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Under the encouragement of Xu Chen, the 10,000 vanguard troops marched out of the barracks with an indomitable momentum and headed towards Jingzhou. Although Yuchi Gong, the vanguard officer, had a broken arm, his combat effectiveness was not reduced at all.

Even because of the broken arm, his mentality was much calmer, and he was not as impatient as before. Generally speaking, his command ability has increased! With

10,000 people missing, the barracks suddenly became a little deserted. Xu Chen also returned to his own tent and ate casually. He brought his own"fireman" Xue Rengui with him, so he would never treat himself badly when eating.

Soon, two dishes, one meat and one soup were served. He was about to use his chopsticks, but a man walked into the tent with dragon-like steps.

"Haha, it's really gratifying to watch the Divine Marquis recruit troops today! Even I want to put on armor and fight the Turks!"

Li Shimin, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, laughed and said. When he saw the dishes on the table, his eyes lit up. He was not polite and sat next to Xu Chen directly, saying casually,

"Hmm... this dish is good. I haven't eaten yet. Do you mind eating with me?"

As he spoke, he kicked Xue Rengui and frowned:

"Do you have any sense? I'm already sitting here, why don't you go get me some bowls and chopsticks?"

"Huh? But these dishes are not enough for two people.……"

Xue Rengui scratched his head in a naive way. Although he had already eaten, Xu Chen had a big appetite. It was OK for Xu Chen to eat these two dishes and one meat dish by himself. If the emperor was added, he would probably fight for it.

This seemed a little inappropriate, right?

"It's okay. Since Lao Li is here today, you can cook another dish, my favorite sweet and sour pork ribs!"

Xu Chen waved his hand and smiled.

In the absence of outsiders, he didn't want to call Li Shimin"Your Majesty", but Lao Li was more comfortable.

"Yes, Master."

Xue Rengui nodded and went to the stove. Being able to cook for Li Shimin was also a way to show off himself, right?

Unconsciously, Xue Rengui seemed to have really gone down the wrong path of being a"fireman" again.……

"I don't know why, but when I hear you call me Lao Li, I feel more intimate with you. But I'm only less than 30 years old.……"

Li Shimin sighed as he picked up some dishes. He didn't know why, but he felt more comfortable when Xu Chen called him"Old Li". The slight estrangement in his heart caused by the transfer of power also disappeared immediately.

Somehow, he just couldn't be suspicious of Xu Chen, which puzzled him.

Thinking carefully, this young man was full of doubts. The more he came into contact with him, the more he could find his extraordinaryness. Hybrid rice, wool sweaters, battle plans, sword spirit...

How many secrets did Xu Chen have that were not revealed? Li Shimin was very curious about this, but at the same time, he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. He wanted to let it develop naturally.

This was unlike himself who had a strong desire for control in his daily life!

"After all, the identities are different. When you are called the emperor, others will naturally feel awe. Calling you"Your Majesty" over and over again will make the relationship distant. It's lonely at the top... and when I call you Lao Li, it brings you and me closer, so you will naturally find it pleasing."

Xu Chen explained with a smile while shoveling food into his mouth.

In fact, he also felt that it was only a short day before and after he was conferred the title of Divine Marquis, but many people's attitudes towards him had changed subtly. For example, people like Wu Shigui originally regarded him as a junior, but now, they want to put him on a high pedestal. Once the identity changes, he has to accept these subtle changes, but he himself will not do so. Even if you, Li Shimin, are the emperor, so what? I will call you"Lao Li"!

"That's right... No wonder I feel so close to you when I talk to you. The food tastes so delicious."

Li Shimin nodded and sighed, and then he increased the frequency of picking up the dishes.

It's true that although the dishes are not expensive delicacies, they taste very good after being cooked by Xue Rengui. These home-cooked dishes are much better than the big fish and meat in his imperial kitchen! As he increased his frequency, Xu Chen naturally did not let him go. The two of them had already started to compete in speed and rushed to eat!

"Hey! Did you take too much? Leave some for me!"

"Go away, go away, I have a good appetite today. Normally, the imperial chefs beg me to eat more, but I won’t eat anything. Today, I am giving you face to me, the Divine Lord!"

"You are so bad, Old Li. You will have high blood pressure sooner or later if you eat so much!"

"Hmm? What is high blood pressure?"

Li Shimin wiped his mouth and asked in confusion. It was the first time he heard this word.

"Hypertension? Well... it's a cardiovascular disease, or what you call rheumatism."

Xu Chen put the sweet and sour pork ribs that Xue Rengui had just sent in front of him and pointed at them.

"If you want to avoid this disease, you need to exercise more, eat less greasy food, and eat more celery and the like. For example, don't eat this sweet and sour spareribs, because it is pork. If you eat too much, you will get high blood pressure!"

Speaking of the word"wind disease", it is also a bit funny. Anyway, in ancient times, all difficult and complicated diseases that could not be cured were called wind diseases! For example, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, smallpox, etc. It can be seen that the development of medicine still has a long way to go.……

"Wind speed?……"

When Li Shimin heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He had a very good appetite today, but he suddenly lost the mood to eat and asked repeatedly:

"If you have high blood pressure, how should you treat it? From my father onwards, it seems that all the men in my clan have this problem!"

In fact, he didn't say another sentence. Even now, he also felt a slight headache, and he was afraid!

"Oh... yeah, if you hadn't said it, I would have forgotten that you have a family history of genetic diseases."

Xu Chen nodded and said thoughtfully.

Li Shimin had a family history of genetic diseases, which was recorded in history books. Later studies showed that their genetic diseases should be cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension. He died of this disease.

Not only that, the later Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi also handed over the power of the government to Wu Zetian because of this. Wu Zetian also took this opportunity to rise to the top.

Hypertension is a serious thing!

"This thing can't cure it, you should try to eat less meat."

Xu Chen chewed the sweet and sour pork ribs with big mouthfuls, suddenly pushed the ribs in front of him, and said to Li Shimin in a mean way,

"How about having one piece first? One piece won't get in the way, I promise."_

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