As dusk fell, Xu Chen was still outside the city gate, accompanying Gerusha to sell sheep. There were a total of 100 sheep, and only a few were left, which was considered a hot seller.

As they sold sheep, Xu Chen also learned a lot about the customs and practices of the Turkic people, and even some gossip about the Turkic leader, Jie Li Khan.

"Oh Xu Chen, my friend, today's business is almost done. I leave these three fat sheep for you. Come, lead them."

Grusa wiped his greasy hands, handed the rope in his hand to Xu Chen, and said with a chuckle,

"That pile of wool now belongs to you. It has nothing to do with me, Grusha. Look, there is a boss who rents carts over there. You can hire someone to transport it."

Looking at the pile of wool on the ground, Grusha felt that his business was worth it! Now if he goes back to Turkic, he will have no burden at all, saving a lot of manpower and material resources.

If someone like Xu Chen comes to patronize every time, he will be so happy.

"I will take care of it, you can just leave."

Xu Chen smiled, and his heart was filled with joy. The wool shaved from the hundreds of sheep was almost enough to give every man, woman, old and young in the village a sweater!

He would not care about other places for the time being, but Qinglong Village should be well taken care of.

""Oh Xu Chen, it's such a pleasure to cooperate with you. From now on, I will let you handle all my wool. According to the price just now, how about the deal of three fat sheep? I will stay here and won't go anywhere!"

Grusa rubbed his hands and looked at his empty car team. He felt very comfortable in his heart. When he looked at Xu Chen, his eyes were also filled with great hope.

If such a deal could last for a long time, it would be really great for him!

"In the future? You won't get such a good deal in the future!"

Xu Chen glanced at the cunning Turkic man and said with a smile,

"This is the first time I do business with you, so I lowered the price and gave you a half-price discount. Next time, if you have wool from another hundred sheep, it won’t be just three fat sheep. You have to give me at least six!"

"Of course, if the quantity is large, then I might give you a discount. Do you understand what I mean?"

Now Xu Chen is playing the role of a garbage disposer. In Grusa's eyes, this batch of wool is very laborious to deal with, and Xu Chen is willing to help him deal with it in Chang'an, so he will naturally be paid.

But Xu Chen's last sentence made Grusa's eyes light up, and his eyes turned, and he had a plan in his mind.

"I understand, I understand. Next time, I will give you more than a hundred heads of wool. Hehe, happy cooperation, see you next time!"

Grusa laughed maliciously, stretched out his greasy hand, and shook hands with Xu Chen, which roughly reached a cooperation agreement between the two parties.

With a shout, Grusa's convoy slowly left Chang'an City and headed towards the Turkic grassland. Xu Chen looked at the pile of wool on the ground and pondered for a moment.

"Boss, give me two people. How much does it cost to take these things to Qinglong Village in the suburbs?"

Xu Chen waved to the peddler who had been waiting eagerly and asked.

Of course, he didn't want to take this batch of wool back by himself. That was too tiring. Hiring two people to transport it back was the right solution.

Now that the Tang Dynasty was just beginning, the economy and productivity had not recovered. This year, it froze early and there was no harvest. The people's lives were even more difficult. Many people came to the city and planned to work as coolies for a while to make money.

But this coolie job is not so easy to find!

So, as soon as Xu Chen said this, a group of coolies came up and surrounded him to show off themselves:

"Master, look at me, my shoulders are so strong! Qinglong Village, right? Oh my god, I'm very cheap!"

"Sir, don't look at me as thin, I am all tendon meat! I will definitely provide you with the fastest speed and the cheapest price to provide you with thoughtful service!"

"Brother, I……"

This group of people boasted about themselves and showed off their muscles on the spot, which made Xu Chen feel a little bit amused.

""Boss, I don't have any cash. How about this? I'll give you a sheep, and you rent two people and sell me a cart. How about that?"

Xu Chen said to the peddler after a moment's hesitation.

He naturally had five hundred taels of cash on him, but he didn't plan to spend it. He couldn't eat all three sheep anyway, so he might as well give one in exchange for some labor.

From beginning to end, he didn't spend a penny, and earned two sheep and a lot of wool for free.

What is"making money out of nothing"? This is a textbook example of making money out of nothing!

"A sheep?"

The peddler glanced at the sheep behind Xu Chen, rubbed his hands, and nodded.

"You are indeed a fat sheep, but I can only add one car for you. After all, we are going to the suburbs. If something happens, I also need to consider the risk factor, right?"

"If you go to the city, then you can take two people with you, I'll be at ease!"

What he said made some sense. The world is now stable, but it is not completely stable. Going out of the city is risky, and he has to take this risk deposit into consideration.

"Can you only take one with you?"

Xu Chen nodded, agreeing with the boss's explanation, and then turned to the coolies behind him and asked

"I don't work, who can pull this batch of goods alone?"

After these words came out, all the coolies looked at the pile of wool on the ground, estimated it in their hearts, and shook their heads.

The wool of these one hundred sheep is really not light! Even two people are struggling to transport it. Qinglong Village is so far away, it is impossible for one person to pull it!

Seeing this, Xu Chen also felt unreliable in his heart. Even if it was him, it would take a lot of effort to pull the cart back by himself, not to mention these malnourished coolies.

Thinking of this, he had to put his hand into his arms, intending to add some money and hire another person, but at this moment, a dull voice came from the coolies:

"I can pull it."

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on that person. Xu Chen also stopped and looked over. His eyes lit up immediately!

This person was very young, and he definitely didn't look more than 16 years old! But he was seven feet tall and strong, and he could be called strong and powerful. The key was that his eyes were also bright and he didn't look like an ordinary person.

In the crowd, he was not too conspicuous. These coolies had worked for a long time, and everyone had muscles, but only he had the explosive power hidden under his muscles, which was particularly obvious!

The only shortcoming was that his expression was a little dull and introverted. No wonder he was not noticed just now. Such a person, if taken alone, was indeed extraordinary, but in the crowd, he was just an inconspicuous passerby.

"Oh? What's your name?"

Xu Chen came closer and took a closer look, nodded with satisfaction, and asked.

With this physical foundation, he is definitely a good material for being a soldier!

The young man scratched his head and said sullenly:

"Xue Rengui."

Please collect it! I'm going to apply for a recommendation today.

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