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""I obey your command!"

Yuchi Gong pounded his chest again in response. One of his arms was broken, so he couldn't clasp his fists, and could only express his respect in this way.

Inside the military tent, Xu Chen discussed the next battle deployment with Li Shimin and others again. Xue Rengui also occasionally interrupted, and his words were to the point, and the generals cheered.

It seems that these old guys already have successors!

After a long while, the battle plan was finally discussed. Xu Chen sorted out a complete set of plans, including a series of details such as defense, formations, food, troop deployment, etc., all listed clearly and wrote them down clearly.

"When we marched and fought before, we just held a meeting and decided to fight. We never thought that someone like Shen Hou could come up with such a detailed plan. I, Cheng Yaojin, am ashamed of myself."

Cheng Yaojin looked at Xu Chen's battle plan and couldn't help but admire it. Li Jing and others also smiled and responded:

"Yes, compared with the Marshal, our previous deployment of troops was simply a mess, and we had to rely entirely on on-the-spot reactions to fight. If the enemy launched a surprise attack, we would be even more flustered. I almost lost my life several times!"

"That's right, at that time, they fought based on experience, relied on prestige to convince the people, and to put it bluntly, relied on military talent! But today, looking at the battle plan of the Divine Marquis, it can be used as a template. Even if an ordinary person were to lead the battle, he would be able to win, right?"

"I think it's OK. After reading this plan, my mind is like a mirror. Many vague things and ignored details are now clear. I finally know why I lost the previous battles."

Li Jing and others became more and more excited. If they were in the future, they would want to write a paper to praise the awesomeness of Xu Chen's battle plan.

"Haha, all the dukes need to remember one thing, that is, details determine success or failure. This is true for dealing with people and for marching and fighting."

Xu Chen smiled at their expressions and responded.

His battle plan came from the most advanced military theory in the system. It can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack. Fighting a war is to constantly learn from experience and summarize lessons. The more perfect the theory of later generations is, the easier it will be to fight.

"Well said, details determine success or failure, this sentence can be put into the art of war."

Li Shimin clapped his hands, smiled and praised, and then turned to remind,

"However, there is one thing to be careful about. This battle plan is too detailed. If the enemy gets to know it, it will be very bad. We must do a good job of keeping it confidential."

If such a detailed plan is known by the enemy, it will definitely be a disaster!

"Of course, Your Majesty, don't worry. There are still many changes in this battle plan. If Your Majesty likes, you can even change it every day according to the rules. In this way, the enemy will only get false information."

Xu Chen waved his hand and smiled, looking confident.

His battle plan was absolutely perfect. Any situation, including the enemy's spying!

After all, the spy war in the future is also very special. If this point is not taken into consideration, what's the point of fighting? You don't even know how you died!

"It's so amazing?"

Li Shimin was shocked again and asked Xu Chen for advice. All the generals in the military tent began to learn the battle plan.

After a while, a soldier came in from outside the tent and bowed and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, Marshal, a total of 38,000 soldiers have been assembled and are waiting for orders at the parade ground!"

All the soldiers in and outside Chang'an City who can be used are here!

"Oh? You're not slow at all."

Li Shimin nodded, waved his hand to signal him to go down, and turned to Xu Chen and smiled,

"Marshal, then please select the troops! I and my dear ministers can also observe and watch."

It's called observation, but in fact it's to support the battle! Xu Chen now looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, a few years younger than Huo Qubing was back then. At this age, it is difficult for him to have prestige in front of adult soldiers who have fought through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Before understanding Xu Chen's talents, who would be willing to obey the command of a little brat?

So Li Shimin did this to help Xu Chen establish his reputation in the army.

Of course, he just stood by and watched. If the soldiers really didn't want to obey, he would not interfere, but would change commanders.

If a marshal can't even control his own soldiers, what can you expect from him? He also wanted to see how Xu Chen would get through this level.

"Okay, let's go and recruit the soldiers!"

Xu Chen nodded and stood up, his expression extremely calm.

Recruiting soldiers on the battlefield has always been his long-cherished wish. Although he can't command millions of soldiers as he imagined, the current tens of thousands can be considered a small indulgence.

After leaving the military tent, the scene in front of him was very different from before. Teams of neat soldiers stood upright, and there was no end in sight! All the soldiers were dressed neatly, holding a sharp spear in their hands, and their faces were a bit solemn.

A full 38,000 people! Originally, Xu Chen thought that tens of thousands of people were nothing, but when they were really lined up, It was indeed densely packed and shocking. It was hard to imagine what kind of scene an army of hundreds of thousands of people would be like.

The only drawback was that Xu Chen did not feel the murderous aura and sharpness of this legion. Although the entire legion had a large number of people, it had a very scattered feeling. This made Xu Chen frown.

After all, it was an army that was put together temporarily. To put it bluntly, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a ragtag army!

The combat effectiveness of such an army would definitely not be too high. It would be okay to fight against bandits and robbers, but it would be a fantasy to want to clash with the Turks.

"Inspecting the troops on the battlefield seems to be to select the army's soul."

Xu Chen walked towards the reviewing platform. The platform had been built long ago. He did not avoid it and walked directly through the 40,000 people, like a sharp sword piercing into the army!

His steps were steady, and his momentum was rising. The soldiers around him clearly felt the pressure and involuntarily made way for Xu Chen to pass through smoothly and climb onto the platform.

"This kid is really good at it."

Li Shimin's eyes lit up and he exclaimed,

"He did not choose to go around from the sides, but passed through the middle of the soldiers, and invisibly shortened the distance between him and the soldiers, allowing the soldiers to feel his momentum! You see, everyone made way for him."

Before the military roll call began, Xu Chen had already created a momentum for himself!_Please download the novel without underline

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