On this day, Li Shimin was sitting in the bedroom of Empress Changsun in the imperial harem.

As an emperor, it is exaggerated to say that he had 3,000 beauties in the harem, but he only drank from one of these 3,000 beauties, and that one was Empress Changsun.

Li Shimin also said in person that for other women, it was all desire that was at work, and only for Empress Changsun, he truly loved her. If he were not an emperor, he would have to practice monogamy in ancient times!

"Guanyin maid, these are lychees sent from Lingnan, try them."

Li Er was in a good mood today, eating fruits and snacks while talking to Empress Changsun.

Now that the overall situation has been settled and the government affairs have been handled, she finally had a break from her busy schedule.

Empress Changsun nodded, peeled a lychee, put it in her mouth, tasted it, and nodded:

"I heard that the lychees go bad after three days, but they are still so fresh after being sent from Lingnan. I'm afraid they must have been rushed by 800 miles? Next time, please don't waste manpower and material resources to do this. This is the national strength of our Tang Dynasty."

Empress Changsun was not like Yang Guifei. As a virtuous queen, she also cared about the country and often ordered porridge and clothes to be given to poor people. She herself was also very frugal and never wasted money.

"Haha, Wei Zheng has finished talking, and you are talking again. My ears never stop talking!"

Li Shimin laughed, but he was not annoyed, and joked,

"I am so happy, Guanyin, I have good news, do you want to hear it?"

Only with Empress Changsun could he talk to her like an ordinary couple, without any barriers, and could speak freely without having to maintain the dignity of an emperor.

"If your majesty wants to talk, just talk. Why keep us in suspense?"

Empress Changsun rolled her eyes at Li Shimin, picked up the porcelain bowl in her hand, and took a sip of the Tremella soup.

"The queen is so boring. Well, I'll tell you. Hold the bowl tightly and don't get scared.

Li Shimin stroked his beard, laughed heartily a few times, and then said,

"Just now, the Hundred Cavalry Division sent a message saying that they have found some clues about Dalang and are investigating! This thread seems to be connected. Our Dalang may still be alive in this world!"

Dalang, that is, their eldest son, that is... Xu Chen!

Xu Chen would never have thought that Li Shimin's intelligence system would be so powerful that he could find clues about things that happened more than ten years ago.


Upon hearing this, Empress Changsun was slightly stunned and the porcelain bowl in her hand fell to the ground, scaring the surrounding eunuchs and palace maids to kneel on the ground to pick up the broken bowl.

"Your Majesty, is what you said... true? Our Dalang... is still alive?"

Empress Changsun's eyes were red, and she looked at Li Shimin with great expectation.

Ten years have passed. Could her first child really still be alive?

For many nights, she dreamed of that four or five-year-old child crying for his mother in the crowd. Every time she went up to hug him, she would wake up.

It was just a dream, which was the most disappointing thing. But today, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope?

"Well, according to the news from the Hundred Cavalry Division, the child got lost in Taiyuan and seemed to have mixed in with the refugees, going all the way from Pingyang to Weinan, and then seemed to have entered Chang'an. But after getting here, the clues were cut off, and we need to speed up the investigation."

Li Shimin pondered for a while and gave a positive answer.

"I guess my son should still be alive, because after arriving in Chang'an, he had already passed the war-torn area and arrived in Chang'an, which was relatively stable. He should have settled down near Chang'an, perhaps in a village under an assumed name!"

Li Shimin became more and more excited as he spoke. At first, he was not sure, but the more he reasoned, the more he felt that his son was still alive!

In his heart, he actually hoped earnestly that his son was really still alive!

"Your Majesty, you must find him, find our child, woo woo woo……"

Empress Changsun fell on the chair, crying her eyes out. As a mother, she was too sad to control herself.

Li Shimin could only persuade them kindly, and he was also very sad. They were new parents back then, and they were not careful enough in treating their children, so they both blamed themselves for their son's loss.

If they could really find the child, they would definitely compensate him. If he had good character and was more studious, it would be a sure thing for him to be made the crown prince!

After a long time, Empress Changsun gradually stopped crying, and the two chatted for a while before Li Shimin got up and left.

As soon as he went out, he summoned Li Jun, the commander of the Hundred Cavalry Division, to the palace, and the first sentence he asked was:

"We have news about the eldest prince, why don't you speed up and find him? Also, why haven't you found any news about the young man in golden armor? Look for him quickly, he is extremely important to our Tang Dynasty!"

"If there is no further progress on these two matters within half a month, I will punish you for incompetence. Leave!"

Li Jun was confused by Li Shimin's lecture and walked out of the palace gate in a daze.

What kind of madness is this emperor going on! Which of these two people is easy to find? It's good enough to make progress in the work, okay!

Not only no reward, but also pressure and lecture, isn't this too unreasonable?

With a belly full of grievances and resentment, Li Jun went to the brothel and visited the brothel.……


Xu Chen naturally didn't know that Li Shimin was tracking his whereabouts, and from two different directions.

In the afternoon, he finally persuaded Xiao Wu to leave. Just then, Xue Rengui came back and asked him to ask an aunt in the same village to buy some chicken, duck, fish and meat. The aunt refused to sell them, so he had to go in person.

After he went there in person, the aunt insisted on giving them to him and refused to take any money. After a long time of going back and forth, he finally got some meat and made a delicious dinner.

Xu Chen ate with a bowl, and Xue Rengui ate with a bucket. Hmm...

After eating and drinking, Xu Chen took out a blank notebook from his arms, handed it to Xue Rengui, and asked:

"Rengui, can you write?"

"Master, I can do it. My father taught me before."

Xue Rengui nodded. After all, he was a poor nobleman, not illiterate. Not only could he write, but his handwriting was pretty good!

"Okay, from today on, I will teach you the art of war at night and martial arts in the morning. I will teach you all the way and you will remember. Remember, I will only say it once and never again. Do you understand?"

Xu Chen said to Xue Rengui while communicating with the system.

The first step in the cultivation of a fierce general is about to be taken! He hopes that under his guidance, Xue Rengui can become an all-round general who masters modern military thinking, tactics, and strategy!

《Sun Tzu's Art of War is too old-fashioned and not advanced enough. If you want to learn, you should learn On Protracted War!

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