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I wonder what kind of sparks will be created when the two Taoists Li Chunfeng and Sun Simiao collide with each other!

Only Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were left in the imperial study.

""Guanyin Bi, Xu Chen is a man of great talent. If I die in the future, I will be relieved if he can manage the government and assist our son."

Li Shimin sighed, looking relieved.

He already regarded Xu Chen as a future minister to assist the emperor!

""Your Majesty, Chen'er is indeed a good kid. Although I only chatted with him for a while, I can see his character and I am happy for you and for myself. He has a pure heart."

Empress Changsun said with a smile. After chatting with Xu Chen for a while, she already called him"Chen'er", which shows her intimacy and affection for Xu Chen.

Apart from the young Li Chengqian, she already regarded Xu Chen as her dearest son, which she herself did not even realize.

"Haha, that's true. This kid doesn't even want military power. I am relieved. In the future, when our eldest prince is found, let them get to know each other. I believe our prince can become a wise ruler!"

Li Shimin nodded in agreement and laughed. He hasn't been so happy for a long time. He was so happy these days because of Xu Chen.

These words were also meant to comfort Empress Changsun. Empress Changsun smiled after hearing them, and the two began to chat as usual.

At this time, Xu Chen had already walked to the door of the Tang Dynasty Research Institute. This research institute was set up in the Wude Hall in the imperial palace.

The Wude Hall was once the residence of Qi Wang Li Yuanji. Now the East Palace and the Wude Hall are vacant. The East Palace It was reserved for the future prince, so naturally it could not be touched. If it was to be used, it could only be this Wude Hall.

At the urging of Li Shimin, the Wude Hall had changed its gate and added many more people. They were not ordinary people, but descendants of Mohism or Lu Ban. It was managed by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang.

At this time, people were coming in and out of the Wude Hall in an endless stream. Everyone seemed very busy, holding either a roll of blueprints or a pile of parts. They had a badge on their waists, which allowed them to enter and exit the palace at any time to purchase.

"Not bad, in this way, wouldn't I become a hands-off shopkeeper? Haha!"

Xu Chen looked at these people coming and going, and his heart became more and more satisfied. He just wanted to be a decision maker, a proposer of a concept. As for who will complete this concept, it is none of his business.

To put it bluntly, he just wants to be a hands-off shopkeeper! He is very self-aware of his hands-on ability.

After entering the Wude Hall, he found that there was a different world inside. The entire Wude Hall was really too big. It was divided into three courtyards: front, middle and back, and there were two floors upstairs!

In ancient times, it was very difficult to build a three-story building. It seems that the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty were still good.

Xu Chen was observing when a surprise came over:

""Senior brother, you are here!"

Xu Chen heard the voice and turned around, only to see Sun Simiao looking at him with a smile. Standing on his body were Li Chunfeng and three others. Seeing him coming, they all bowed and saluted:

"Meet the dean."

Suddenly, everyone in the Wude Hall stopped and bowed to Xu Chen:

""Meet the Divine Lord!"

They shouted with great respect from the bottom of their hearts.

To put it bluntly, among the four classes of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, people who work in industry are ranked second to last. In fact, their social status is very low. They are not as rich as businessmen, nor as high-ranking as farmers. In fact, their position is a bit embarrassing.

But now, with Xu Chen, they can actually work in such a high-end place as the Datang Research Institute. For them, it is simply a great honor!

For the craftsmen, this is the best place for them to display their ambitions!

"Haha, no need to be polite, everyone!"

Xu Chen looked around, saw the sharp eyes of the craftsmen, waved his hand and said with a smile,

"Good, good, you are all skilled craftsmen of our Tang Dynasty! With you, our Tang Dynasty will be more prosperous!"

He paused for a moment, then turned and said seriously:

"Everyone, please pay attention. I will hold the first meeting of Datang Research Institute in half an hour. All the staff members must come because I will issue the next work instructions. We are not going to do it blindly, but we will do it in a planned way. Do you understand?"

As the dean, what he needs to do is to formulate work plans and guidelines!

"Got it!"

Everyone was excited and said in unison.

""Okay, Senior Brother, Chunfeng, and the rest of you, let's talk."

Xu Chen looked at Sun Simiao and the others and said with a smile.

He and Sun Simiao called each other senior brothers. Sun Simiao called the one who achieved success as his brother, while Xu Chen called the one who was older as his brother. It made sense.

"Okay, Dean, please come in."

Li Chunfeng also smiled and guided Xu Chen into the quiet backyard, and then introduced:

"This is my senior brother Yuan Tiangang. He is very knowledgeable in astrology and mathematics. He is not inferior to me."

"This person is Mo Qu, the contemporary descendant of the Mohist school. The Mohist school's mechanical art has been lost for many years, and the family has also gone into seclusion. If it weren't for the opening of the Tang Dynasty Scientific Research Institute by the Divine Marquis to attract him, he would not have appeared again."

"This one is Gongshu Yu, the descendant of Lu Ban. Their family's mechanical skills are also second to none in China. Gongshu Yu was attracted by the research institute, so he joined our research institute to contribute to the Tang Dynasty."

The three people introduced one by one. Yuan Tiangang is a slightly fat Taoist. Even though he is a little fat, he still has a Taoist style.

Mo Qu and Gongshu Yu are both thin. Although they are thin, their eyes are bright and their arm muscles are very developed. They are the best craftsmen at a glance.

However, the atmosphere between the two of them seems a bit subtle, and they seem to be a little bit uncomfortable.

"Not bad, not bad. This way, we can directly attract the most powerful craftsmen in our Tang Dynasty? Brother Chunfeng, this is a good job."

Xu Chen greeted them one by one, praised Li Chunfeng, and then smiled and said,

"I know that the Mohist School and the Gongshu School have always had some grievances. Now, I will give you a platform to let you compete with each other. Everything depends on your ability!"_

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