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"Rengui, what's wrong? Are you in a bad mood today?"

Xu Chen noticed this keenly and asked with a smile.

This kid's mood is all written on his face, and he can't hide what's on his mind at all.


Xue Rengui did not deny it, and said hesitantly,

"Master asked me to show my skills. I thought he would let me join the vanguard, but I didn't expect that I would be showing my cooking skills. The dish I cooked today is so delicious that I almost joined the vanguard.……"

""Master, when can I really lead troops to fight? It's okay if I don't lead troops, I can just be a soldier myself, I will definitely not be worse than others in charging into battle!"

He really lost his self-confidence today. For a man who wants to be a general and make great achievements, the most humiliating thing is to be a fireman, right? This position is called"cooking squad" in later generations. During the war, cooks are at the bottom of the contempt chain among soldiers.

If Xu Chen was not used to the dishes cooked by others, he would never do that job anyway, it's too embarrassing!

"What happened to the Fire Army? Without the Fire Army, how can we feed so many people? Don't look down on them. Wars are all about logistics and food, which is also a very important part of it!"

Xu Chen motioned Xue Rengui to sit down, and then gave him a lecture.

"Han Xin, the military genius, could endure the humiliation of being kicked in the crotch. That was true self-confidence. What about you? You can't save face even before others start to mock you? I'm not saying that you have a bad character. You need to hone it. Do you hear me?"

Xue Rengui's ability to become a true Tang general is related to his time as a fireman. At least he learned to be patient and not to act. Although it is adapted from an opera, it is not without reason.

Most people who can achieve great things are trained from the grassroots level. Is there another person in the world who has a system like Xu Chen?

"Yes, Master, I will teach you."

Xue Rengui could not refute what Xu Chen said, and he felt that it made sense. Although he was still a little depressed, he could only nod and prepare to clean up the dishes and wash them.

"Hey, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Xu Chen called Xue Rengui, smiled mysteriously, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and said,

"Do you really think I have no tasks for you? You kid really...did I treat you badly when I was your master? Come and have a look!"

As he said that, he handed over the paper in his hand. Xue Rengui was a little suspicious at first, but when he saw the content on the paper, he suddenly widened his eyes and spoke for a while. There was a detailed map drawn on the paper! The various fortresses of the Tang and Turks on the map showed the location of the Turks at this time and their route.

Next to the marching route, there was another different route, which was drawn in a striking red pen, and three words were written next to it.——""Aorta"!

At the top of the paper, there were five characters written in a flamboyant style:

"The"Scalpel" plan!

"Scalpel Project? Master, this is……"

Xue Rengui was somewhat shocked, but also somewhat confused, and asked doubtfully.

He was shocked that Xu Chen could actually give such a detailed map, as if he had drawn it from the sky overlooking the earth! And he was confused about the three words"scalpel".

What does this mean?

"This is a medical term. When a person's internal organs, such as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, are diseased, they need to be surgically removed, and the instrument needed is a scalpel! The most obvious feature of a scalpel is precision! It must be accurate to the point of being accurate to the last millimeter! Only in this way can we ensure that the lesion is removed without harming normal organs."

Xu Chen spread the paper on the table, pointed to the red line, and explained,

"Look, this line, I call it the aorta! The blood vessels in the human body are divided into arteries and meridians. Veins are shallow and easy to be cut, but they are not fatal, while arteries are buried deep and generally will not be injured. However, once the aorta is cut,……"

His finger pressed heavily on the red line!

"Then, the person will definitely die!"

Xu Chen's words were filled with murderous intent, which frightened Xue Rengui so much that he trembled three times. He touched the back of his neck and asked in a low voice:

"Master, where are the arteries in this person's body?"You have to understand this carefully, otherwise if they get hurt one day, won't they die?

"Look, where you are touching now, there is a large artery. If I use a knife to cut your neck hard, your blood will spray seven or eight feet high!"

Xu Chen pointed at Xue Rengui's neck and threatened him deliberately.

When Xue Rengui heard this, he quickly took back his hand that was touching his neck and said to himself in panic:

"I won't touch it anymore, even if you kill me.……"

If this gets broken accidentally, won't you kill yourself?

"Haha, it's okay to touch it twice, and it's okay to cut it gently with a knife, unless the knife is very sharp, as sharp as a scalpel!"

Xu Chen couldn't help laughing at his silly look, and it took him a while to stop laughing and said seriously,

"Look carefully, this line is my estimated Turkic grain and grass transportation line. There may be deviations, but the deviation will definitely not be too big. It's just like a person. You can only estimate the location of his lesion, but where it is exactly, you can only understand it after cutting it with a scalpel!"

"The characteristics of the Turks are fast speed, fierce offensive, and good use of light cavalry without baggage. This combat efficiency is certainly very high, but at the same time, they also have a disadvantage, that is, they bring less rations! Many times, they have to rob while replenishing their rations. If there is nowhere to rob, they can only stop and wait for the rear grain and grass troops to arrive, and then set off again after replenishing."

While analyzing, Xu Chen stretched out a finger, lightly scratched the paper, and said coldly:

"My goal is very simple. Send out 3,000 elite cavalry to find the enemy's food and fodder transportation route, kill them accurately, take away or burn all their food and fodder, and leave the 200,000 troops on the front line, especially the 20,000 most elite vanguard troops, without food! At the same time, follow this route, rush thousands of miles, and directly attack the empty base camp of the Turks, and turn their nest over for me!"

"Use a scalpel to cut their aortas and let their blood spray all over the territory of our Tang Dynasty. This is my scalpel plan!"

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