"Wait a minute, let me slow down.……"

Li Shimin felt a little dizzy at the moment. He shook his head and carefully recalled what Xu Chen had just said. The more he thought about it, the more his brain exploded.

What is meant by"every word counts like a pearl"? This is"every word counts like a pearl"! The information contained in each sentence is explosive and beyond the entire era!

Seeing this, Xu Chen just smiled and continued to drink tea.

These business operation models are difficult for Li Shimin to understand for a while, which is normal. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just give it to someone who understands. Now that we have found talents in scientific research, it seems that we have to find a business genius!

"Hmm... I think I understand what you mean. You mean to let the court handle the wool processing of sweaters, right?"

Li Shimin was a genius after all, and his IQ was very high. He immediately grasped the key point.

"Yes, we should nationalize the operation, which will not only create jobs for a large number of people, but also enrich the national treasury. The poor people who have no way to make a living by farming can come to the garment factory to work. There are also female workers. After all, women can hold up half the sky!"

Xu Chen slapped the table and nodded in agreement.

Women can hold up half the sky. In ancient times, only the Tang Dynasty could say that. If it were the Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, or Qing Dynasty, it would be exposed.

After all, the Tang Dynasty was an open-minded, extremely tolerant dynasty that valued humanity. Let alone Wu Zetian, a woman who could legitimately become an emperor and be supported by everyone. This was absolutely impossible in other dynasties!

"What you said is a bit novel... It seems to be elevating the status of businessmen. But the second half of the sentence is good. We can't ignore the power of women."

Li Shimin lowered his head and thought for a while, then said,

"However, it is a good idea to take it back to the court. This business is too big. Everyone in the whole Tang Dynasty needs sweaters to survive the winter. If it falls into the hands of bad people, wouldn’t it be an unstable factor for the country?"

In ancient times, as long as you give me food and clothes, I can do whatever you say, even rebel! So you can’t be careless about these two aspects of food and clothing.

"Well, if it is really handed over to the court, I need to obtain the management and supervision rights. The entire Tang Dynasty garment factory and even the main factory need to be supervised and inspected by me, otherwise it will be easy to get into chaos."

Xu Chen said seriously that he must take this part of the power. If there is no supervision and management power, then he would rather destroy the machines and drawings than let the people in the court control them.

He knows that when those officials are greedy, they will not care about the lives of the people.

"Supervisory and management rights……"

Li Shimin's eyes flashed, and he thought a lot for a moment, and immediately made a decision.

"Good! You will be a noble marquis by then, so it is not too much to give you this power. After all, this is your invention, and I don't think there will be any criticism."

This wool processing machine will also be a national treasure in the future. The fact that Li Shimin directly agreed to hand it over to Xu Chen for supervision shows his trust in him.

"The first problem has been initially solved. We will discuss the details later. Now let's talk about the second problem, hybrid rice."

Xu Chen rubbed his temples, and it felt like a meeting in his previous life, where he would raise a problem, solve it, and then adjourn. For him, it was a familiar process that couldn't be more familiar.

"Hybrid rice... It's hard for me to explain it to you. You can understand it as a fusion of rice and wild rice. It has high yield, fast growth, and better resistance to bad weather, which means it's more tenacious. But the disadvantage is that it can't reproduce. I need to provide the seeds, and the taste is slightly worse."

Xu Chen's hybrid rice seeds were also provided by the system. To put it bluntly, he didn't know how to cultivate it, so he had to say,

"It's not that I don't want to provide it to you, it's that I haven't learned it well myself. The seeds I bring with me now are all the old ones left by my seniors. I haven't studied them myself yet. However, the quantity is large, and it is no problem to provide it to the whole Tang Dynasty for use."When you are in doubt, you can blame your master. This is also a universal excuse. If Li Shimin doesn't believe it, then he can't do anything, right?

"There is such a magical rice? How many kilograms can it produce per mu?"

Li Shimin almost dropped his jaw when he heard the characteristics of hybrid rice.

This description is almost the same as the weeds that"cannot be burned by wildfires, and will grow again with the spring breeze"! As for the taste? Haha, it's good to have rice to eat and be full, what else do you need a bicycle?!

As for Xu Chen's rhetoric, he was too lazy to delve into it for the time being. People have selflessly contributed such a good thing. Even if there are some core things that have not been said, he can't be too pressed.

He is an enlightened monarch who allows others to have secrets as long as they do not affect his country.

"Hmm... I just measured it a few days ago, and it's about 2,500 kilograms per mu. There will be fluctuations, but not too much."

Xu Chen replied.

The land in Qinglong Village is not very fertile, and it is already very good to reach this level.

"Two thousand... two thousand five hundred kilograms?! Oh my god, this, this this this……"

When Li Shimin heard this number, his hands trembled violently, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief,

"Are you kidding me?! The highest yield of one mu of land is over 400 jin, which is unheard of and unseen. You actually said it was 2,500 jin?"

No wonder he was shocked. If it was really as Xu Chen said, wouldn't it be enough to grow hybrid rice for one year in the entire Tang Dynasty to replace the previous eight years?!

In this situation, it will take less than three years to surpass the Kaihuang Reign of the Sui Dynasty, and the population will definitely exceed 50 million!

You know, at this time, the world was just beginning to settle, and the entire Tang Dynasty had only two million households, which was nearly five times the nine million households in the five years of Emperor Yang of Sui!

This five-fold difference in the number of people is actually very easy to make up. As long as the people have enough food to eat, they will naturally have children. According to the per-mu yield of hybrid rice, it will only take two or three years for the population to double fivefold.

"It will only be more, not less. If you don't believe me, you can ask Fang Xuanling and others to calculate it later."

Xu Chen said confidently,

"Just like the wool processing machine, the supervision power of hybrid rice must also be in my hands, otherwise if the wealthy families infiltrate, good things will turn into bad things."

Hybrid rice is good for the whole world, but it is only bad for the wealthy families, because each of them owns a lot of land and relies on sucking the blood of farmers to grow themselves.

If there is this kind of good rice, everyone can eat enough, who will be exploited by you and become your tenant?

"I understand, but since it is a matter of food, we cannot make a decision lightly. I need to convene a meeting in front of the emperor."

Li Shimin also looked solemn and nodded heavily.

This power is the power to control the lifeline of the world. If it is not handled properly, there is a risk of changing the dynasty. If it is handed over to Xu Chen, then Xu Chen will be extremely powerful! However

, somehow, Li Shimin could not be suspicious of Xu Chen. He subconsciously felt that the young man in front of him was trustworthy and they were in the same boat!

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