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"Your Majesty, the Divine Marquis is here, and he brought Xue Rengui with him."

Cheng Yaojin raised his eyes slightly, saw Xu Chen coming in, and reminded him in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Li Shimin raised his head slightly, his brows relaxed, and smiled at Xu Chen:

"My great marshal is finally here. Here, this is the intelligence from the front line. Take a look at it quickly."

As he said that, he handed the paper to Xu Chen. Xu Chen naturally took it and took a quick look. He frowned and looked serious.

"The Turks are like mad dogs. They actually mobilized 200,000 troops to attack! What's more terrible is that their cavalry vanguard of 20,000 people has broken through Jingzhou, and Wugong County has been lost! What should we do?"

Li Shimin said with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth in the military tent. He has always been calm and confident, but now he is at a loss. He is helpless and anxious.

He expected this to be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect the Turks' attack to be so strong! It's really as Xu Chen said, their defense is like tofu, which can be pierced easily!

"Alas, if I had heard the great words of the Divine Marquis on"protracted war" earlier, and had defended the natural fortifications, the Turkic dogs would not have invaded so quickly!"

Li Jing, who was standing aside, also beat his chest and stamped his feet. He, who was known as the military god of the Tang Dynasty, could only shake his head repeatedly at this time.

If I had known earlier, I would have known earlier. It is priceless!

"According to the current offensive of the Turks, they will break through Gaoling in three days at most. If we don't stop them, Chang'an will be in danger!"

Li Ji also sighed and said with a worried look on his face,

"Even if the garrisons from various places came in a hurry, it would take at least five days to arrive. If we make the worst-case scenario, I'm afraid Chang'an City will be in danger.……"

For a moment, even these generals had the intention to retreat, and the thought of"seeking peace" slowly grew in their hearts.

It was not that they were cowardly, but the strength of the two sides was too different, and there was no need to make unnecessary sacrifices!

"The momentum of the Turks does need to be curbed. We cannot let their cavalry corps attack too deeply, otherwise it will consume too much of our combat power and put us in an absolute disadvantage."

Xu Chen collected the information in his hand, sat below Li Shimin, and said in a deep voice,

"Jie Li and Tuli Khan are definitely not in the vanguard cavalry corps. The role of the cavalry is to clear the way for the army behind. If we allow them to charge to the city of Chang'an, or even break through Chang'an, we will have no room for maneuver."

Xu Chen's words made all the generals and Li Shimin nod their heads repeatedly, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

This battle was defeated by the Turks!

"According to the Divine Marquis, what should we do?"

Cheng Yaojin saw that Xu Chen's expression was still calm, and he felt relieved for no reason, and asked repeatedly, looking at the coach's expression, it seems that there is a way to deal with it?

"Haha, it's very simple. Send out an elite vanguard force to stop the Turkic cavalry corps in Gaoling and deal with them. If we can delay until the enemy army and the cavalry corps gather together, then we will be successful!"

Xu Chen said to Yuchi Gong with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yuchi Gong, listen to my orders! I now order you to be the vanguard. After I call the troops, you will pick 10,000 elite soldiers from the camp and go to Gaoling to fight! If you can wait until the 200,000 Turkic troops gather together and Jie Li Khan shows up, you will abandon the city and return. In this way, it will be your first achievement. How do you think?"

""I will obey your orders!"

Yuchi Gong immediately stepped out and beat his chest in response, but as soon as he finished his response, a look of doubt appeared on his face. He asked,

"Marshal, what is the logic of waiting for the enemy to gather their forces and then abandon the city and return? Shouldn't we divide and conquer, eat up the enemy's vanguard and weaken their fighting power?"

This question also expressed the thoughts of Li Shimin and others. Everyone present was well versed in military tactics, but had never heard of Xu Chen's fighting style.

Wouldn't it be more difficult to fight if the enemy gathered their forces?

"Haha, do you think if I give you 10,000 soldiers, you can defeat the 20,000 Turkic vanguard cavalry?"

Xu Chen smiled and joked,

"If you can defeat 20,000 cavalrymen without any damage to yourself, I will let you do it immediately! But the question is, can you do it? Even if all 10,000 cavalrymen fight to the death, you probably can't defeat them, right?"


When he asked this, Yuchi Gong's old face suddenly turned red. After thinking hard for a long time, he could only helplessly say,

"No, the Turkic cavalry is extremely brave. Even if you give me 40,000 soldiers, I dare not say that I can defeat them. At most, both sides will suffer losses."

This is not a difference between races, but in the era of cold weapons, cavalry is invincible! The Turkic people are strong in men and horses. Even if there are 40,000 infantry, they may not be able to stop 20,000 cavalry.

"That's it, what's the point of saying that?"

Xu Chen shrugged and then explained,

"To put it bluntly, letting you stop the cavalry means waiting for Jie Li Khan to come. Once Jie Li Khan arrives, the command will be in his hands, and the cavalry generals will naturally not dare to act recklessly!"

"As for us, we can attack or defend. Firstly, there is a rift between Jie Li Khan and Tuli Khan. Although they have an army of 200,000, they are not united. If there is a chance, we will beat them to death! Secondly, if the gap is really too big, Your Majesty can negotiate with them. Didn’t we have an alliance before? In fact, they are just here to rob things. If it doesn’t work, just feed them some meat."

With a guaranteed plan, other means can naturally be used at will. Xu Chen is not afraid of Jie Li Khan, but the commander of the 20,000 cavalry. As the saying goes, it is easy to see the King of Hell, but it is difficult to deal with the little devils. That guy will not listen to reason when he gets reckless!

Comparatively speaking, Jie Li Khan is relatively easy to deal with. As long as the command power is in his hands, it will be a matter of the bosses of both sides. At that time, we just need to watch Li Shimin's performance. Anyway, Li Shimin in history did that.

Of course, Xu Chen only said this on the surface, and his ambition has not been exposed yet.

"So that's how it is. The Marshal has even thought of a way out. I admire him!"

Yuchi Gong suddenly realized and smiled. The people present were also smart. After Xu Chen explained it, they naturally understood and laughed.

"Haha, what a great way to attack and defend! The huge crisis of the 200,000 Turkic troops approaching the border is so safe under the analysis of the Divine Marquis. It seems that my overall view is not as thorough as the Divine Marquis!"

Li Shimin smiled heartily, his expression was also relaxed, and he immediately ordered:

"Good! Yuchi Gong listens to my orders! You are already the vanguard, I will appoint you as the general manager of the Jingzhou Road, and lead 10,000 elite soldiers to Jingyang to resist the Turks!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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