However, before Xu Chen could speak, Xiao Wu at the side spoke.

"Dad, if I can't marry Brother Chen, I'll just die. Life is only a few decades long. If I can't live happily, what's the difference between me and a walking corpse?"

Xiao Wu looked like he had no desire to live, and his voice was also sad and heartbroken, as if he really didn't care about life and death and didn't want to live anymore.

"You! Girl, what are you doing!"

Wu Shigui was anxious and angry, holding Xiao Wu's hand and trying to persuade her.

He wanted to take Xu Chen down, but he didn't expect that his backyard would catch fire first!

It's true that a girl can't be kept when she grows up. Xiao Wu is only eleven or twelve years old now, but she already knows how to bend her elbow. If she is two years older, won't she even give up her father for her husband?

Thinking of this, Wu Shigui was helpless.

""Dad, I understand. Xiao Wu won't make it difficult for you."

Xiao Wu wiped the tears from her face and said, she pulled Wu Shigui's hand and walked out without looking back.

At this moment, Wu Shigui was completely panicked. He quickly pulled his daughter back into the house, looked at Xu Chen, then looked at Xiao Wu, then looked at Xu Chen again, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet.……

""Okay! I just said I don't agree now, but I didn't say I will never agree. Why are you trying to kill yourself?"

Wu Shigui looked unhappy and drank the tea on the table. He calmed down a little and looked at Xu Chen with a cold snort.

"I, Wu Shigui, don't want to be a bad guy. I won't do anything to break up a couple in love! But you should also think carefully about yourself and see how much you are capable of!"

"Even if I take a step back, I don't want my daughter to be a village woman and live a hard life with you. Now His Majesty is recruiting talents. If you are really talented, you can respond to the call and show your talents. You will naturally be able to become an official. Even if you can only become a seventh-rank county magistrate in the end, I will accept it. The wife of a county magistrate is always better than a country woman. Do you understand?"

His meaning was very clear. He had made a concession. As long as Xu Chen could become an official, even a county magistrate, as long as it would save his face and Xiao Wu could live a good life, he would not stop him.

Such a request could not be any lower. It was already the bottom line that the aristocratic Wu Shigui could accept.

However, for ordinary country folk, the county magistrate was also a big master, a piece of blue sky, and an existence that was looked up to.

If an ordinary person wanted to become a county magistrate, he would have to pass the imperial examination and become a scholar, a juren, and finally a jinshi before he could be sure of becoming a county magistrate!

This probability was much lower and more difficult than the doctoral students who went from rural primary schools to Peking University and Tsinghua University in the 21st century! However

, Xu Chen just smiled at this. Speak.

Maybe for others, becoming a county magistrate is also difficult, but for him, being a marquis and becoming a prime minister is also easy! If he didn't dislike the atmosphere in the officialdom and aristocratic circles, he could have become an extremely dazzling Marquis of the State on the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident, and he could have recognized Li Shimin, and he could even have become the Crown Prince!

However, after contacting Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and others, he found that the atmosphere in the early Tang Dynasty was not bad, and the aristocratic circle might not be as corrupt as he imagined.

Besides, in order to seek benefits for the people, you have to enter the decision-making level of the Tang Dynasty!

Thinking of this, Xu Chen's heart was actually a little loose, but he was not in a hurry.

He would not deliberately pursue it, and it might be better to let everything come naturally.……

"What, you don't want to talk anymore? Don't you want to talk, or don't you dare to talk?"

Wu Shigui looked at Xu Chen who was still silent, frowned, and shouted,

"Don't you even have this little bit of confidence?! How can you talk about marrying my daughter? Xiao Wu, let's go. This man has no ambition and is not worthy of my Wu family's daughter!"

He has relaxed so many requirements. Even if you can't meet them, you should at least express your confidence and determination, right? You don't even have a statement. What else can you do but feel guilty?

Xu Chen's silence made Wu Shigui a little angry. This time he didn't hesitate anymore. He took Xiao Wu's hand and walked out without looking back!

Now, even if Xiao Wu had the acting skills of an Oscar-winning actress, he couldn't do anything.


Xu Chen called out, looking at Wu Shigui's back and stopped him.

""Do you have anything else to say? Hurry up and finish!"

Wu Shigui turned around and seemed a little impatient, urging.

However, his eyes were on the bag of tea on the table.

In fact, he was reluctant to part with the bag of tea. What a good tea!……

"Thank you for your tolerance, uncle, but I think I should still be strict with myself."

Looking at Xiao Wu's red eyes, Xu Chen was touched and said,

"I, Xu Chen, will say this today. The day I am conferred the title of marquis and appointed as prime minister is the day to propose marriage to my uncle!"

Let's set a small goal first, for example, become a marquis first!

His words were earth-shattering, shocking Xiao Wu and Wu Shigui.

In the entire Tang Dynasty, how many marquises are there? How many prime ministers? They are either old men with outstanding military exploits or old men who are good at governing the country.

Anyway, at this level, there is no one who does not call himself an old man. Even if you are really conferred the title of marquis and appointed as prime minister, by this time, it is probably too late.

Wu Shigui's face darkened slightly, but he did not want to dampen Xu Chen's fighting spirit, so he had to say:

"Xu Chen, don't be too ambitious. It's too early to talk about these things now. You just need to meet my requirements and then improve a little bit on this basis. If there is a chance, I will help you."

As a founding hero, he still has some influence in the court. As long as Xu Chen has fame and foundation, he is sure to promote him.

The only thing to worry about is that he can't even get a county magistrate. He doesn't even have the foundation for promotion. What's the point of talking about it!

"Brother Chen, I will also give you advice, and you will definitely be a good official in the future!"

Xiao Wu wiped the tears from his face, showed a happy smile, and said confidently.

With her political talent, it is easy for her to help Xu Chen become an official. Even if Xu Chen eats, drinks, defecates, and has children every day, as long as she is there, the government affairs will definitely be done beautifully.

With such a wife, it can be said that you can get promoted even if you lie down!

"Well, you will also be a good wife of the county magistrate."

Xu Chen smiled and said jokingly.

The two of them were teasing, and Wu Shigui couldn't hold his face. The father is standing here, you two are too presumptuous, right?

He snorted coldly, and finally put the tea bag on the table that belonged to him into his arms, and then warned:

""Xiao Wu, remember to go home early for dinner. Dad is leaving first."

After saying that, he left in a hurry without even taking his daughter with him.

This tea is a good thing. He has to show off to his friends!

I wonder why no one voted for this flower evaluation ticket, huh?

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