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To be honest, considering the physical fitness of the Tang army, two against one is still okay, but one against two is completely impossible.

However, influenced by Xu Chen's words, almost all the soldiers took a step forward with an indomitable momentum!

They were willing to be howling wolves and tear off the first piece of flesh from the enemy!

"Very good! In my opinion, a miscellaneous brand can also become a regular one. Your combat effectiveness may not be enough, but your fighting will is now qualified. From today on, I will officially name you - the Wild Wolf Army!"

Xu Chen shuttled through the army, casually patted the soldiers on the shoulders, and said loudly,

"Those who have been patted on the shoulder by me will stay, and the rest of the soldiers can disband on the spot and return to the barracks on their own."

Since they are to be the vanguard troops, their physical fitness must be up to standard. Not everyone in this team of nearly 40,000 people is suitable to join the vanguard.

They must pass the system's combat effectiveness test, and the most combat-capable 10,000 people must be pulled out and trained. Only in this way can they fight head-on with the Turkic cavalry.

With the help of the system, Xu Chen quickly selected the 10,000 troops. Those who were selected were naturally proud and happy, while those who were not selected were all a little depressed.

Emotions have been mobilized, and it would be so aggrieved if they were not allowed to participate in the war! Those who were not selected also stayed where they were, and were reluctant to leave.

"These soldiers are usually idle, but today they are so enthusiastic about fighting? This is really strange.……"

Yuchi Gong's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself.

To be honest, the soldiers guarding Chang'an basically have no ambition, they just want to eat and wait for death. If there are any ambitious ones, they will go to various places to guard and suppress bandits and rebellions. They are just trying to keep peace in Chang'an.

Logically speaking, these guys should be the least motivated, but now it seems that everyone wants to go to the battlefield. This scene is enough to make Yuchi Gong marvel.

"Haha, Yuchi, we are all men, who is willing to admit that he is not as good as others?"

Cheng Yaojin on the side smiled and stroked his beard.

"If you can't be the vanguard officer, please resign as soon as possible and let me, Old Cheng……"

"Go! Dream on!" Yuchi Gong spat, and all the dukes burst into laughter, and even Li Shimin smiled.

Everyone on the battlefield was vying for the first place, which was exactly what he wanted to see the most.

At this time, the 38,000 people on the parade ground were still motionless, and no one was willing to go down to rest. Seeing this, Xu Chen frowned slightly and said in a low voice:

"Why, have you forgotten what I just said? It is your duty to obey orders. If you are not in the vanguard, get out of here!"

He paused for a moment, knowing the confidence of the soldiers at this time, and added:

"You have your battles to fight! Regain your strength, because you will face a full 200,000-strong Turkic army when the time comes!"

After saying this, the selected soldiers finally left the training ground slowly. On the one hand, they obeyed Xu Chen's orders, and on the other hand, they found a way out.

It's not that we can't do it, but we let those guys explore the way first, and we will have to fight the battles later!

After a while, there were only 10,000 streamlined troops left on the field. The effect of choosing one out of four was quite good. Everyone was in high spirits and full of vigor.

""System, how do my 10,000-man vanguard compare to the 20,000 Turkic cavalry?"

Xu Chen muttered in his heart. He was a little nervous and wanted the system to give him a rough idea.

"Analyzing, please wait……"

"The analysis is over! Our vanguard troops have courage and are led by Yuchi Gong, with a combat effectiveness of about 100,000; the Turkic cavalry has a total of 20,000 people, with a combat effectiveness of 200,000 on the plains and 120,000 on sieges. The difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is not big. The host can motivate the soldiers again, which can make our combat effectiveness equal to that of the enemy, or even slightly better."

Xu Chen nodded in affirmation of the comprehensive analysis given by the system, but was also a little surprised.

The Turkic cavalry is good at charging on the plains, but not good at sieges, so it is normal for the combat effectiveness to differ by 80,000. The lower limit of about 120,000 is what Xu Chen could expect.

But he didn't expect that the 10,000 people he had just put together actually had a combat effectiveness of 100,000?!

And from what the system meant, it seemed that motivating soldiers could also improve their combat effectiveness?

"Ancient soldiers were uneducated and had a strong sense of community. As long as the host used sophisticated motivational methods, the soldiers could be greatly encouraged in a short period of time, which could increase their combat effectiveness by about 10%-20%."

The system gave a positive answer, and then said,

"If the host does not have motivational words, the system can provide the following templates for the host to choose: Bright Sword Spirit, Long March Spirit, Snow Leopard Spirit……"

Various kinds of fighting spirits have been stated by the system. Otherwise, why do people say that the ancients were easily bewitched? This"motivation" is similar to chicken soup for the soul. If used well, it can improve combat effectiveness to fight against foreign enemies. If used in evil ways, rebellion is possible!

"Okay, okay, who doesn't know the spirit of Bright Sword? I understand."

Xu Chen nodded repeatedly, already having a clue in his mind, and turned to look at the ten thousand people, then glanced at Yuchi Gong and ordered:

"Where is the pioneer Yuchi Gong?!"

"I am here!"

Yuchi Gong hurried into the training ground, walked in front of Xu Chen, knelt on one knee and responded

"You will lead these 10,000 people to fight against the 20,000 Turkic cavalry vanguard. It would be best if you could catch them off guard first!"

Xu Chen helped Yuchi Gong up from the ground, turned to face all the soldiers on the parade ground, and said loudly:

"Vanguard soldiers of the Wild Wolf Army, you are lucky, because you are fighting with the glory of our Tang Dynasty! But you are also unfortunate, because what you are about to face is the most powerful Turkic cavalry in the world. I know some of you will be afraid, but I want to tell you a truth!"

"Throughout the ages, when swordsmen meet their opponents, no matter how powerful the opponent is, even if the opponent is the best swordsman in the world, they will still show their swords even though they know they cannot defeat him. Even if they fall under the opponent's sword, they still have honor in defeat. This is the spirit of daring to show the sword!"

"Even though we are outnumbered and surrounded, we dare to draw our swords and fight to the last man in the face of the Turks. Soldiers, the bravest will win when two meet on a narrow road. The spirit of drawing the sword is the soul of our Wild Wolf Army. Wherever the sword points, we are invincible!"

"The four characters"Sword Spirit" stirred in everyone's heart, and the fighting power of the 10,000 Wild Wolf Army soldiers began to soar!

And their fighting will has made a qualitative leap!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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