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He had just received the 20,000 troops that had just been replenished, and now he had 55,000 troops. The momentum was indeed overwhelming!

But the situation did not exceed Yuchi Gong's expectations. The 200,000 Turkic troops moved very quickly, and at this time, they had already reached the north bank of the Weishui River.

The 200,000 troops, arrayed in front, the arrogant and domineering arrogance was really frightening!

The leaders were the two Khans, Jie Li and Tu Li. They looked up at the majestic Chang'an City, with greed in their eyes. In this city, there were countless gold and silver treasures waiting for them to plunder.

As long as they killed the army in front of them!

Fifty thousand versus two hundred thousand, the gap is still visible to the naked eye. In this regard, Jie Li Khan is even more confident. He has long regarded Chang'an City as his own and Li Shimin as a prisoner!

"Brother, who is the general leading the Tang army? I seem to have never seen him before, and he seems to be a baby!"

"I think the Tang Dynasty has no generals left, so they have to find a kid to be the marshal. I'm afraid that Emperor Tang Li Shimin has already prepared gold, silver and treasures with his queen, ready to welcome their Khan, hahahaha……"

Tuli Khan narrowed his eyes and looked towards the south bank of the Wei River, laughing mockingly. His voice was so loud that the soldiers around him all burst into laughter. Every Turk showed contempt.

His voice also reached the ears of Xu Chen and others on the other side of the river. Even Li Shimin, who was watching the battle outside the tent, heard it clearly. His face turned livid and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Turkic dogs, how dare you insult me!"

Li Shimin joined the army when he was a teenager. When had he ever been looked down upon like this? The rage in his heart was already rising.

However, before he could say anything, Jie Li Khan nodded and laughed in agreement:

"Hahaha, you're right! Turkic men, quickly kill the Tang army, go into the city and grab treasures, food, and women for me! By the way, don't touch Li Shimin's harem, I want to recruit them all!"

Jie Li Khan was even more arrogant than Tuli Khan, and his voice was even louder. Everyone on the Tang army side was furious and furious!

When had the powerful Tang people ever been insulted like this? This is intolerable!

"Marshal, this Turkic dog is full of nonsense. I beg to fight him for three hundred rounds!"The angry Yuchi Gong could not help it and knelt down to beg for battle. When he asked for battle, Cheng Yaojin, Hou Junji and other generals with bad tempers also knelt down and begged:

"I am also willing to fight and dampen the arrogance of these Turkic dogs!"

"Damn it, I've been fed up with these sons of bitches for a long time!"

The voices of requesting a fight came one after another, but Xu Chen was riding on his horse, unmoved. He just glanced at Li Shimin who didn't say a word, then glanced at the generals, and smiled faintly:

"Can't you bear this little insult? Your ability to suppress is too poor."

Insulting before a battle is a common tactic used by the Turks, but they don't know any battlefield etiquette, so they can curse as badly as they want. It's hard for ordinary people to bear such obscene language.

But if you really rush in, it will be exactly what they want!

"Are we just going to let them scold us? Are we just going to remain indifferent?"

"It would be fine if they bullied us, but they actually dared to insult His Majesty! I, Old Cheng... I am really pissed off to death!"

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth, holding the Xuanhua axe tightly in his hand, wishing he could rush up and chop off Jie Li Khan's head!

"They can curse, so why can't you? Anyway, they can speak Chinese and understand Chinese, so why don't you just curse them too?"

Xu Chen sneered and pointed at Jie Li Khan.

"You can just curse at this Jie Li Khan, no matter how harsh it is, it must be harsher, more vulgar, and more shameless than what they have said! It would be best if Jie Li Khan had a myocardial infarction!"

After Xu Chen said this, Cheng Yaojin was a little at a loss.

Not only was he at a loss, but the others, including Li Shimin, were also at a loss.

Cursing? How to curse? It seems that they have never used such means before.……

"This...I'm afraid this is not a good idea, right? Marshal, after all, we are Tang people, not barbarians. Besides, it's hard for me to think of how to curse you in such a short time.……"

Cheng Yaojin was in a dilemma. Although he was rude in his daily life, it was mainly in his behavior. He was not good at swearing.

Besides, he changed his name to"Cheng Zhijie" in order to be a civilized person. Now he was asked to swear, and to swear more vulgarly. This was really too much to ask.

"You don't even know how to curse? You old man are useless! Listen carefully, I will teach you how to curse."

Xu Chen looked at Cheng Yaojin with contempt, then turned to look at Jie Li Khan on the other side, cleared his throat, and said:


Jie Li Khan, your wife is awesome!"???"

Cheng Yaojin:"……"

Li Shimin:"……"

The Tang army fell into silence for three seconds, and then burst into laughter.


In front of 200,000 or 300,000 people, there seemed to be a bit more green on Jie Li Khan's head...

Jie Li Khan didn't react for a while, but when he did, his face suddenly turned red and he said angrily:

"What did you say! What the hell are you talking about!"

Although he knew that his wife couldn't possibly have an affair with this guy, it sounded as if that kind of relationship had already happened!

How could he not be angry?

"Oh my, are you angry? She also told me that you can't do it, you really can't do it, she is unsatisfied every night, but your thing is like a needle, she can only use a cucumber to satisfy herself, until she met me, she was satisfied."

Xu Chen spread his hands and said helplessly,

"To be honest, your wife is quite pitiful. She married a useless man. Everyone respects her as the Khan, but who knows the loneliness and emptiness in her heart?"

He paused for a moment, then changed the subject and shouted to the 200,000-strong Turkic army:

"Turkic warriors, go! Your Khan needs you, she longs for real satisfaction. Whoever can satisfy her like me will be the uncrowned king of the grassland!"

Who can't talk nonsense? Since Jie Li Khan insulted the women of the Tang Dynasty, he must intensify his efforts to fight back, and the counterattack will make this old guy Jie Li Khan feel ashamed!

Note: Khan's wife should be called Khatun. I think this name is too ugly, so it is easier to understand after changing it to Khan..._

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