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""President! President, we are wrong, President! Please don't expel us from the Chamber of Commerce!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the shouting wealthy businessmen showed fear, and they begged for mercy.

The Chang'an Chamber of Commerce is the general chamber of commerce for the entire Chang'an City, and even the Tang Dynasty! Although it is not an official organization, it is formed spontaneously by the people, but its influence is extremely huge.

To put it bluntly, in Chang'an City, if you are not a member of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, you are a small shrimp, and you have to practice for a few more years! And being able to enter the Chamber of Commerce is considered to be a beginner in the way of doing business.

Here, there are resources, connections and even financial support that all businessmen in the world desire! The merchants who were expelled from the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce will definitely not have a good end. In no more than a few years, they will definitely fail!

In the words of later generations, they were banned by the business community!

Therefore, these wealthy businessmen who spoke wildly were so panicked and begged for mercy. They were begging for their own future.……

"Humph! I won't expel you for now, but you won't be able to attend the banquet this time!"

Peng Tong announced with a cold snort.

Hearing these people begging for mercy, his heart softened and he didn't insist on removing them from the Chamber of Commerce.

However, these guys were so stupid that they were really not suitable to attend the ceremony.

As businessmen, they were originally looked down upon by others.

Naturally, they had to be more careful and more decent in everything to leave a good impression on others.

If they let these outspoken nouveau riche go and cause any scandal, the entire business community would have to pay for it!


Tong was unwilling to take this risk, and the several wealthy businessmen in the front row nodded and agreed to the decision.

, those people who were shouting just now could only swallow this bitter fruit, and left the scene with a gloomy look and a depressed face. Peng Tong’s words were like an imperial decree in the Chamber of Commerce. It was a favor not to expel them!

Why can’t I control my mouth! Those nouveau riche were regretful and complained in their hearts that an opportunity to make friends with the top celebrities of the Tang Dynasty was wasted. The invisible loss was more than twenty taels, or even two hundred taels of gold?! After a few people left, the lobby of the Chamber of Commerce was still full. Peng Tong glanced around again, seeing that everyone had a serious expression, nodded secretly, and smiled:

"Those who stayed are all the elites of our Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. I believe they will not be stingy about this twenty taels of gold, right?"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this. Who can sit here without a big family? Not to mention twenty taels of gold, even two hundred taels can be taken out at will.

"In that case, please come with me to the banquet. However, I, Peng Tong, have something to say in advance. If any of your wives or daughters dare to lose their composure at the Queen's birthday banquet, I will expel them from the Chamber of Commerce and ban them from all business people! It will be difficult to even beg for food!" The smile on Peng Tong's face gradually turned cold, and at the end, there was even a hint of murderous intent, which made everyone's heart tremble.

It's difficult to even beg for food? This is too exaggerated! But the president in front of him seemed to have such ability. It is said that he was involved in the Beggar Gang. In other words, if you want to beg for food peacefully, you have to get his consent!

For a moment, the strings in the minds of the wealthy businessmen tightened again, and everyone put away their relaxed demeanor and prepared for battle.

"Haha, don't blame me, Peng Tong, for being ruthless. This banquet is a big deal. It's my first time as a businessman to formally come into contact with the dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty. I have to be careful!"

Peng Tong's expression suddenly eased. He took a sip of tea, shook his head and sighed:

"Don't think I'm being long-winded. I have a few things I need to tell you again. Please listen carefully."

"First, the 20-liang ticket fee will be paid uniformly by the Chamber of Commerce based on the total number of people going there. You can hand it in voluntarily when the time comes. If your wife is going, you can hand in one copy. If your wife and daughter are going, you can hand in two copies. I don't want to say more about this matter."

"Second, today's banquet is the Queen's birthday banquet, which brings together the top dignitaries of the entire Tang Dynasty! If your wives and daughters are restless and have perverse personalities, get out of here as soon as possible! If you destroy the reputation of my Chamber of Commerce, I, Peng Tong, will kill your whole family! You all know what's going on with this matter."

"Third, the reason why merchants like me can participate in this banquet is entirely because of the face of Lord Xu Chen, the Divine Marquis. His charity auction must be actively participated in by me. Everyone who goes must buy me one item without offending anyone! Even if it is a few hundred taels of gold, just buy it. If you feel that you don’t have money or are a stingy person, don’t go and embarrass yourself as soon as possible."

"I have finished speaking, does anyone have any objections?"

Peng Tong's eyes were like those of a tiger or a wolf, looking around. Those who were seen by him did not dare to look up and look at him, but could only nod their heads in agreement.

Just relying on his momentum, he was able to suppress this group of wealthy businessmen. This president is worthy of being the president, he is really skilled!

"Good, that's great, the Lord of God has given us face, so we should naturally support him."

Seeing that no one objected, Peng Tong nodded, stood up from his seat, and suddenly smiled.

"If you have an unmarried girl in your family who wants to become a phoenix, you can dress up and show your face. Maybe a young man from a certain family will take a fancy to her. Then she can climb up the rich family and have a backer from then on."

"I also heard that the Godly Marquis Xu Chen is just a 14-year-old boy. There are only two wives in his family, one of which is also the daughter of a merchant! I don’t know how comfortable his life is now. He is now at the age of full blood. How can only two wives be enough? There are still many vacancies. Whoever can fight for these positions will have their own ability!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the wealthy businessmen all showed smiles, and some people thought about it on the spot. There are indeed unmarried daughters in the family, but how to attract the attention of the Godly Marquis is a difficult problem!

Even if they can't attract Xu Chen's attention, it will be a good deal to attract the attention of other young men!

For a while, they all calculated and slowly left the Chamber of Commerce. Go home to inform your wife and daughter.

And Peng Tong, the leader, also left the Chamber of Commerce. He also had to go home to explain his daughter and seduce her, oh, not to attract Xu Chen's attention...

Today is sunny, and the birthday ceremony is about to begin._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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