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Chen looked towards Xue Rengui with a sharp look in his eyes. He wanted to see whether his disciple could be of any use at the critical moment!

"This... this plan is too bold!"

Xue Rengui looked at Xu Chen in shock and said repeatedly,

"A lone army of 3,000 cavalrymen cut off the Turkic baggage train and then advanced to the prairie! There must be some Turkic troops left on the prairie, but not too many. The 200,000-strong army has already come out in full force. I don't think Jie Li Khan would have thought that someone would launch a sneak attack!"

After all, Xue Rengui had almost mastered the skill points of military tactics under Xu Chen's guidance, and he grasped the key points at once!

"That's right, Jie Li Khan would never have thought that I would send troops to poke his asshole!"

Xu Chen laughed and joked.

This metaphor was very good, and Xue Rengui couldn't help laughing. It took him a while to stop laughing, and he said after a moment of silence:

"But Master, although this method can work, what should we do next? The Turkic royal court has been destroyed, and Jie Li Khan will definitely return with an army of 200,000. If they fight, this army will probably be buried on the grassland.……"

In Xue Rengui's view, this isolated army of 3,000 people was a death squad. As long as they could destroy the Turkic lair, his glorious mission would be accomplished. It was really worth it to exchange the Turkic royal court for 3,000 death squads!

"Two hundred thousand? Dream on! Do you really think that the army of my Tang Dynasty is all vegetarian? Once my troops gather together, it will be good if only 20,000 of his two hundred thousand remain!"

Xu Chen snorted coldly and said,

"In five days at most, my first batch of reinforcements will arrive. I will have them change their route from somewhere else. When the Turkic army enters the Wei River, they will be encircled by me! I will divide the reinforcements into four parts. One part will be added to my Wild Wolf Army for frontal combat. The other three parts will form three blockade chains!"

"Humph! By then, once Jie Li Khan's food and grass are cut off, the royal court will be wiped out, and the retreat will be surrounded. It would be best if this Khan died again. Hehehehe... Killing the Turks is no different from killing chickens and sheep!"

Until now, Xu Chen revealed his plan in full. Xue Rengui was stunned and said blankly:

"Master...are you too confident? Our forces are not many to begin with. If the reinforcements are divided into four parts, we may not be a match for the Turks in a head-on confrontation.……"

This strategy is really too risky. Dividing the troops into five locations and operating on five lines is too difficult. If it fails, the city of Chang'an will be doomed!

"You know nothing! When I was studying the art of war, you were still wearing diapers! Do you know what the higher the risk, the greater the return? If you want to do it, do it in a big way and take him down. I've had my eyes on that Turkic land for a long time, so I can use it to herd sheep!"

Xu Chen glanced at Xue Rengui and said proudly,

"Stop talking nonsense, can this scalpel do the job? If you know you can't do it, quickly clean up the dishes and eggs, I will naturally find someone else!"

Being the temporary captain of the death squad and getting the glory that will be recorded in history is very tempting for many people. It's not that no one is willing to do the business of beheading.

""Stop it, Master! I can do it, I really can do it, this commander is none other than me!"

Xue Rengui was immediately anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly said,

"I am the disciple who has studied your tactical thinking most thoroughly. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to keep up. Only if I go, you can rest assured, right?"

He didn't want to miss the chance to lead troops in battle. If he succeeded, the three words"Xue Rengui" would definitely go down in history and be sung by future generations!

Until now, he understood why Xu Chen said to give him a chance to be on par with Huo Qubing. This was by no means an exaggeration, but a true story!

"That's more like what you said. I thought you would fail at the critical moment. You have learned nothing about military tactics."

After hearing this, Xu Chen was slightly satisfied and nodded.

"Tomorrow I will personally select 3,000 cavalry for you. Then you will set off immediately according to the map I give you! Please note that it will take no more than five days for the Turkic army to reach the Wei River. The order I give you is to cut off their aorta when the Turkic army is approaching Chang'an. You have to grasp the timing yourself. Do you understand?"

The timing of the cut is very important. If it is too early, it will be easy for the Turkic side to notice it and it will not be possible to form an encirclement. If it is too late, the food and grass may have been delivered, and it will be meaningless to intercept it.

Otherwise, why is it called the Scalpel Plan? The baggage troop is like a lesion that keeps moving in the body. To accurately remove it, the surgeon must have rich experience and superior talent, and a little bit of luck.

"I understand, but Master... General Yuchi has taken away 10,000 vanguards, and I will take away 3,000 elite cavalrymen. Your base camp will only have 25,000 people left, and their combat effectiveness is not the strongest. I am afraid that you will……"

Xue Rengui nodded heavily, but there was still a trace of doubt on his face.

The original number of troops was pitifully small, and now the base camp will be even more empty! If the 200,000-strong Turkic army arrives, the two sides will not even be qualified to confront each other.

"You don't need to worry about this, just go ahead, I have my own way."

Xu Chen waved his hand, looking confident, and signaled Xue Rengui to relax.

He had already let the system simulate the specific battle tactics many times, and only then did he select this optimal plan. His personal force was originally a bug. With him, Chang'an City would never fall.

"This...Okay, I believe that Master is a master of military affairs and will definitely be able to stop the Turks."

Seeing this, Xue Rengui could only bow to Xu Chen and said so.

In Xue Rengui's heart, his master was omnipotent and omnipotent. Perhaps the 200,000 troops that he thought could not be stopped were just a light cloud in Xu Chen's eyes.

The two were at different levels, so he naturally didn't have to consider Xu Chen anymore. He cleaned up the dishes and saluted and left. He had to go back to have a good rest and adjust his mentality.

Starting tomorrow, he will officially become the commander on the battlefield and the general leading 3,000 cavalry! This sudden change in role was enough to make him so excited that he couldn't sleep tonight.

And Xu Chen also washed his face casually, walked around the military camp, and arranged the rotating duty positions before going back to the camp to sleep.

In his heart, a plan for training soldiers was slowly taking shape...

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