According to legend, Li Chunfeng knows astronomy and geography, and created the"Tui Bei Tu", which predicts the rise and fall of China for thousands of years!

He and Yuan Tiangang are both masters of Yixue, but Yuan Tiangang is more famous because of"Journey to the West", but in terms of professional ability, Li Chunfeng should be slightly better. Not only that, Li Chunfeng is also the most powerful scientist in the Tang Dynasty. He reorganized the"Ten Mathematical Classics" and updated the astronomical calendar. He was also the first person to classify the wind!

In a word, this guy is awesome!

"You are Li Chunfeng?! Please take a seat, I will make tea for you!"

Xu Chen recovered and said excitedly.

To be honest, although he has the system, his hands-on ability is not strong, so he can only talk. Although those ideas are very real, they also need people with execution to operate, otherwise it is just fantasy.

And the Li Chunfeng in front of him should be one of the few people in the entire Tang Dynasty who can understand his ideas and put them into action!

How can he not be excited? He got the help of the first scientist of the Tang Dynasty for no reason. This feeling is like pie in the sky, comfortable!

"Yes... I am Li Chunfeng, do you recognize me, brother?"

Li Chunfeng nodded, a little surprised.

He is still very young and has just been an official in the court for a short time. He is only a minor official and is unknown in the court. No one knows his talent.

Only Wu Shigui appreciates him. Why does this guy look like he has seen some great sage?

"Haha, how could I not recognize you? Come on, come on, please have some tea."

Xu Chen took out the Longjing tea that he had treasured for a long time, and used the tea art techniques of later generations to brew a pot of the best tea for the two of them. In an instant, the fragrance filled the air.

Wu Shigui and Li Chunfeng sniffed, their eyes lit up, and they blew on it twice and drank it.

"Good tea! It tastes slightly bitter at first, but if you savor it carefully, you will find that it fills your mouth with a refreshing feeling, which makes me feel refreshed!"

Li Chunfeng praised it without caring about the heat.

""Xu Xiaoge, how do you make this? Can you teach me?"

He had never heard of or seen the taste of this tea before. After drinking it, he felt like a cat scratching his heart. He just wanted to know how to make it this way.

"It is indeed a good tea!"

Wu Shigui drank three mouthfuls in a row, then he praised it with two clicks of his tongue.

"Compared to this tea, the oil tea we drink is just for feeding livestock! My dear nephew, what kind of tea did you use? Why is it so fragrant?"

Just because of a cup of tea, Wu Shigui felt that Xu Chen was different, and his address immediately became the friendly"my dear nephew", which meant that he already had a good impression of Xu Chen!

Seeing this, Xiao Wu couldn't help but laugh secretly, feeling very happy.

As expected of her brother Chen, he performed really well!

"Haha, uncle, you are too kind. This tea is just a little thing I made in my spare time. If you like it, I will give you a pound each before you leave."

Xu Chen laughed and took out a tea bag from the cabinet. As if he had prepared it in advance, he placed one in front of each of them and said with a smile,

"You only need about ten pieces at a time and soak them in boiled water. Mountain spring water is better, and snow water is the best."

In the Tang Dynasty, the air was not polluted at all, and the snow was naturally very clean, which was the best water for making tea.

"OK! Good nephew, your uncle will not be shy with you, I will accept it first, haha……"

Wu Shigui carefully put the tea bag into his arms, and immediately laughed heartily, feeling very happy.

Originally, he came here to give Xu Chen a warning, and then carefully questioned and examined this boy's ability and character, to see what kind of farmer could win the heart of his precious daughter.

But now, he had thrown all the things about being soft-hearted and being grateful to others and establishing his authority out of his mind! The more he looked at Xu Chen, the more he liked him, and his favorable impression of him increased greatly.

"No reward without merit, since Brother Xu gave me precious tea, I, Li Chunfeng, naturally have to contribute."

Li Chunfeng smiled faintly, took the design drawing and praised,

"I have to say, my dear, your design is perfect, perfect without any flaws. I was ashamed to say that I spent the whole night thinking about it yesterday and only added some manufacturing ideas and the required materials."

"I looked around and found that some materials are hard to get in the Tang Dynasty. Even if they are available, they are very expensive. I think there may be some cheap materials that can be used as substitutes. Let's see.……"

The next moment, Li Chunfeng began to express his views in a torrent of words, including which parts should be made first, which materials need to be replaced, and the cost of the entire wool processing machine.

He even took into account the washing and drying required for wool processing, and multiple processing to remove impurities!

An hour later, Li Chunfeng finally finished his speech, and he talked about the entire wool process from washing and drying to processing and removing impurities, and finally making sweaters. The arrangement was very clear!

However, Xu Chen and others were already drowsy at this time, especially Xiao Wu, who had already gone to sleep on Xu Chen's couch.

There was no way, these specific processing procedures were too boring, no one liked to listen to them, even Xu Chen had no interest in it, so Li Chunfeng could only perform a one-man show by himself.

"Well, all my ideas have been completed. Brother Xu, do you have anything to add?"

Li Chunfeng didn't care about their status. Anyway, he had already said hi. He looked at Xu Chen with bright eyes, expecting his approval.

For him, the process design of wool processing was just a game, and he had a lot of fun!

"System, determine whether what Li Chunfeng said is reliable."

Xu Chen was too lazy to think too much, it was best to leave this matter to the system to determine.

"The system has recorded the entire process and is processing the information. Please wait.……"

"Information processing completed! Li Chunfeng's idea is practical, with a score of 95. The replacement of some materials given by the system is reasonable and in line with the current national strength of Datang. The quality can also reach more than 90%. This system approves it and can be mass-produced!"

"At the same time, there are three points that need to be paid attention to in the process. First……"

Xu Chen listened patiently and admired Li Chunfeng even more.

Even the omnipotent system gave Li Chunfeng a high degree of affirmation and evaluation. This first scientist of Datang really lived up to his reputation!

Perhaps, the seeds of Datang industry will sprout in his hands!

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