"Okay, if I have a chance, I will talk to my uncle."

Xu Chen sighed for a long time, and had to agree.

He didn't want to see the clever and cute Xiao Wu go down the dark road. The road to becoming an empress was too difficult and dark. It was better for her to hide under his protection and be a happy young lady for the rest of her life.

"Brother Chen, do you agree?"

Xiao Wu was crying the last second, but when she saw Xu Chen nod, she immediately burst into laughter, snuggled into his arms, and said softly,

"I know that Brother Chen also likes Xiao Wu!"

If she didn't know this, with Xiao Wu's pride, she would never cling to him like this even if she liked him.

However, at the age of just over ten, she is already so smart and intelligent, like a little monster, no wonder she can become a generation of empress.

"What if your father disagrees?"

Xu Chen held Xiao Wu in his arms. He didn't have any other thoughts at this moment. He just held her quietly and smiled.

"I am now an orphan without a father or mother, and I have no family property. I am a barefoot man. With your father's eyes, I am afraid that he will not look down on me, right?"

Even the most impoverished nobles will not look down on the sons of commoners. But the current Wu Shigui is not an impoverished noble. He is still alive and is a founding hero of the Li Tang Dynasty!

If I marry my daughter to such a farmer, without even a relative, I am afraid she will become a joke in the entire aristocratic circle!

"No, my father is not from an aristocratic family. In fact, he is a low-ranking businessman among the four classes of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans! He only looks at people's talents and abilities. As long as Brother Chen shows half of your talents, he will definitely impress my father!"

Xiao Wu didn't seem to be worried at all. He wiped his tears, his eyes turned into crescents, and he explained with a smile,

"Besides, my father and Uncle Li were amazed by your design of the wool processing machine, and they both praised you as a great talent of the time!"

What Xu Chen did not expect was that in Xiao Wu's words, the opportunist Wu Shigui was still a relatively open-minded parent.

But if you think about it carefully, marrying the youngest son of a duke may give you certain political capital, but it will definitely not last long.

But if you find a talented person, that is not necessarily the case.

The current emperor is promoting the imperial examination and gathering talents from all over the country.

The land of China is undergoing changes.

The aristocracy has slowly declined, and what will replace him is a new bureaucratic group.

In this way, if the children of the aristocracy have no talents, they can only live off their wealth and gradually wither away, while talented people, even if they are just ordinary people, may rise to prominence and hold great power!

After all, he is a businessman, and his sense of smell is still keen. Wu Shigui should be aware of the environment he is in, so he did such an open-minded thing.

"That would be great. If he makes things difficult for me, I will be unhappy."

Xu Chen drank a bowl of porridge and said jokingly.

"No way!"

Xiao Wu waved his fist, played with Xu Chen for a while, and whispered for a while. At this time, Xue Rengui had already drunk the remaining bucket of porridge, said goodbye to Xu Chen and went to Chang'an City. He also had to say hello to the peddler and bring his bag back.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon. The two hugged each other for a long time until someone suddenly pushed the door in.

"That's right, Xiao Wu, the one you're talking about……"

The skinny warrior walked in and was stunned when he saw the scene. He paused for a second.

Behind him, a Taoist priest in green also walked in. When he saw Xiao Wu and Xu Chen, he smiled playfully.

""Oh, Dad, why didn't you say hello to me when you came? Really!"

Xiao Wu blushed, and quickly stood up from Xu Chen's arms, ran to Wu Shigui's side and acted like a spoiled child to cover up his embarrassment.

At this time, Xu Chen was also a little at a loss, not knowing what to say.

Being intimate with his girlfriend and being bumped into by her father, is there anything more embarrassing than this?


Seeing this, Wu Shigui could only touch Xiao Wu's head helplessly and pretend he didn't see it. It can be seen that the relationship between father and daughter is still good. Just like what is recorded in the history books, before Wu Shigui's death, Xiao Wu's treatment should not be too bad.

"He is the brother Chen I told you about. He invented the wool processing machine!"

Xiao Wu quickly changed the topic to the main business, pointing at Xu Chen and introducing him.

At this moment, Wu Shigui and the Taoist priest in green finally focused their attention on Xu Chen. When they saw him, they were shocked just like Yuchi Baolin and the others.

"This... How come this boy looks a bit like Your Majesty?"

Wu Shigui glanced at the Taoist priest in green and muttered to himself

"Well, there is indeed some resemblance between their eyebrows, but... it should be just a coincidence, right?"

The Taoist priest in green nodded and said.

Wu Shigui agreed with the Taoist priest in green and thought it was just a coincidence. However, coincidence is coincidence. This first impression really surprised them, and they couldn't help but look up to Xu Chen, a country boy.‘’

Looking like Li Shimin is also an advantage!

"Are you Xu Chen?"

Wu Shigui looked at Xu Chen again and felt that he was extraordinary, so he asked.

Such a temperament is probably not something that ordinary people can possess, right?

""Hello, uncle. Hello, Taoist priest. I am Xu Chen."

Facing Wu Shigui and the Taoist priest in green, Xu Chen bowed and saluted with a proper manner.

He had learned a lot about Wu Shigui from Xiao Wu, but he was curious about this Taoist priest.

Could this be the skilled craftsman who could make a wool processing machine? He didn't look like him based on his attire!

""Ha, he is indeed a handsome man!"

Wu Shigui praised him, then took out a roll of paper from his arms, spread it out flat, pointed at the Taoist priest beside him, and introduced him,

"This is the Taoist priest Li Chunfeng from the Bureau of History! He was amazed when he saw your wool processing machine. He spent the whole night studying it. Look, these are the marks he made."

Looking around, the wool processing machine design on the paper was indeed marked with dense words and numbers. On the side, there were also some ideas about making this machine.

However, Xu Chen did not look at the design seriously. Instead, he stared at Li Chunfeng's face with a sharp gaze.

Li Chunfeng! Li Chunfeng, the most powerful mathematician, Yi scholar and astronomer in the Tang Dynasty!

They actually invited this big guy?!

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