Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 187 New dish appears, invincible lamb

In the Tang Dynasty, eating beef would not lead to death, but it would definitely lead to severe punishment.

Li Yuan sneered, "I can recite the Tang law by heart, are you trying to scare me?"

"Coward, what's wrong with eating beef? Just eat it with confidence, what are you afraid of?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone rolled their eyes, as if to say: If you want to eat it, go ahead, what do you mean by asking us to do it?

When Li Yuan said this, his face was not red and he was not out of breath, which was completely different from the ordinary people who were afraid of talking about beef.

Even if he ate beef, what could Li Shimin do? ❃

The unlucky ones were just those ordinary people who followed suit.

The feeling of being fearless is refreshing.

Li Yuan had never had such a strange and refreshing feeling.

Not bad, not bad, it still feels good to queue up for food. No wonder Changle always said that it was boring to eat at Liu Xuan's house. It was better to queue up directly. When people were crowded, you could feel the atmosphere of fireworks.

Li Yuan enjoyed this feeling very much. Since he started his army, he had almost forgotten this breath that could soothe his heart.

Seeing Li Yuan's arrogant look, a group of diners decided to ignore this kind of pretentious person.

There are many people who pretend to be pretentious in the Tang Dynasty, and many of them were struck by lightning for pretending to be pretentious. Stay away from him, what if he gets himself into trouble?

When Liu Xuan arrived at the kitchen, the first ray of sunlight just shone through the kitchen window.

It was like a golden thread, and it was also wrapped with the misty smoke in the air.

Liu Xuan opened the system and bought a whole sheep.

Today's new dishes at the Tang Dynasty Restaurant: mutton soup, braised mutton.

The two dishes can be cooked together. The whole sheep in front of Liu Xuan exudes a strong smell of mutton.

A few days ago, Liu Xuan used this mutton to make soup, which was really a unique way. Today, not only does he have to make soup, but also braised mutton, so naturally he has to separate the mutton.

The sharp blades flew in the air, and soon, the whole sheep was divided into various parts.

For stewing, it is natural to keep rolling in the pot, the more rotten the better.

For stewing lamb, it is natural to cook only 80% done, and use another pot to cook it.

In the system store panel, Liu Xuan searched for a while and finally saw the ingredient he needed: potatoes.

One penny per pound, large, bright color, soft and fragrant potatoes, Liu Xuan directly bought ten pounds.

After each piece of mutton was cut into the right size, add cold water to the big pot and throw all the mutton in.

Put the cold water into the pot and boil it over high heat until it floats slightly and foam appears on the water surface.

At this time, if someone was in front of Liu Xuan, they would be surprised.

Because facing the boiling pot, it was full of boiling hot water and mutton that had been boiled for a while, Liu Xuan directly stretched out his two hands, smiled and grabbed the hot bones and meat inside, and took it out easily and casually.

The ruthless iron hand was so terrifying.

This scene, of course, could not be seen by others. In another pot, warm water had been prepared long ago, just right for washing away the remaining foam on the mutton.

In the kitchen, there was a dongdongdong sound from time to time, like cutting vegetables or chopping meat.

Today, Dazhuang and Yaya did not come with them. Liu Renyuan and Xue Rengui also went to the temple. Only a group of maids were waiting outside the door.

Click... click...

I don't know when, Liu Xuan always heard the sound of water drops falling to the ground, and it became more and more frequent.

It was like rain hitting the bead curtain, blending into the bead curtain.

Feeling that the mutton was almost done, Liu Xuan said to the outside: "Open the door."

Outside the Datang Hotel, the boiling crowd was like eating gunpowder.

When the weather was cold, the people in line were very irritable, and when the weather was hot, the people in line were even more irritable.

The temper of the people in Chang'an was just like Chang'an, with a little arrogance in the irritability.

As soon as they saw that the Datang Restaurant was open and there was no tall and strong servant from the Marquis' Mansion watching today, the people in line became excited instantly.

If Liu Renyuan was not there, wouldn't they be able to take off?

Luo Wangu and Yang Liufang rushed in first. They were good at everything except eating.

They sat down on the bench and asked, "What's the new dish today?"

The maid in cheongsam twisted her body and said with a smile, "Guest, there are more mutton soup and braised mutton today."

It turned out to be mutton!

Luo Wangu and Yang Liufang were instantly excited. They worked too hard last night, so today was a good time to replenish their bodies.

"Two servings each."

Xiao Lanping was the second table to enter the Datang Restaurant. Without saying a word, he ordered a bowl of mutton soup to moisturize his body.

In the crowd, Changsun Ying's eyes were burning. At this moment, she finally understood why those people in line were anxious.

She knew that as long as she entered the house, there would be countless delicacies, but she just couldn't get in.

People outside the door want to get in, and people inside the door want to block the door.

This is what the diners of Datang Restaurant think.

Everyone's eyes are green, exuding an irresistible primitive desire - the desire to eat a full meal.

Changsun Ying was quite reserved at first, after all, she was a girl, but soon!

The disadvantages of her not going out much since she was a child were revealed. Once people are familiar with the environment and begin to relax, especially when attracted by some wonderful flavors, they will forget the environment they are in, thus showing some of their essence.

For example, she is jumping up and down now: "Why are you so slow?"

"It's so strange that people still eat at the Tang Dynasty Restaurant when the cooking speed is so slow."

"What's outside the door? The ground is not flat, and the words on the plaque are so rough..."

Although he kept finding faults, the corners of his mouth occasionally lit up with a crystal color, reflecting the rising sun.

It's true that he is honest but not honest.

Li Yuan was a little behind, stroking his beard with a smile, and he was not in a hurry.

At this age, everyone likes to stroll. Li Yuan can stroll dozens or hundreds of laps in Da'an Palace every day. Last time, he was careless and the shoes he wore were a bit hard. He got tired after standing for a long time. This time he came prepared.

The boots under his feet were padded with soft animal skins.

"What a lively scene."

"Oh, it's the smell of mutton soup..." Li Yuan's nose twitched twice, and he instantly realized that something was wrong.

Although Li Yuan's enlightenment to delicious food was a chicken, his favorite food was still mutton.

After all, lamb is delicious and you can enjoy it no matter how you eat it.

In the palace, the imperial chef is good at making all kinds of lamb. When he was the emperor, he would eat a sheep a day.

"Liu Xuan is a good guy. Let me taste your lamb later. I have eaten more lamb than you have walked..."

"Huh? This tastes different..."

"Hiss... sizzle..."

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