After a while, Li Shimin sighed, waved his hand and said:

"All right, everyone, get up. I am not a petty person. The Tang Dynasty has such a talent. Even if he offends me, as long as it is beneficial to the country and the people, it is fine."

He knew that the Xuanwu Gate Incident was an indelible stain in his life. Because of this, he wanted to make himself a wise monarch, a magnanimous and respectful emperor!

Only when his achievements increased and his reputation for virtue spread farther and longer, could that part of the stain look less conspicuous.

""Your Majesty is wise."

Several dukes and their juniors breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

Although they knew the result would be like this, when Li Shimin got angry, he was really amazing. The overwhelming power descended upon them, and they didn't even dare to move.

The power of the emperor was so terrifying!

"But, hum! This kid can run away, but he can't run away from the temple. Where does he live now? Does anyone know?"

Li Shiming snorted. Although he felt much better after the rant, he was still a little unhappy. He had to find this Xu Chen and hold him accountable in person!

""Your Majesty, Mr. Xu Chen just said that he lives in Qinglong Village outside Chang'an City. You can go to Qinglong Village to find him."

Mrs. He, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said.

Yuchi Baolin, Sun Simiao and others also nodded. Now that His Majesty is no longer angry, and Xu Chen is such a capable person, if he can serve as an official in the court, he will naturally be able to maximize his potential.

They all hope that Xu Chen can stay in Chang'an City. The younger generations think that he has leadership qualities and is willing to play with him, while the elders think that he has talents and can be reused.

As for Sun Simiao, he also hopes that Xu Chen can stay in Chang'an and study surgery with him.

"Your Majesty, why don't you draft an edict to forgive his sins, and I will summon him to serve as an official in the court, how about that?"

Changsun Wuji cupped his hands and made a suggestion.

Recruiting a capable person is also a good reputation. If Xu Chen has outstanding achievements in the future, he can also get a lot of benefits by recommending them!

Changsun Wuji is such a person who values practical interests.

"Forgive his sins? I am still angry!"

Li Shimin glanced at Zhangsun Wuji and snorted.

"I will go to Qinglong Village in person to discipline this kid and let him know that although I am not a tyrant, I am not someone who can be easily provoked!"

He suddenly turned around and waved his hand. The sedan chair outside was carried in. He sat in the sedan chair and yawned.

"I am tired today. I will go another day. My dear ministers, please go away!"

After that, the eunuch shouted"Get the sedan chair" in a shrill voice, and Li Shimin disappeared in the Duke of E's mansion.

After he finished his temper, he left, leaving only the four old guys looking at each other, and then looking at their sons.

""Rebellious son, look at the trouble you've caused. I'll teach you a lesson when I get home!"

The four boys were immediately grabbed by their father's ears. They bowed to Madam Hei with their teeth bared, and went back to their own homes.

The bustling Duke of E's Mansion suddenly became quiet.

"Madam, Master!"

Suddenly, a maid ran out from the side room and shouted,

"The master is awake, the master is awake, and he is yelling for water!"

When these words fell into the ears of Mrs. Hei and Yuchi Baolin, it was like a thunder exploding in their ears. Both of them were slightly stunned, and after a second, they ran into the wing room like crazy.



The two of them fell on the sickbed. Seeing Yuchi Gong with his eyes open, the emotions that they had been pent up for many days finally burst out, and they cried uncontrollably.

"No, don't cry……"

Yuchi Gong was still unable to move and was very weak. He moved his cracked lips for a moment before he spoke with difficulty.

"I was unconscious for how long? Who saved me? Here, give me some water. I'm thirsty.……"

After hearing this, Madam Hei did not dare to neglect it. She gave Yuchi Gong the warm water that she had prepared long ago. Then, she cooked him a bowl of vegetable and lean meat porridge according to Xu Chen's instructions. It took her more than half an hour to feed him rice and water. Yuchi Gong's face also recovered a little bit of spirit and a little bit of color under the effect of the food.

"Dad, thanks to Mr. Xu Chen and Dr. Sun……"

While peeling nuts, Yuchi Baolin recounted to Yuchi Gong what had just happened. When he heard Li Shimin's rage, Yuchi Gong's face turned pale again. He didn't feel relieved until he knew that Li Shimin had forgiven Xu Chen.

"I, Yuchi Gong, am a rough man and don't know much etiquette, but I must repay you for saving my life. Madam, Baolin, you did the right thing."

Yuchi Gong straightened up, leaned on the pillow reluctantly, and nodded.

"Your Majesty will go to Qinglong Village to look for Mr. Xu in a few days. I will go with you to thank Mr. Xu in person for saving my life!"

As a straightforward military commander, his temperament is actually very simple. Whoever treats him well, he is willing to repay with his death! He is like this to Li Shimin, and now Xu Chen and Sun Simiao have saved his life, so he should be treated like a cow or a horse!

"Dad, you are seriously injured now, you need to lie down and rest. It won't be too late to thank you when you recover!"

After hearing this, Yuchi Baolin became anxious and persuaded.

Yuchi Gong used to have a dark face, but now he is so pale. How can he go out when he is so weak? It is freezing cold now, and if he is blown by the cold wind and gets typhoid fever, it will be even more troublesome!

"Jingde, Baolin is right. I think……"

Madam He also wanted to persuade him, but Yuchi Gong waved his hand helplessly and said firmly:

"Going to thank the Lord is what I should do. As long as a person is sober, he should go.���What I injured was my hand, not my leg. Even if my leg was injured, I would crawl away. You don't need to say anything more!"

"This family is still ruled by me, Yuchi Gong!"

He was so stubborn that even ten cows couldn't pull him back! Yuchi Baolin and Mrs. He knew his temper clearly, and it was not easy to persuade him. They could only look at each other helplessly.

It seems that they can only give Yuchi Gong more nutrients in the shortest possible time. Yuchi Baolin took out the list written by Xu Chen in his arms and began to purchase ingredients all over the street...

At this time, Xu Chen, after leaving the Duke's Mansion, was still wandering aimlessly on the street. Unknowingly, he walked to the city gate.

Suddenly, he saw a Turkic merchant outside the city gate, leading a caravan and dozens of sheep, selling outside the city gate.

And those who bought sheep were the owners of those mutton shops in Chang'an City! They first selected the sheep, then shaved the wool and weighed it. The transaction process was extremely fast and skillful.

Seeing this, Xu Chen's eyes lit up.

Finally found a channel to buy wool!

Asking for flowers and evaluation votes

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