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The next morning, Xu Chen got up and felt refreshed. It was different to have a wife, which added some fun to his boring night life.

Until today, he finally understood why"a wife, children and a warm bed" is a kind of happiness.

"Brother Chen, can you sleep a little longer?……"

Xiao Wu dazedly hugged Xu Chen's arm and said softly, like a lazy kitten, which made Xu Chen couldn't help but kiss her twice. Only then did he change into the marquis robe contentedly and whispered:

"Wife, you should sleep a little longer. His Majesty is going to call up the troops today, and I, as the commander-in-chief, will naturally go. Have some breakfast by yourself later, dear~"

After saying that, he left the room, leaving Xiao Wu with his eyes slightly opened, half asleep and half awake, saying:

"Um... then Brother Chen, please be safe. Xiao Wu will be waiting for you to come back.……"

Yesterday was her first day sleeping with someone else. Even though this person was her favorite brother Chen, she still felt a little awkward. It was not until very late that she could really fall asleep. However, after a day of transition, she would get used to it.

When she left the room, Xue Rengui had already prepared several bowls of porridge and was yawning while drinking it. There were faint dark circles under his eyes, as if he had not slept well.

"Rengui, what's wrong? Were you too excited yesterday, so you didn't sleep well?"

Xu Chen felt refreshed, took a bowl of porridge and drank it all up, wiped his mouth and asked.

It seems that even a famous military general would be too excited to sleep when he went to the battlefield for the first time!


Xue Rengui glanced at Xu Chen and said resentfully,

"It was because Master and his wife made a lot of noise yesterday. It was too noisy for me, so I didn’t sleep well.……"


Xu Chen almost spat out the porridge in his mouth. He coughed several times in succession, and his old face suddenly turned red. He stared and said:

"Did you hear everything Xiao Wu and I said yesterday?!"

No way! The couple's secret conversations last night were full of ambiguous and interesting meanings. If Xue Rengui had heard them...

Xu Chen felt a chill all over his body.

"I don't want to listen either, but there is a wall between us. I have to listen even if I don't want to.……"

Xue Rengui looked helpless and smiled innocently.

"Master, you are really good at this. You have made Master's Wife obedient.……"

"Okay! Stop talking! Eat!"

Xu Chen glared at Xue Rengui fiercely, swallowed all the porridge in his mouth, stood up immediately, and changed the subject.

"Finish eating quickly and follow me to the East City Camp. His Majesty will personally inspect the troops today. This is your chance to show off your skills!"

Although he said so, Xu Chen was thinking in his heart: Damn it, it seems that I have to move to my mansion! There are many rooms there, and I can play however I want. I don't have to worry about ears on the walls!

""Yes, Master!"

Xue Rengui's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly changed into a set of tight clothes, and his spirits were refreshed!

He was not very interested in the affairs of men and women. He did not think about the mystery of his master's affairs. For him now, the battle is the most attractive to him!

Only war can stimulate the momentum in his heart!

After the two finished breakfast, they went to the military camp outside the city gate, passed through the interior of Chang'an City, and inspected the public security in the city.

Seeing the people coming and going in order, without any panic because of the impending war, Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that Li Junxian is still a good man!

""I'm here to see you, Marshal!"

As he was looking around, a loud shout suddenly came from the front. Li Junxian and a group of people came to Xu Chen at some point, clasped his fists and said respectfully,

"According to the Marshal's instructions, I have initially restored order in Chang'an City and selected 8,000 people to join the military camp outside the city. At this time, His Majesty has arrived in person, please go to your position, Marshal!"

At this time, Li Junxian looked at Xu Chen with not only admiration, but also worship and awe.

The news that Xu Chen was named the Divine Marquis had spread throughout Chang'an City overnight. Whether it was officials or civilians, who didn't know about this youngest marquis in history?

Not to mention the weight of powerful positions such as the General Manager of the Clothing Department, the Minister of Grain and the Grand Marshal of the Army. Anyway, now, the most legendary person in the entire Tang Dynasty is this Divine Marquis Xu Chen. I don't know how many boys and girls have become idols!

Even old men like Li Junxian regard Xu Chen as a role model.

"Well, you did a good job, I saw it all, I will promote you if there is a chance."

Xu Chen nodded and immediately ordered,

"Since His Majesty has arrived, we must speed up, Jun Xian, give me two fast horses!"

As a marshal, he couldn't be late and let the emperor wait, right?


Li Junxian quickly agreed, handed his own horse to Xu Chen, and pulled another horse from the team to Xue Rengui, and said:

"I wish the Marshal a triumphant return!"

A team of soldiers defending the city said in unison:

""May the Marshal return victoriously!"

These people shouted with great vigor, attracting the attention of passers-by.

""Okay! I'll borrow your good words, go!"

Xu Chen got on his horse, and without any nonsense, he whipped the horse whip and rode away in a cloud of dust!

The East Gate and the North Gate were not far apart. Xu Chen galloped all the way, stirring up dust. The luxurious robe he wore was very eye-catching. All the checkpoints along the way were unobstructed. Voices of"Greetings to the Divine Marquis" and"Greetings to the Marshal" rang out one after another. In just half an incense stick of time, the two arrived outside the barracks in the east of the city.

This barracks was a huge open space. The grass on the ground had been trampled into pieces, revealing the sand inside. It was really a small battlefield.���

If we were to do some exercises and charge here, we would definitely be able to do it.

The reason why the barracks were chosen to be in the east of the city was very simple. The Wei River was in front of us. The Turks had fought their way into Guanzhong from the grasslands, and then went south to Jingzhou. After that, they broke through Wugong County. Going forward, they would reach the Wei River!

The barracks were set up here to effectively resist the invasion of the Turks.

"The barracks are in front of us, let's go in."

Xu Chen looked at the newly built military tents in front of him, as well as some fences, lookout towers and other defensive fortifications around him, and nodded.

Comrade Li Er is indeed a veteran of the self-defense counterattack war, and his experience in this defensive layout is very sophisticated.

Inside the barracks, there was a deafening noise at this time. It seemed that the mobilization drill had already begun.

"This is a military camp, anyone who comes here must dismount!"

The soldiers guarding the camp came out from the gate and blocked Xu Chen's way.

"I am Xu Chen, take me to see His Majesty."

Xu Chen took out the military token from his arms and waved it in front of the soldier, saying calmly.

The soldier was shocked when he heard it. He knelt on one knee and said:

"It turned out to be the Marshal himself. Please forgive me for the offense! Your Majesty has been waiting in the camp for a long time!"

After saying that, he hurriedly led Xu Chen's horse into the camp and trotted all the way to report.

And Xu Chen and Xue Rengui, under the guidance of the soldiers, entered the commander's tent and met Li Shimin who was in a meeting!_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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