"Well, I admit that you are right. The people can't wait."

Xu Chen nodded solemnly, reluctantly accepting the title. He put on a serious look, glanced at Cheng Yaojin and others, and said,

"Lao Li, I have a matter of great importance to all people in the world, and I need to discuss it with you alone."It's not that he doesn't trust Cheng Yaojin and others, but the interests involved in the two unique inventions of hybrid rice and wool processing machine are too huge. Any minister needs to avoid suspicion at this moment and can only talk to the real boss.

"Okay, Zhijie, you guys go wait outside the courtyard first. I have something to discuss with Xu Aiqing."

Li Shimin's expression was stern, knowing that the main event was about to begin, and he immediately ordered

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Although Cheng Yaojin and others also wanted to know the secret, they also knew that it was related to the entire Tang Dynasty and they could not get involved.

Anyone who wanted to get a piece of the pie would probably be beheaded by Li Shimin!

""Rengui, you go with me and learn from the dukes, especially Li Jing, the Duke of Wei. He is an expert in military theory. You two can learn from each other and make up for each other's shortcomings."

Xu Chen also instructed Xue Rengui.

Although his military theory was impeccable, he had a weakness, which was the lack of valuable experience accumulated from actual combat. Only Li Jing could fill this gap.

"Yes, Master."

Xue Rengui bowed slightly, then smiled confidently, took out some snacks from the cabinet, and said to Li Jing and others,

"Dear dukes, please feel free to give us your advice."

The dukes were a little surprised, nodded, and walked out of the room together.

"Discuss, discuss... This kid is quite arrogant."

Li Jing muttered in a low voice. According to the general saying,"discuss" is only used between peers. The less knowledgeable people should say"please teach me" to the more knowledgeable people!

Could it be that this kid thinks that his military strategy is not inferior to his?

Thinking of this, Li Jing shook his head and snorted. He was already thinking about giving Xue Rengui a hard time.

Humph, just now Cheng Yaojin and the other three didn't get any advantage. I, Li Jing, will crush you as soon as I open my mouth!

Xu Chen's words directly made Li Jing, the first military theorist of the Tang Dynasty, want to win. The other dukes were also trying to get back at the game. They would definitely not show mercy to Xue Rengui.

This was exactly the effect he wanted. Let these most powerful old guys in the Tang Dynasty come to train their apprentices. At present, only Xu Chen could do it.

The door was closed and the room was quiet. Only Li Shimin and Xu Chen were left, looking at each other.

"Old Li, you must be very confused, right? You can ask now, I will tell you everything I know."

Xu Chen said with a relaxed and calm expression.

According to his modern thinking, calling his father"Your Majesty" is too strange. It's so troublesome to talk about monarchs, ministers, fathers, and sons. It's better to call him"Old Li".

However, it seems that Li Shimin doesn't mind this title at all. On the contrary, he seems to be quite happy with it. He looked at him with a sharp look, pondered for a while, and asked three questions in succession:

"How is a wool sweater made from wool? Does it require tools? Is it difficult to make the tools?"

"Also, how come your Qinglong Village has a bumper harvest when everything else is bleak? I heard from Village Chief Luo that you use a seed called"hybrid rice". What is that? How did you get it?"

"Finally, I want to ask you, where are you from, and who are you?"

The first two questions were what puzzled him along the way, and the third question came to his mind after he saw Xu Chen. Why did this person appear on the day of the Xuanwu Gate Incident to help me ascend the throne smoothly? And now he has invented two things that benefit the people. With such talent, why did he hide his identity and even ignore the noble marquis?

Li Shimin's head was full of infinite doubts. Now, he, like Liu Bei, was looking forward to his"Zhuge Liang" Xu Chen to give a Longzhong Plan.

"Haha, Lao Li, don't worry, let's take our time."

Xu Chen smiled and waved his hand, thinking for a while before saying:

"Let me answer your first question first. Wool does need a processing machine to be made into wool yarn. I can take you to see the wool processing machine later. You will know it after you see it. I only gave you the design drawings. The ones who really made it are the officials in your court!"

Without Li Chunfeng, if he wanted to build this processing machine by himself, it would take him a long time.

"Oh? There is such a talented person in the court, who is it? How come I don't know him?"

Li Shimin was surprised and asked hurriedly.

Such a talent must be discovered and entrusted with important tasks!

"Do you know Li Chunfeng, the official of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau?"

Xu Chen smiled and took a sip of tea. Li Shimin might have forgotten about such a small official long ago. Li Chunfeng later got promoted by fortune-telling and observing the stars, not by scientific inventions.

This can only be said to be a pity. No one cares about scientific research, but some metaphysical things are highly sought after. I'm afraid Li Chunfeng must have felt a little helpless in his heart, right?

It's not that metaphysics is bad, but this era obviously needs more scientific inventions to improve the living standards of the people.

"Li Chunfeng? Oh, it's him!"

Li Shimin thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded and sighed.

"This person is indeed smart. He has given me some practical suggestions. I adopted many of them and promoted him to the Bureau of History. I didn't expect that this was a waste of talent."Xu Chen gave a look of approval. Isn't this a waste of talent?

If Li Chunfeng were in power, he would at least have to appoint a president of the Tang Dynasty Research Institute.

"This wool processing machine is not difficult to manufacture. The cost of one machine is about fifty taels. If the raw materials are purchased directly from the court, it will be even cheaper!"

Xu Chen continued,

"I think we can first set up a main factory that is dedicated to manufacturing parts and assembling wool processing machines. This way, the efficiency can be greatly increased. Then, the machines can be transported to various parts of the Tang Dynasty, and wool processing plants can be built locally. The wool can also be produced on an assembly line. While ensuring the technological flow, the fastest efficiency can be achieved!"

"At the same time, I suggest reaching a cooperation with the Turks and buying their unwanted wool at a low price. In this way, except for the transportation cost and the first investment in making machines, it is almost a business with no capital!"

Xu Chen became more and more excited, while Li Shimin was stunned.

Such an idea was too advanced for Li Shimin!

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