""Your Majesty!"

All four of them walked quickly to Li Shimin and bowed deeply.

In the Tang Dynasty, kneeling was not a custom. Bowing to the emperor was not a rule set by the Han people.

Therefore, the four of them just bowed deeply.

""No need to be polite, come and tell your father what trouble you have caused."

Li Shimin waved his hand and finally made the five young men who had been kneeling for a long time stand up. He said casually.

Some words have to be said in person to be effective.

"I, we……"

Cheng Chumo hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak, when Cheng Yaojin in front of him opened his bloody mouth and shouted angrily:

""Rebellious son! You have no right to speak, why don't you kneel down and confess your guilt!"

This roar frightened Cheng Chumo so much that he knelt on the ground with a plop, not daring to say a word.


The next second.

The three dukes said:"Rebellious son! Why don't you kneel down and confess your crime!"

In an instant, four of the five young masters who had just stood up knelt down again, leaving only Yuchi Baolin standing alone.

At this moment, he deeply realized how vulnerable he was without his father's protection!

He turned his gaze to Madam Hei, but the expression on Madam Hei's face was also extremely helpless, so she could only nod.

As a woman, she should not speak in such an occasion, and Yuchi Baolin had to be the first to speak.

"You guys are quite interesting."

Li Shimin glanced at the old guys with interest, then turned his gaze to Yuchi Baolin and said with a smile,

"In that case, let Baolin tell you."

His attitude towards Yuchi Baolin was a little different. After all, Yuchi Gong's life and death were uncertain because he had blocked the crucial arrow for him outside Xuanwu Gate. Now his heart was still aching because of the arrow wound.

If it had gone in an inch further, he would have died on the spot!

Therefore, he would naturally be more tolerant towards Yuchi Gong's son.

"Yes, today I am having a banquet with them at Mingyue Tower……"

As a child, Yuchi Baolin was quite honest. Facing the emperor's question, he naturally did not dare to speak nonsense and could only describe the general situation.

However, he also had a clever side. He deliberately passed over the rebellious words and emphasized on boasting about how miraculous Xu Chen's medical skills were and how he brought his father back to life. Everyone listened with great interest, and even Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

"Baolin, I didn't expect you to have such a talent for storytelling. You won't starve to death in the future." Fang Yiai muttered, and was immediately glared at by

Fang Xuanling. However, the four old guys also felt that what Yuchi Baolin said was quite legendary.

This boy was only fourteen or fifteen years old. Could it be that he really possessed peerless medical skills that even Sun Simiao was willing to bow down and become his disciple?

This is definitely a rare talent!

"Oh? He actually has such medical skills?"

Li Shimin was surprised. He thought this guy was just good at martial arts, but he didn't expect that he was also so good at medicine!

It seems that this guy is indeed a talent. It doesn't matter if he has a bad temper. He can slowly train him. If he can use him...

At this moment, he has been thinking about how to subdue this person.

""Dr. Sun, is what Baolin said true?"

Li Shimin looked at Sun Simiao and asked softly.

He was very convinced of Sun Simiao's character and medical skills, and no one present disrespected him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am impressed by Mr. Xu Chen's medical skills and volunteered to join the sect and become his junior fellow apprentice."

Sun Simiao stroked his beard and said seriously,

"It is my great fortune to meet my senior brother! Not to mention being his junior brother, I am willing to become his disciple. The secrets of surgery are fascinating.……"

As he spoke, Sun Simiao took a deep breath, as if he was really immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

After listening to Sun Simiao's words, Li Shimin and others couldn't help but become more interested in Xu Chen.

What kind of genius boy is this? They have seen countless people and have seen countless talented people, and even they themselves are talented people.

But people like Xu Chen who have opened up a new medical path are really rare in the world, which makes them a little curious and want to see what kind of person this kid is.

"Is his name Xu Chen?"

Li Shimin felt that this name was familiar, but he had no idea why.

"Your Majesty, according to what Baolin said, this young man named Xu Chen is a great sage of the time! Why not recruit him into the court and use him for the Tang Dynasty?"

Fang Xuanling bowed to Li Shimin and offered suggestions.

The others all nodded in agreement. The Tang Dynasty was built on ruins. This country urgently needs talents, and Xu Chen is obviously a rare talent!

"If that's all, I'd naturally be willing to recruit him to serve as an official in the court, and what's the harm in inviting him in person?"

Li Shimin squinted his eyes slightly, smiled coldly, and said,

"Baolin, you said it well, you are good at avoiding the important point! Why didn't you say the most crucial sentence? Are you afraid to say it?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Shimin's momentum was rising steadily. Every move he made showed the power of the emperor, which made everyone unable to raise their heads.

He said in a thunderous voice:

"If you don't dare to speak, I'll help you speak! The first thing Xu Chen said when he saw you was——"

"You are all descendants of the heroes of the Xuanwu Gate coup!"

"Hahaha, what a great descendant of the hero of the Xuanwu Gate coup, great, great!"

Li Shimin laughed and said three good words in a row, but the atmosphere in the courtyard dropped to freezing point in an instant!

After hearing this, Zhangsun Wuji and others were so scared that their souls were trembling. Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and the backs of the younger generations were soaked!

How could they not know that those few words would be a lifetime thorn in Li Shimin's side, and whoever said them would die! How could Xu Chen be so blind to say such treasonous words!

Now, he has brought all five of their families into the water. If Li Shimin is in a bad mood and thinks of this matter in the future, he will be the first to make fun of them!

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

The four dukes knelt on the ground together, not daring to breathe, and they were all complaining in their hearts.

Xu Chen, ah Xu Chen, you kid have made us suffer!

Before they even met, they already had complicated feelings towards Xu Chen, admiring him, but also complaining about him. A vivid image has already been established in their hearts.

Such a scarce talent, they must keep him, but after keeping him, they must beat him up, he can't control his mouth!

Asking for flowers and evaluation votes...

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