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Yesterday, the two of them tossed and turned for a long time before they fell asleep.

"Alas, why do they say there are only cows that die of exhaustion, but no land that is damaged by plowing? This is even more tiring than going to the battlefield!"

Xu Chen glanced at Xiao Wu who was still sleeping, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The little beauty in front of him was sleeping soundly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. As he watched, a flame surged up in Xu Chen's lower abdomen! He secretly said that it was not good, and after suppressing the gun to the extreme, he quickly got up and went to wash.

If he continued to watch this, and touched and kissed her, his nutrition would really not be able to keep up~

After washing and changing clothes, Xu Chen walked towards the front yard. At this time, there were already many people gathered in the front yard. There were a lot of wool and a wool processing machine piled on the ground. A row of women in simple clothes stood neatly in a row, as if they were a little restrained.

""My Lord, this batch of wool that Taoist Li Chunfeng sent to your house, as well as these ten female workers, were all carefully selected by him, saying that it was your order."

Butler Lao Zheng pointed at the female workers in front of him and said with a smile. He was originally the butler of Wu Shigui's family. Now that Xiao Wu entered the Shenhou Mansion, he naturally followed his orders and helped take care of the house.

"Oh? You found ten young female workers so quickly? Is it that easy to find them?……"

Xu Chen was a little surprised. He originally thought that it would take at least several days for Li Chunfeng to gather people. He wanted to have a good time for a few days, but he didn't expect that he would be given a job so quickly.

""My Lord, it's not easy to find a female worker. There are many poor families in and outside Chang'an who can't afford to eat. When they heard that they could come to work in the Marquis's mansion, with free meals and wages, it would be very easy to recruit ten or even a hundred people. These were carefully selected by Taoist Li Chunfeng according to your instructions!"

Old Zheng had a matter-of-fact expression on his face, his smile did not diminish, and he winked at Xu Chen.

This old man had something to say, he was very bad!

"Ahem, everyone raise your heads and let this marquis see you."

Xu Chen ignored Lao Zheng, but looked at the female workers and gave them an order.

These young female workers were no older than eighteen years old, and some even looked about the same age as him. If this happened in the 21st century, it would be a crime of employing child labor! However, in ancient times, it was very common.

Most of them came from poor families and worked just to make a living. If they met a good master, their situation would be better, but if they met a bad one, they might be bullied and scolded at any time.

Therefore, when they arrived at the God Marquis's Mansion, they dared not even breathe, and were trembling with fear. When they heard Xu Chen's order, they all raised their heads obediently, but their expressions were filled with tension and fear.

They knew clearly that the man in front of them was a big shot! If they made this Lord Marquis unhappy, beating and scolding would be the least of their punishments, and they would have to accept it even if they were beaten to death. Therefore, everyone looked restrained for fear of doing something wrong.

"Why are you all so hopeless? I'm not a tiger, I won't eat you, relax, smile~"

Xu Chen couldn't help but joked when he saw this. The atmosphere was too depressing, and he had to liven it up.

Sure enough, after hearing his joke, the girls relaxed a little, their mouths slightly raised, wanting to laugh but not daring to, looking like they were trying to hold back their laughter, which was a bit funny.

But one of the girls didn't cover up, and showed a faint smile on her face, which was quite serene, and immediately attracted Xu Chen's attention.

"What's your name and how old are you this year?"

Xu Chen looked at the girl and asked. After a careful look, his eyes lit up slightly and he couldn't help but admire her.

What a gentle beauty, just like a Jiangnan girl who walked out of a painting. She has a quiet aura that makes people feel refreshed.

Such a charming girl should be a lady from a wealthy family, or at least a beautiful girl from a small family. Why would she do rough and tiring work like a maid?

"My name is Qingquan, I am sixteen this year."

After hearing Xu Chen's question, the girl was not flustered, she knelt down and said softly.

Her words and actions surprised the housekeeper, Old Zheng, who couldn't help but look at her a few more times, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

His thoughts were the same as Xu Chen's. Such a dignified girl must have a good family education. Even if she was not from an official family, she was definitely the daughter of a merchant. How could she fall to being a female worker?

"Qingquan? This name is good, it suits you very well."

Xu Chen praised and nodded, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, he was squeezed dry by Xiao Wu yesterday, and now he has entered the sage mode. He has no interest in women, but Qingquan's quiet temperament has attracted him a little.

However, that's all. He retracted his gaze and spoke to everyone:

"Let me introduce myself. I am the owner here, Xu Chen. You can call me Lord Hou like Lao Zheng, or you can call me Brother Xu. I don’t care. Here, there are not so many rules as other places. I will take care of the two meals a day, and I will not reduce your wages."

As he said, he instructed Lao Zheng:

"Lao Zheng, you should pay them seven days' wages in advance, and the price... should be twice the market price!"

Upon hearing this, the ten female workers all showed joy on their faces, and the girl named Qingquan also had a glimmer in her eyes.

Two meals are provided, and seven days' wages are paid in advance, and double?!

Oh my God, what a good boss this must be!

"Lord, there seems to be no precedent for this advance payment of wages... Currently, the daily wage for female workers in the market is about 50 wen. Are you sure you want to pay 100 wen per person?"

Old Zheng said helplessly. As a butler, he has the common problem of good butlers - careful calculation. Why should he spend 100 wen on something that can be done with 50 wen?

"I am not a stingy person. Besides, I also think that the treatment of female workers should be improved. Fifty coins a day is not enough to even have a full meal! One hundred coins is too low."

Xu Chen waved his hand and said casually. In his opinion, labor should not be so cheap, especially female workers. They do no less work than men, but they get only half or even less than a quarter of the money of men. This is undoubtedly unfair.

In ancient times, it is impossible to say that men and women are equal, but Xu Chen is still willing to do what he can to help improve the treatment of female workers who work for his family.


Seeing Xu Chen's affirmation, Lao Zheng naturally stopped talking nonsense, took the money bag, and distributed money to the ten female workers. While handing it out, he said seriously,

"The Marquis thinks highly of you and trusts you, so he pays you wages in advance and gives you such good treatment, which is unique in Chang'an City! You must be grateful and do a good job to repay the Marquis. Do you understand?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when studying - collection

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