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It just so happens that the descendants of Lu Ban and the descendants of Mohism are not getting along, which is exactly what he wants.

"Thank you, Lord Shen. My Mohist School has a long history. In terms of ability, it has been famous since the Warring States Period. As a descendant of the Mohist School, I, Mo Qu, will not lose face for my ancestors!"

Mo Qu bowed to Xu Chen and said confidently. As he spoke, he also glanced at Gongshu Yu with a hint of provocation.

The gunpowder smell between the two of them suddenly became thicker.

"Humph! My Gongshu family is no pushover! Our ancestor Lu Ban is the god of carpentry. Please rest assured, Lord Shen, I, Gongshu Yu, will not lag behind anyone!"

Facing Mo Qu's provocation, Gongshu Yu also snorted coldly and arched his hands towards Xu Chen, also with great confidence.

They were both unhappy with each other, and both thought that they were the world's number one craftsman family. They had been fighting since the time of Lu Ban and Mo Zi, and they had always won and lost. Even now, both families have been extremely weak, but as long as they meet, they must put all their efforts into competing for the top spot!

"Yes, you two families are at odds with each other, this is a historical issue, I will not persuade you to reconcile, that is unrealistic, but I don't want you to plot and trip me up behind my back, we are craftsmen, we must have that craftsman spirit!"

Xu Chen looked at Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu, and said seriously,

"If you want to compete, then compete openly and honestly, let your ability and work speak for you! My eyes are bright. Whoever does it well and meticulously is the best. You can only rest assured on the technical level. If I find out that he is scheming or plotting, I will kick him out of the research institute and nail his family to the pillar of shame!"

He must emphasize and warn about this point. He doesn't care about other places, but if there is internal fighting and consumption in his territory, it is absolutely not allowed!

Xu Chen's words were very serious. Not only Gongshu Ban and Mo Qu, but even Li Chunfeng, Sun Simiao and others were stern and dared not speak. After all, he was a great marshal who led troops to fight and was in charge of the world's troops. When Xu Chen released this murderous aura, everyone present was shocked by him and dared not disobey. They kept saying yes.

"Well, I do this not for anything else, but purely for the development of the Tang Dynasty. If our Tang Dynasty wants to be rich and strong, you still need to do your best. In the future, the people will have enough food and clothing, and everyone will live a happy life. We are the ones they will remember from generation to generation. This marquis eats meat, so shouldn’t I give you a mouthful of soup to drink?"

Xu Chen has long been familiar with the carrot and stick game. At this time, he has already smiled and joked. As soon as he released this"carrot", everyone's expression changed, especially Mo Qu and Gongshu Yu, whose eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and their fighting spirit was ignited. They are people with high ideals, who regard money as dirt, but attach great importance to reputation.

If they can revive the glory of their family in this generation, then the two of them will be great men, not only praised by future generations, but also by the people!

When they thought of this, they were already trembling and excited!

"We will definitely do our best for the Divine Marquis and for the Tang Dynasty!"

Mo Qu and Gongshu Yu said in unison, and together with their disciples and descendants, they all bowed to Xu Chen again!

"Haha, good! Since you said so, I will give you a task now. Brother Chunfeng, get me a pencil."

Xu Chen nodded with satisfaction. This is the effect he wanted. He turned to Li Chunfeng and ordered

"Well, I saw the wonderful use of pencils at your place last time, and I have already made a lot of them in batches. This thing is really useful for delicate work."

Li Chunfeng smiled and nodded, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and said expectantly,

"Is the Divine Marquis going to come up with another design? I have already shown them your wool processing machine design.

Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu are both in awe of you!

"The design of a wool processing machine has already fascinated the top craftsmen in the Tang Dynasty.

Could it be that another high-quality work will be released this time? Upon hearing this, Mo Qu and Gong Shuyu hurriedly came over and stared at the pencil in Xu Chen's hand, fearing that they would miss a detail.

Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang were also very interested and came to join in the fun.

"Oh? Really? The wool processing machine is just a piece of cake!"

After hearing this, Xu Chen shook his head indifferently, exuding a sense of pretentiousness. He wrote casually and said,

"This time, I am following the order of His Majesty to build a bicycle. As the name suggests, this bicycle is a self-driving vehicle. Its power comes from the pedals, which drive the gears and then the tires move forward. Come and see.……"

As he spoke, Xu Chen began to draw. He first drew a concept diagram of the bicycle on paper to give everyone a preliminary understanding. Then, he drew an extremely detailed design drawing on the side, including the frame, hubs, tires, handlebars, seat cushions, gears, bearings and a series of other things.

At the same time, he also drew each important component separately on the side, marking the size and required materials...

He wrote very quickly and seemed to be at ease. It took him less than half an hour to draw the entire design. This was mainly thanks to the clear drawings provided by the system. He only needed to copy them.

When the entire design drawing was completed, he threw the pen away, stretched, and looked at everyone again. They were already standing there in a daze, speechless.

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions? If you have any, raise them and we can communicate together. Maybe we can make some improvements."

Xu Chen frowned slightly and said casually.

Although the design drawings given by this system are perfect, they are not completely in line with the ancient industrial level. Some places do need to be modified, just like the wool processing machine, which was also revised by Li Chunfeng.

Therefore, he did not think that he was necessarily right. It would be better for everyone to communicate and improve more.

At this time, Mo Qu and Gongshu Yu finally woke up, looked at each other, and then excitedly bowed to Xu Chen:

"Shen Hou is truly the god of contemporary craftsmen!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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