Hearing this name, Xu Chen was obviously stunned.

Xue Rengui? The famous Tang general Xue Rengui?!

This was a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty. There were countless legends about him, such as"Three Arrows to Conquer Tianshan Mountain""、"The heroic conquest of Liaodong"、""Take off the hat to repel thousands of enemies" has been praised by the people for a long time. Even in the 21st century, it is still very well-known!

According to historical records, he was indeed a fierce general of the time. He could eat a whole sheep in one meal. His appetite was terrifying, and he was also fierce in fighting!

When he was fighting against Goguryeo, as an ordinary soldier, he fought too fiercely and beheaded more than 20,000 people together with the vanguard troops. He was personally received by Li Shimin and directly promoted to guerrilla general!

It can be said that he was the most fierce general of the Mesozoic era of the Tang Dynasty in the post-Zhenguan era!

"System, check his combat power."

Xu Chen looked at the man in front of him, feeling a little unsure, and gave the order.

There are many people with the same name in the world, and only by checking the combat power can he be sure whether this is the real Xue Rengui.

"Scanning, please wait.……"

"Scan completed! This person's single combat value is as high as 800, and the potential for development is 800. According to predictions, with full armament and scientific training, the combat power can exceed 2000!"

This announcement from the system made Xu Chen decisively determine the identity of the honest boy in front of him! He was not equipped with any weapons, but his single combat power alone was 800. How amazing is this? If his potential is fully utilized, his combat power will be 100 points higher than that of Yuchi Gong?

If he is taught personally, wouldn't he be able to become the person with the strongest personal combat power in the Tang Dynasty and even the whole world, except for himself?! At this moment, his heart has begun to stir, and he has the intention to train Xue Rengui.

"Your name is Xue Rengui? Where are you from? Why did you come to Chang'an to do hard labor?"

Xu Chen calmed down a little and asked.

According to records, Xue Rengui should be from Hedong Road (Shanxi), so why did he come to Chang'an?

"This year the harvest was not good, and I have a big appetite, so my mother told me to stop farming and let me come to Chang'an to make a living for two years."

Xue Rengui was obviously a little timid in front of Xu Chen, and answered truthfully.

After hearing this, Xu Chen finally understood that Xue Rengui's appetite was big, which was recorded in history books. Ordinary families really couldn't afford such a big family.

Although Xue Rengui's ancestors were also nobles, they had already fallen into decline by his generation. The few acres of land were not enough for him to eat. It was normal for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old to come to the imperial capital Chang'an to make a living.

After talking for a few more sentences, Xu Chen had a preliminary understanding of Xue Rengui. He knew that he had no place to stay now, but was temporarily living in the home of a peddler. The reward was to do hard labor for free once a day. His life was very tight, and he basically didn't have enough to eat every day.

""Okay, it's him!"

After greeting the peddler, Xu Chen gave him a fat sheep and then directed Xue Rengui to carry the wool. This pile filled up a whole cart!

The weight was definitely not light, but Xue Rengui pulled the cart, and just by slightly bulging his temples and lifting his muscles, he made the cart move. Judging from his appearance, he had not yet used all his strength!

"This kid is really born with supernatural powers. It's a pity for him to do hard labor."

"Who says it’s not true? If you join the army, you will definitely be a good one!"

"Join the army? There is no war now. Being a soldier is just farming. There is no future for it!"

Everyone was talking as they watched Xu Chen and Xue Rengui pulling the wool farther and farther away.

Now that people's minds are settled and the national strength has not yet developed, Li Shimin sympathizes with the people and will naturally not take the initiative to start a war.

In other words, the era of Xue Rengui is far from coming.

Of course, Li Shimin, who was devoted to developing the economy, did not expect that even though he did not want to fight, someone would want to trouble him.

Far away in the Turkic king's tent, a pair of eyes had already been staring at him...

It was getting late, and Xu Chen and Xue Rengui chatted all the way.

Finally, before dark, they pulled the cart back to Qinglong Village.

The infrastructure of the Tang Dynasty was very poor. Even the official road was full of potholes. Even though Xue Rengui was as angry as an ox, when he arrived at Qinglong Village, his face was flushed and he was out of breath.

He helped Xu Chen put the wool in a cool and dry place. After asking for a bowl of water, he turned around and left.

"Hey, Rengui, where are you going now?"

After chatting with Xue Rengui for a long time, Xu Chen also had a good impression of this honest young man.

He only looked at the character of a person, and after talking with him all the way, he felt that Xue Rengui had a very good character, and the good qualities of the Tang people were all reflected in him.

Therefore, Xu Chen also decided to give him a chance.

"Mr. Xu, I haven't eaten yet."

Xue Rengui turned around and said awkwardly,

"I have to run back to the boss quickly, the food must be gone. If I go any later, I'm afraid there won't be any food left for me.……"

After delivering this batch of goods to Xu Chen, it was already past mealtime. In the past, I could at least eat half full, but if I got home late today, I would have to go hungry!

That was not a pleasant feeling.

"Haha, look how anxious you are, look at your bear-like appearance."

Hearing this, Xu Chen couldn't help but laugh, and threw the two fat sheep in his hands to Xue Rengui, and ordered,

"I like you, kid. Go, kill these two sheep, one for roasted whole lamb, the other for shabu-shabu lamb. Brother Xu will give you a full meal today!"

Although Xu Chen looks two years younger than Xue Rengui, Xu Chen treats him as his younger brother and naturally won't treat him badly.

He also wants to train Xue Rengui out of the mountain as soon as possible, so that he can experience the joy of training a fierce general!

""Ah, really?"

Xue Rengui was slightly stunned, and the next second, his eyes showed ecstasy.

Since his father passed away, he has never had a full meal. Eating a full meal has always been his wish since he was a child.

Don't look at this wish as small, this is Xue Rengui, a guy who can eat a fat sheep in one meal! If you are not a noble, who can afford such a high cost of food?

"Why would I lie to you? Hurry up and go!"

Xu Chen scolded with a smile, and turned to deal with the pile of wool.

Xue Rengui smiled brightly when he heard this, and hurriedly shaved and bled the two sheep, set up a simple barbecue grill, and took a big pot to boil water.

Xu Chen also took out some spices that he cultivated when he was bored, sprinkled them on the sheep, and the fragrance immediately filled the air.

A roasted whole sheep and a shabu-shabu mutton, even modern people don't have such a luxurious way of eating!

Please give me flowers and votes, and I must get the 1,000 votes. If I can't get it, the author will be autistic on the rooftop...

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