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Because Xu Chen gave them good food every day, there would be no shortage of meat and vegetables. What's more exaggerated is that every noon, everyone can get a small fruit!

In ancient times, it was good to have a meal to eat during military training! How could it be like Xu Chen, who also gave them a dietary combination? This treatment was almost the same as the general's food. With a full stomach, they had energy to do anything.

High-intensity training? It's a piece of cake!

On this day, Yuchi Gong's 10,000 vanguard troops had also returned to the team. They had many casualties, but during the withdrawal process, they also added some soldiers along the way, so the total number was still around 10,000.

His return meant that the Turkic army was about to drive to the Wei River.

The final battle is about to begin!

"Marshal, Yuchi Gong has led all his troops back to the team and requests to join the military training!"After a bloody battle on the battlefield, the one-armed Yuchi Gong seemed to be more energetic. He knelt on one knee with a bright look in his eyes.

Seeing the other soldiers training like that and having such good food and treatment, he was a little jealous. His own troops had just won a victory on the battlefield and should be treated better!

"Well, your troops will be dispersed and added to the five training areas, so that they can also train. If I am not in charge of the army in the future, someone has to continue this method."

Xu Chen nodded and gave an order casually.

He couldn't stay in the army forever. To be honest, after a few days of being a great marshal, he was actually a little tired of the life in the barracks. It was too boring. There were many things to deal with every day, such as the purchase of food and the maintenance of equipment. No one understood these things, so he had to teach them step by step.

Not to mention which two soldiers fought today, and which two teams had a group fight tomorrow. There were countless headaches. He didn't want to care, but he had to see it.

So Xu Chen had already made up his mind that after winning this battle, he would resign immediately and go home to do scientific inventions and industry. Let Xue Rengui do the work of leading troops to fight!

"Marshal, the Turkic army is moving fast, and there are no garrison troops on the front line. It is estimated that they will reach the Wei River tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest. Our first batch of reinforcements will arrive soon, about 20,000 in number, and your majesty's 30,000 black armored troops have also obeyed your deployment and circled to the rear. The rest of the local troops are also forming a blockade."

Yuchi Gong dismissed the 10,000 troops behind him, and turned to look at Xu Chen worriedly, doubtful,

"Wouldn't it be too risky to do this? If we put all the reinforcements on the front, we have more than 100,000 troops on paper, and we may be able to resist the attack!"

Even Yuchi Gong, who was the most impatient and adventurous, felt uneasy after hearing the battle deployment. This way of fighting was too thrilling, almost like walking on a tightrope.

According to Xu Chen's deployment, even with the reinforcements coming, the frontal troops would only number 55,000. It would be difficult to defeat the 200,000 Turkic troops in front of them. If Ancheng was broken, those troops that formed the encirclement would be unable to advance or retreat, wouldn't they become useless?

"Yuchi, your personal ability is OK, but your overall vision is still not good enough.……"

Xu Chen waved his hand, shook his head and smiled. Then, he smiled and said nothing, without any more explanation.

Seeing this, Yuchi Gong was anxious, but he could not persuade Xu Chen to change his mind. Time was running out, and it was too late to change the deployment of troops.

He was just worrying when a soldier walked in quickly outside the military tent and handed a letter to Xu Chen respectfully, saying:

"Marshal, General Xue has entrusted me with a letter, please open it in person."

Upon hearing this, Xu Chen's face lit up and he asked:

"But good news?"

"This... General Xue didn't say, he just said that the master would be satisfied."

The soldier replied. This answer made Xu Chen feel certain. He smiled and took the letter without opening it. He handed it directly to Yuchi Gong and ordered:

"Yuchi, help me open Nian Nian"


Yuchi Gong took the letter with some doubts, but when he opened it, the expression on his face froze instantly, and he opened his mouth wide, unable to speak for a long time.

"What are you standing there for?……"

Xu Chen urged with a smile

"oh oh……"

Yuchi Gong finally reacted, his heart pounding with excitement, and he only heard him say,

""Master, I have completed the surgical knife plan and killed all 800 people of the Turkic baggage army!

We didn't suffer many casualties, and I have already carried out supplies.

According to the news from the Turks, the second batch of baggage troops have also set out from the grassland.

I will take advantage of the situation to pursue them, kill their second batch of food and grass troops, and then attack the Turkic royal court!

Master, please don't worry about me, and wait for your triumphant return!


After reading the whole paragraph, Yuchi Gong felt his head buzzing. He left early and didn't know about the surgical knife plan formulated by Xu Chen, but now just from the results, he has understood the shocking things that happened!

"Oh my god... The Turkic grain and grass troops were actually intercepted and killed by Xue Rengui, and he is going to raid the Turkic royal court?……"

Yuchi Gong felt like he was living in a dream. This kind of thing of finding and killing local logistics troops was the first time he had seen it in all his years of fighting.

The key point was that they were the food and grass troops of the 200,000-strong Turkic army! Without this batch of food and grass, how many days would the remaining food be able to feed 200,000 mouths?

War, in fact, is all about logistics and grass! What is the most unpleasant thing about fighting on the front line? That is... suddenly there is no food to eat while fighting!

What's the point of fighting a war if there is no food to eat? Once there is a shortage of food and grass, the morale of the army is bound to be unstable, and it can be said that they will be defeated without fighting.

"In this battle, from the moment Rengui sent this message, our Tang army has been invincible."

Xu Chen put the letter on the table and laughed,

"So Yuchi, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but when you are a senior general, you must first have a big picture view and a long-term vision. Our ambitions should also be bigger. Our goal is not to defend, but to attack! Not to repel, but to defeat! Kill them so hard that they throw away their armor and shout for their mothers!"

Yuchi Gong stared blankly at Xu Chen who was laughing. In a trance, he seemed to see a devil, a devil who ate Turks alive without spitting out their bones!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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