"Then, there is one last question, who am I and where am I from, right?"

After the first two things were settled, Xu Chen felt relieved and said with ease.

Who am I? I am your son!

Of course, this is just a thought in his mind, and he certainly can't say it out loud. It's better to keep this identity secret, otherwise it will be very troublesome. As everyone knows, the struggle for the throne of Li Tang is the most bloody and cruel! He doesn't want to get involved in it. If he is forced to fight back and kill them all, it will be bad.

"In fact, this is what I am most concerned about, because you seem to have appeared out of nowhere."

Li Shimin looked straight at Xu Chen, expecting his answer.

To be honest, even if Xu Chen said that he was sent by God to help him, he would believe it!

""Hey, you're right, I just popped up out of nowhere." Xu Chen nodded in agreement. He came here in a daze and didn't even know where he popped up from.

Of course, Li Shimin didn't believe this, so he had to use that excuse again.

"I came from the mountains. I am the only one left in the sect. I have learned a lot of skills and inherited the will of the sect. I want to serve China and make China strong! This is why I want to help you, because I believe in you."

Even if Xu Chen is not Li Shimin's son, he will choose to help Li Shimin. Even if he tampered with some historical materials, it is undeniable that Li Shimin is stronger than Li Jiancheng.

Just imagine that if the two of them exchanged their identities, and Li Shimin was the prince, wouldn't you two princes rule him well?

"Haha, it seems that I, Li Shimin, do have some charm!

Comrade Li Er burst into laughter and waved his hands.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to delve into your background. I don't know why, but I trust you inexplicably... Maybe you saved my life in that situation. Now, I will treat you as my Marquis of the Tang Dynasty!"

He paused for a moment, his face gradually became serious, and he said seriously:

"I haven't decided on your title of Marquis yet. The wool processing machine and hybrid rice are too important. I need to discuss with the prime ministers. Three days later, I will send an envoy to summon you to the court and make a final decision. How about that?"

He is not the kind of emperor who does things on impulse. This is related to the lives of the people of the world. He must discuss with the think tanks below and formulate the most perfect system.

Three days is already very fast.

"Well, I can still enjoy myself for another three days."

Xu Chen smiled, pointed at the tea bowl in Li Shimin's hand, and said,

"Remember to promote Li Chunfeng, and it would be best if he could be my deputy... By the way, this tea is very good, would you like to try it?"

If Li Chunfeng is brought here, then he will be able to invent anything for him, wouldn't that be great?

He had thought of a lot of interesting things in his mind. With the support of Li Shimin and Li Chunfeng's hands-on ability, it shouldn't be a problem to create them!

"Tea? This tea seems to be a little different.……"

Li Shimin glanced at the porcelain bowl in front of him and said in amazement.

Just now, his whole mind was basically on Xu Chen, so he hadn't even had a sip of tea yet. The tea was already a little cold, so he didn't need to blow it, and put the whole bowl into his mouth. After swallowing it a little, Li Shimin's eyes suddenly lit up and he praised,

"What kind of tea is this? It tastes bitter but sweet, and extremely refreshing. After drinking it, it feels like all my internal organs have been cleansed, from the head to the heels!"

The high-quality oil tea I drink every day is simply weak in front of Xu Chen's bowl of clear tea. I don't know how many streets it is left behind!

"This is Longjing before the rain, a specialty of the Jiangnan area. It has not yet been planted on a large scale. I only have this small bag, and now I will use it all to treat you."

Xu Chen also drank the tea in the bowl, and felt refreshed.

The good thing about this Longjing tea is that you can savor it carefully, or you can swallow it whole. The feeling of each is different!

If you savor it carefully, you will feel the fragrance lingering on your lips and teeth, while if you swallow it in one gulp, you will feel comfortable all over. The higher the quality of Longjing tea, the more obvious this feeling is.

"Well, we have talked enough, I should go back too."

Li Shimin also stood up, opened the door and walked out of the house.

From beginning to end, he always referred to himself to Xu Chen as"I" instead of"I". This kind of royal favor is not something that ordinary people can have!

Xu Chen nodded and walked out of the house with Li Shimin. The scene in the yard at this time was a bit strange.

Xue Rengui stood there with a calm face, while the dukes were sitting there sweating, with sad faces and heads down in thought, just like teachers teaching students.

"This guerrilla warfare is nothing more than four strategies: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy stays, we harass; when the enemy tires, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue! These sixteen words describe the mystery of guerrilla warfare. What do you think?"

Xue Rengui smiled complacently and read out the"sixteen-character principle of guerrilla warfare" that Xu Chen taught him. Hearing this, all the dukes were shocked!

"When the enemy advances, I retreat; when the enemy stays, I harass; when the enemy is tired, I attack; when the enemy retreats, I pursue... Good, good!"

"How come I only know about this superior military strategy now! Oh, if I had known it a few years earlier, there wouldn't have been so many casualties!"

"Yes, it is said that listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. I didn't believe it before, but now, I believe it!"

""I'm suddenly enlightened! If I lead the army again, I will definitely win a perfect victory!"

Several founding generals talked about it, and their expressions were excited. It can be seen that each of them has gained a lot, even Fang Xuanling and Zhangsun Wuji are pondering.

These sixteen words are not only applicable on the battlefield, but also in the officialdom!

"Dukes, do you have any questions? Just tell me and I will answer them for you!"

Xue Rengui felt a great sense of accomplishment and said arrogantly.

In front of these generals, he actually played the role of a teacher. This feeling was really great!

Li Shimin:"……"

What's going on? Wasn't it supposed to be a discussion of military theory? Has this become a one-sided teaching?

"Ahem, Rengui, did your teacher teach you the art of war so that you can show off your skills in front of all the dukes?"

Xu Chen's face was a little embarrassed, and he quickly pretended to be serious and reprimanded,

"You don't look like a young man! You are all the founding heroes of the Tang Dynasty. Even if you want to teach theory, you have to lower your posture, understand!"

This kid is too outrageous! However, he likes it, hehehe……

"Yes, Master."

Xue Rengui immediately became depressed after hearing Xu Chen's words. He bowed to the dukes and said in a muffled voice:


It is Rengui who is being rude. If you have any questions, please ask them. Rengui will answer them without reservation."……"

They looked at each other, then at Xue Rengui, then at Xu Chen, then at themselves...

They felt like they had lived half their lives in vain!

Why are the ratings not going up again? I'm so anxious...

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