and described it once, they were still a little confused. After listening to Xu Chen's words, they looked at each other and were at a loss.

Such a new technology, ordinary people really can't learn it in one or two days!

"What, you don't know how to do it?"

Xu Chen frowned slightly, feeling a little helpless, so he had to say,

"Okay, I'll come again.……"

"Lord, Qingquan has roughly understood what Dean Li said. Do you think this is the case?……"

Just as Xu Chen was about to demonstrate it again, Miss Qingquan came out of the queue, spoke softly, took out some of the wool that had been dried and washed, put it into the wool processing machine, and operated it slowly.

Her technique was still a little unfamiliar, but there was no mistake in the steps. Watching her work, it was like doing needlework, with a steady rhythm, not hurried or slow, and she had a set of skills. Even Lao Zheng at the side nodded repeatedly and gave a thumbs up.

After a set of processes, Qingquan's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat. She took out the wool thread that had completed all the steps, and a closer look revealed a satisfied smile on her face.

"What a clever woman! She could imitate Brother Chunfeng exactly after listening to him once. The wool thread is of uniform thickness and is considered top quality."

Xu Chen took the finished wool threads from Qingquan and couldn't help but praise them. The workmanship of these wool threads was exquisite and better than what he had made at that time. The wool sweaters made of such wool threads were indeed of higher quality than ordinary ones. It was reasonable to sell them to ladies at a high price.

"Thank you for your praise, Lord."

Qingquan blushed slightly when he heard this, bowed again, and responded

""Well, that's good. Then you will be the team leader this time! The wool yarn must be of such quality. If you manage it well, you will be paid. Old Zheng, here's her reward of 300 coins."

Xu Chen looked at this quiet girl and felt a sudden affection for her. He ordered her to be the team leader and increased her salary. The other female workers were envious. If

Xiao Wu is a cute, quirky little fox, then Qingquan is like a quiet, peaceful ragdoll cat. The two are equally beautiful, but their temperaments and personalities are very different and each has its own strengths.

This kind of girl is the type that Xu Chen prefers.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Lord."

Qingquan took the three hundred coins and smiled slightly, thanking him again. She was not as ecstatic as the other female workers. The full one thousand coins were only worth a smile.

Such an expression made Xu Chen guess that the origin of this girl must be extraordinary!

However, everyone has different experiences, and he was too lazy to delve into it. Seeing that everything was arranged properly, he waved his hand and ordered:

"Okay, you guys start working now. This pile of wool can make enough yarn for about 100 sweaters. There are 10 of you. I will give you one morning. Should that be enough? I need to see your results before lunch."It is really a piece of cake for 100 sweaters to be made by 10 people. Even if Xu Chen is the only one doing this, it will be almost done in one day. This is just the first step. The design and knitting behind it are the key.

"Yes, Lord."

The female workers got the order and started working immediately. Under Qingquan's command, everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Her division of labor was very detailed, ensuring that everyone's workload was similar, and each female worker focused on one job. Those who washed specialized in washing, and those who removed impurities specialized in removing impurities. In this way, not only the efficiency was improved, but also the quality was maintained very well.

Xu Chen looked for a while, then nodded, and turned around to go back, but Xiao Wu had already walked over with a bowl of vegetable porridge, and smiled playfully:

"Brother Chen, try Xiao Wu's cooking skills!"

Xu Chen was a little suspicious when he heard this, and asked tentatively:

"Your cooking skills? Is this... edible?"

This Xiao Wu is destined to be a master. She is asked to cook porridge in person. The food she makes is really something that I dare not try.

"Brother Chen!"

Xiao Wu pouted immediately, twisted towards Xu Chen's waist, and said angrily,

"It's not easy for someone to cook for him personally, are you trying to undermine Xiao Wu's confidence? I won't cook for you anymore, I'll starve you to death!"

In order to make a breakfast for Xu Chen, she almost set the kitchen on fire. This bowl of vegetable porridge was hard-earned!

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, okay, okay, I'll try it. My Xiao Wu is so capable, so his cooking skills must be no problem. It must be delicious."

Xu Chen felt pain and immediately took the bowl of porridge, blew it gently, and put it into his mouth. When he did this, his face suddenly changed and he almost vomited.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong? Is it not tasty?"

Xiao Wu looked at Xu Chen's expression and asked hopefully.

", it's delicious. I'm not that hungry today.……"

Xu Chen swallowed the porridge with difficulty, and forced a smile.

He felt like he had eaten a mouthful of soy sauce, and the sourness made his whole body tremble. Even the system issued a timely reminder:

"Please note that in order to maintain good health, please do not consume foods with high salt content or strong taste. Doing so for a long time will affect your liver and kidney function.……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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