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Although it was just a simple birthday ceremony, or in layman's terms, a birthday party, it was particularly grand because it was the first time. The government posted a notice early, announcing that there would be no curfew today.

In other words, tonight, you can go out together, have a barbecue, have a banquet, etc., it is not a problem at all!

At this time, inside the imperial city, above the East Palace, Empress Changsun was also wearing a phoenix robe and a golden crown on her head. She smiled faintly at the noble ladies who came to congratulate her below, and there was a hint of majesty between her eyebrows.

The palace maids below received the gifts, singing loudly as they received them:

"Mrs. Bajun presented a pair of jade bracelets to wish the Queen a thousand years old!"

"Lady Nanjun presented a jade belt to congratulate Her Majesty the Queen!"

"The Princess of Suicheng County presents a pair of Ruyi, wishing the Queen all the best!"


The gifts given today were of a lower grade than those given yesterday, and they were all common things, which could no longer attract the attention of Empress Changsun. However

, such a ceremony still had to be carried out. It was also the first time for her to hold a birthday banquet as the empress, and she was naturally happy to have such a grand occasion.

Inside the walls of the East Palace, the imperial table set up on the vast open space was already full of people. There were not only noble ladies, but also some young men, but they were all young men under the age of sixteen, and they had to be at least the sons of an earl to be eligible to attend the empress's birthday.

Among them, the group of people including Changsun Chong and Yuchi Baolin naturally sat quietly among them, not daring to move rashly, while Xu Chen, Xiao Wu Qingquan and the other two sat early in the front among the group of princes, eating snacks casually.

""Royal brother, when will your charity auction start? I can't wait!"

Li Chengqian asked curiously while sitting next to Xiao Wu, eating cakes unscrupulously.

If he was alone, he would never dare to eat and drink so wantonly and mess up his appearance, otherwise if he was seen by his father or heard by his father, he would definitely scold him!

But now that Xu Chen is by his side, he has nothing to worry about. Anyway, if something goes wrong, his royal brother will protect him. In the past two days, he has finally liberated his nature, so much so that he always sticks to Xu Chen and refuses to leave.

After all, there is an atmosphere of freedom here with Xu Chen!

""Haha, what does it have to do with you, a little brat? Besides, even if they are anxious, it's Li Zhi and the others who are anxious. You are a boy, why are you joining in the fun!"

Xu Chen patted Li Chengqian's head and laughed without restraint, causing the surrounding princes and princesses to burst into laughter. Li Chengqian blushed and was extremely embarrassed.

After all, why should he join in the women's clothing show when he is so young and has no concubines? Curiosity is a child's nature after all!

""My brother is right. Li Zhi is indeed a little anxious! I also want to smell as good as my mother. You must leave me a bottle of perfume!"

Li Lizhi replied with a smile. Although she was scolded by Xu Chen yesterday, she did not bear grudges at all. Instead, she was a little afraid of Xu Chen, and her eyebrows were also filled with awe.

Little girls are like this. They are spoiled and arrogant, so they have some bad habits. Their nature has never been bad. At this time, as long as there is an elder who does not spoil her and has the right to speak, she can easily change her spoiled nature.

Xu Chen is the only person in the entire Tang Dynasty who can scold her at will! This naturally makes her feel a little more awed in her heart, and she dare not disobey her brother's wishes.

And Xu Chen wanted this effect. At this time, when he heard Li Lizhi's question, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled:

"Don't worry, everything is ready. Just wait for the Queen Mother to finish her Hadith. But I won't leave the perfume for you. The highest bidder wins. This is charity, not a favor. Do you understand? You didn't forget to bring money? If you didn't, I can lend it to you. You can just pay me back next time."

Don't say you are a little girl. Even if Li Shimin wants it, you have to buy it!

"Humph! My brother underestimated me. Lizhi already has enough money. It is more than enough to buy ten bottles of perfume!"

Li Lizhi snorted and said proudly.

Although she was just a little girl, she had always been favored by Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun. Even Li Yuan doted on her and often gave her some treasures, so that her bedroom was full of jewels and antiques. It was no exaggeration to say that she was the richest woman in the Tang Dynasty! Buying a few bottles of perfume was really a piece of cake.

"Wow, you are really rich, but you are still young, so don't use this perfume too much."

Xu Chen's eyes showed a strange color, and he became playful and made a face to threaten her.

"This is something that only adults can use. If children use it... they won't grow taller and will become ugly!"

Rose perfume and lavender perfume are both mature. Li Lizhi is only six or seven years old now, and she is still at the age of using sachets and sachets. It is naturally inappropriate to spray perfume directly. As expected, Li Lizhi trembled and turned pale after hearing this threat. She shook her head repeatedly and said:

"Then...then I don't need it. No need……"

Not growing tall and becoming ugly are two killers for girls. Xu Chen used this to intimidate her. He was really bad. Xiao Wu, who was standing by, covered her mouth to hold back her laughter and quietly bumped Xu Chen's waist with her arm.

Her brother Chen, why did he like to play tricks on people so much!

"Okay, Li Zhi, don't listen to your brother's nonsense. When you reach your sister's age, you can use perfume, but it's best to use a lighter one. Come, smell it.……"

Xiao Wu was very good at winning people's hearts. He pulled Li Lizhi into his arms affectionately and said with a smile.

Li Lizhi obeyed obediently and smelled it. As expected, she smelled a faint fragrance. Her eyes lit up and she shouted:

"Sister Xiaowu smells so good! Lizhi will also use your perfume in the future!"

"OK, OK, I'll give you a bottle next time.……"

As they chatted and ate cakes, time passed quickly. Finally, when the palace maid finished reporting all the gifts on the gift list, the palace was filled with joy.

Finally, the show began! _Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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