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"Hehe, Madam, I went through a lot of trouble to get it from the Divine Marquis, Old Cheng and the others don't have it!"

Fang Xuanling smiled, undressed and got on the bed, and said proudly,

"So, is Madam satisfied?"

This old guy is not only very wise, but also a little clever. He deliberately said that he worked harder and was more special to please his wife.

Sure enough, Madam Lu showed a happy expression on her face. She gently opened the small bottle, took a close look, and her eyes lit up immediately. She praised:

"Good! It really is exactly the same as the perfume on the Queen! Even... it seems to be a little stronger! I didn't expect that you, an old man, would do something good one day."

It was about to be a compliment, and her tone was also a bit tough, but Fang Xuanling was very happy to hear it. He lay on the bed, closed his eyes and smiled:

"I have done this for Madam today, will Madam give me a reward?"

Generally speaking, when a couple asks for a reward, it is for that kind of thing, but when Madam Lu heard this, she frowned and muttered:

"You want to be lazy again... Well, this time, since you are so capable, you will be allowed to rest early in the next half month without having sex."

As soon as these words were spoken, the old housekeeper was as if he had been pardoned, and he kept saying:

"OK, OK, Madam, please take a rest. Please take a rest.……"

After saying that, he covered his head and fell asleep, like a dead pig, the kind that couldn't be woken up no matter how hard you pushed...

Men are such strange creatures. When they are young, they can't wait to enter the bridal chamber every day, as impatient as monkeys. But once they get older, it's the opposite. They can't wait to stay silent for a year or two, but their wives have to pay taxes...

For the thin Fang Xuanling, this is definitely a hardship. Being able to not have sex for half a month is naturally a reward.

But Xu Chen is different. He is now strong and healthy. Even if he has sex eight or ten times a day, he has no pressure. This really proves the saying - it's good to be young!


This scene at the Duke of Liang's mansion was similarly staged at the other three dukes' mansions. The four dukes and their wives accepted the task and received benefits in advance, so they naturally promoted it vigorously. As a result, the news spread among the noble ladies in Chang'an City the next morning:

"Did you hear about it? The"press conference" mentioned by the Godly Marquis will be held today after the Queen's birthday banquet. Those perfumes and sweaters will be on sale? We were still talking about it yesterday. It was only the eldest grandson, but I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity too!"

"Is this true? Although the birth of Empress Changsun was not as grand and solemn as your majesty's, it was definitely an extremely formal occasion. How could such a business be held? How could this be a disgrace!"

"Haha, sister, you don't know, this press conference is also called"charity auction". Let me tell you what this charity auction means.……"

"Oh! So that's how it is! This is a good thing. What else can we do? Let's bring more money. We can't let other people get this good thing first!"

"The concept of"charity auction" quickly spread among the aristocratic circles in Chang'an City. Almost everyone talked about this new concept with relish. Even Wei Zheng praised it highly after hearing about it, saying that Shen Hou was a great talent! The lofty ideal of this group of people is to serve the world and the people. As long as it is beneficial to the people and the country, they will support it unconditionally!

Therefore, this trend blew across the entire Chang'an City in the morning, and no one opposed it. Even those sour Confucian scholars had nothing to say. Even if they felt it was inappropriate, they dared not be enemies with the people of the world, which would ruin their reputation!

At the same time, the Chang'an City Chamber of Commerce was already full of people early in the morning. They were all well-known and wealthy businessmen in the entire Tang Dynasty. It is no exaggeration to say that the wealth of all of them combined can almost buy the entire Chang'an City!

However, at this time, they all looked a little unhappy, and one of them couldn't help but say:

"Why can those nobles participate directly, but we merchants have to pay 20 taels of gold per person to enter? This is too much, too unfair!"

His shout made some wealthy merchants in the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce nod their heads repeatedly in agreement.

Even if they have to pay, they can't pay so much, right? Twenty taels of gold, even in Chang'an City with the highest consumption level, is enough to be free and easy for a while, but for Xu Chen, it's just the price of a ticket?!

"That's right! Can you talk to the Lord of God and get a cheaper price? It would be best if we can get free tickets. If so, I, Wang, will be the first to show my support. I will definitely ask my wife to buy some perfume, sweaters, etc.!"

"Yes, yes! I estimate that one ticket is enough to buy several bottles of perfume. If the ticket is waived, we will definitely buy more. The Lord of God gave us face, so we will naturally give him face too!"

Several wealthy businessmen also shouted. They were all potbellied and looked good at calculating, but they were sitting a little further back. It was obvious that they were not wealthy. At most, they were nouveau riche, and their class was obviously not enough.

The businessmen sitting in the front looked normal at this time, with extraordinary demeanor, and even drank a sip of tea leisurely. This group was the top wealthy businessmen in Chang'an City. Some of them were even businessmen for generations and were giants in the business world!

At this time, they were all looking at the middle-aged man in the lead, Peng Tong, the president of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. This man had an official title. When Li Shimin was fighting, he donated a large amount of military funds!

Although he was only a seventh-rank official, his wealth and official power were no less than that of a third-rank official. He looked around and suddenly slammed the table and shouted:

"What nonsense! We are lucky to be able to attend the Queen's birthday banquet this time. It is also the mercy of Lord Shenhou that gives us this opportunity. Not to mention 20 taels of gold, even 100 taels of gold is also luck! You are still bargaining there, give Lord Shenhou a face, I, Peng Tong, ask you, are you worthy of Lord Shenhou's face?"

As he said that, he waved his hand and ordered:

"Expel those troublemakers and nonsense from the Chamber of Commerce, and never associate with them again! If Lord Shenhou hears these words, he will definitely be unhappy and vent his anger on us. Isn't this an unprovoked disaster? Get out!"

A truly smart businessman will never care about these twenty taels of gold. He will now eliminate a few ignorant idiots from within, so as not to let these brainless people destroy the image of them, the businessmen!_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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