"Master Li, your idea is very practical. I think it can be implemented immediately. However, you also need to pay attention to three points during the implementation process.……"

Xu Chen said seriously, repeating the system's words without thinking, but Li Chunfeng was fascinated by it.

"Yes, yes! Brother Xu, you are really talented. You even took these factors into consideration!"

Li Chunfeng slammed the table, rubbed his hands excitedly, and said earnestly,

"I will sort it out again tonight and start working overnight. It is not difficult to make this wool processing machine, but the difficult part is the adjustment after it is made. If everything goes well, a prototype can be made in two days!"

There are still many skilled craftsmen in the Tang Dynasty, and Li Chunfeng is the chief engineer to control it. Two days can be said to be a conservative number.

The Tang Dynasty or the ancient times did not attach much importance to industry, and regarded it as a strange and ingenious skill. Among the scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, craftsmen can only rank third. Therefore, as an official of the court, it is too easy to gather a group of cheap and easy-to-use craftsmen.

‘That's great. I have five hundred taels of silver here, which will be used as your expenses, Taoist Li.

Xu Chen took out the silver note he got from selling grain, handed it to Li Chunfeng, and sighed.

"It froze early this year, so we have to build this wool processing machine as soon as possible. We must make it before winter comes, so that everyone in the village can wear sweaters. If everything goes well, we will also mass-produce it so that the people of the whole Tang Dynasty can have a good New Year!"

His idea was very clear. Qinglong Village was his scientific research base. If there were good things, he would let the villagers use them first, and then slowly promote and spread them to Chang'an, and even the whole Tang Dynasty!

""Okay, okay! Brother Xu, you have such great ambitions. I admire you very much. I am fortunate to be involved in such a great cause. I, Li Chunfeng, have no regrets in my life! You can take this money back. Although I am not a high-ranking official, I still have some money in my hand. You don't have to spend it."

Li Chunfeng stood up, bowed deeply to Xu Chen respectfully, and said excitedly,

"I am here to thank Brother Xu Chen for his kindness on behalf of all the people in the world!"

He knew clearly in his heart that he was participating in a great thing that would benefit the country and the people and benefit millions of people, and the source of this good thing was the young boy in front of him!

What's the big deal about paying a little money? Even if it means losing everything, what's the harm! If this matter is done well, then he and Xu Chen will be the great people who will be remembered by history forever!

"Haha, Taoist priest, you don't have to be so polite. It's my luck to meet a great scientist like you!"

Xu Chen smiled brightly, shook hands with Li Chunfeng, and said solemnly,

"Brother Li, I'll leave this matter to you!"

""Okay, dear brother, leave it to me!"

With the change of address, the distance between the two of them suddenly narrowed a lot. Li Chunfeng also called Xu Chen a brother. It was just a matter of burning yellow paper and killing a chicken to become sworn brothers!

Wu Shigui:"……???"

What's going on? We haven't even said a few words yet, why are you already calling each other brothers?

""Okay, brother, there's no time to lose. I'll go back now to sort out my thoughts, gather people, and start work tonight."

Li Chunfeng patted Xu Chen's shoulder and bowed goodbye.

"In two days, I will definitely bring the finished product to see you!"

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry, as if he was really anxious. When he reached the door, he seemed to remember something, turned around, leaned over to Wu Shigui's ear, and whispered:

"This boy will have unlimited achievements in the future, you must seize the opportunity!"

Then, he stood up and smiled at Xu Chen, bowed again, and left Qinglong Village.


What the hell is going on! I have never seen Li Chunfeng lose his temper and talk nonsense like this.

At this time, Xiao Wu was rubbing his sleepy eyes and walked out of the inner room. The three of them looked at each other, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

""Ahem...Girl, why don't you come over?"

Wu Shigui coughed twice and said in a dignified manner.

Xiao Wu nodded, glanced at Xu Chen, winked, and then obediently walked to Wu Shigui's side and sat down.

"That, uncle……"

Xu Chen scratched his head, and after a long while, he couldn't come up with anything nice to say, so he could only say stupidly,

"Xiaowu and I……"

There was nothing he could do. Having lived two lives, Xu Chen had never experienced what it was like to get married, so naturally he didn't know how to get along with his future father-in-law.

He was feeling a little nervous, just like a son-in-law who was visiting his father-in-law for the first time, at a loss.

""I already know what happened between you two, but I can only tell you that I don't agree now!"

Wu Shigui glanced at the tea bag on the table and immediately shifted his gaze. His eyes were extremely sharp and he said firmly."

You want to bribe me with a bag of tea and let me marry my daughter to you? Do you think I'm a fool?

Humph, don't even think about it!"

"Dad! Brother Chen and I……"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu immediately became anxious, grabbed Wu Shigui's arm and shook it hard, biting his lip and trying to persuade him, but was stopped by Wu Shigui.

"You don't have to say anything more! Although I am not a great warrior, I am still a duke! How can a duke marry his daughter so carelessly? Not only should you consider your happiness, but you should also consider the impact of this matter, understand?"

Wu Shigui's eyes were burning as he spoke to Xiao Wu, but his eyes were fixed on Xu Chen, and he said,

"If those nobles knew that my daughter, Wu Shigui, actually married a country farmer without even parents-in-law, wouldn't they be laughed at? Our Wu family can't afford to lose face, and no one can afford to lose face!"

His words were resounding, and they were well-reasoned and irrefutable. Even Xiao Wu, who was usually the smartest and most alert, was stuck and couldn't say a word. He could only bow his head and sob.

It's useless to be unreasonable. The fact is indeed as Wu Shigui said. No matter when, the Chinese people pay attention to matching. With Xu Chen's current status and position, if he marries his daughter to him, it would be a disgrace to his grandmother's house!

By then, how many people will secretly laugh at their Wu family?

In this world In the world, you can't do anything as you please, especially in marriage. Personal preference is secondary. The most important thing is the pressure of fishing reels and social influence!

Generally, no one can withstand this pressure. Wu Shigui said this, which is understandable.

In this regard, Xu Chen could only remain silent. His expression was neither good nor bad. On the contrary, he was a little indifferent. He didn't show the frustration or anger he imagined. This made Wu Shigui a little curious.

What is this kid thinking at this moment?

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, I will take Xiao Wu away."

Wu Shigui deliberately stood up and said, holding Xiao Wu's hand and was about to walk out.

Boy, I wonder how long you can keep silent!

Please give me flowers and votes, it's too miserable...

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