Datang Hotel: The Leisurely Life of a Chef Dad

Chapter 188 What is the emperor doing?

I don't know why, but suddenly, Li Yuan regretted his idea just now.

The taste of this mutton, just from the smell, feels completely different from all the mutton I have eaten before.

In an instant, Li Yuan became calmer: "Hurry up, I'm already hungry. Can you bear to watch me starve to death?"

… ✬

There is always no shortage of guests at Jialan Temple in the early morning.

There are many temples in Chang'an, and the pilgrims who go to the temples are always devout.

After entering, I bought incense and candles and went straight to the Mahavira Hall to worship the Buddha devoutly.

This is the general process.

But it's different in Jialan Temple.

This is why Liu Xuan believes that Jialan Temple will definitely buy those colored glazes.

In Jialan Temple, Monk Guang Liang has already prepared money. This batch of glass is of very good quality. If he buys it, changes hands and adds profound Buddhist teachings, and makes up a story, the price will double.

There is no shortage of rich people in the Tang Dynasty. The richer the people are, the more they are afraid of death.

These colored glazes are sold to those people.

The pilgrims were all bulging when they entered, but when they went out, they were clean. At the door of the wing where they entered, there were two strong monks standing, and several novice monks were waiting inside.

This is the most important place of Jialan Temple.

If you are short of money, if someone guarantees it, you can come to this small house and Jialan Temple will lend you money. That is merit. God has the virtue of good life. I, a Buddhist, give merit to others. Isn't it too much?

You can borrow and repay, it is not difficult to borrow again, and you receive some interest...that is the blessing of the benefactor.

In Chang'an, whoever has some family fortune knows about Jialan Temple?

As for ordinary people who want to be enlightened by Buddha? Just kidding, I don’t save poor people.

Liu Renyuan and Xue Rengui held their heads high. When they entered the temple, they looked around and saw not devout pilgrims, but blood-sucked Chang'an people.

"Old Xue, I just found out last night that this Jialan Temple is nominally to convert others and lend money, but in recent years, the money has become more and more, and the industry has become bigger and bigger. You know now Dunyifang, Guiyifang "Who are the biggest landowners in the south of the city?"

"Old Liu, are these the monks?"

"Yes, it's Jialan Temple." Liu Renyuan couldn't sleep in the middle of the night last night, so he found a book about the Chang'an Temple during the Daye Year. These things were all in the warehouse of Chang'an County. After checking them, Liu Renyuan completely understood that the Marquis the meaning of.

What Mr. Hou said is really good, when the giant fish dies, all things will survive.

Jialan Temple must have taken away a lot of land and real estate in recent years.

At first, Liu Renyuan thought that Liu Xuan just wanted to defraud Buddhism for some money. But now that he thought about it, the Marquis never wanted to deceive people, he just didn't like Buddhism.

Monk Guangliang's smile suddenly made Liu Renyuan disgusted.

"Master, we brought a lot of colored glaze here today."

The several huge boxes behind Liu Renyuan were full of high-quality colored glazes. Some had simple patterns and average transparency, but they were many times better than those sold by Hu people.

These are so cheap that you can get them for just over a hundred guan.

The better one, the more transparent one, will naturally cost thousands of strings.

Guang Liang was not ambiguous. If others saw these colored glazes, they would only think: After buying them, could they be used to sell them to pilgrims to make money?

And he, after running Jialan Temple for so many years and being a senior brother for so many years, he has long understood the truth: this kind of thing is not for sale, but to show the reputation of Buddhism. Even if you give it away for free, after a period of time, the money will naturally come back a hundred times a thousand times.

"Two donors, I want all of these."

Liu Renyuan and Xue Rengui didn't expect Guang Liang to be so happy, and they were a little at a loss for a while.

Xue Rengui said at this time: "Master, where is the money?"

"You two, please come with me."

This is too smooth, right? It's so smooth that it feels fake.

If Xue Rengui and Liu Renyuan knew what the warrior Yu was doing at this time, they would probably be even more surprised.

Of the dozens of Liuli statues behind Samurai Xun, only the last one remains.

Looking at the brocade box in his hand, he took a long breath. His Majesty should be very happy to convert these things into money, right?

Each and every one of that wealthy family is urgently ill and seeking medical treatment, eager to receive blessings of great luck.

But people with great luck are never people who just improvise.

Walking on the road, Samurai Yu felt comfortable all over, and the previous hazy feeling in his mind was gone. Sure enough, doing business is still comfortable.

Passing by the West Market, the warrior Xun Xiaoyingying walked in, intending to buy something for the little girl.

My little daughter has always been a bit greedy recently. She is ten years old, has a ghostly spirit, and is smart at first glance.

With people waiting aside, Samurai Yu went into the West Market and was walking. Suddenly, Samurai Yu heard a buzzing sound.

Where can there be such a strong smoke of fireworks in the West Market in the early morning?

The foreigners and merchants from the West Market had just packed up their shops and probably just set up their stalls. Why were there so many people there so quickly?

Warrior Xun took a curious look, and this look directly shattered his understanding of business.

Datang Hotel, with four big characters, comes into view.

He could see nothing but this.

The crowd swarmed outside the door of Datang Hotel, blocking everything inside. Everyone poked their heads inside, but they didn't poke their heads in, as if there was some savage beast inside. As long as you stick your head in, you can't get out.

"Datang Restaurant, this name is interesting."

"There are not many places in the world that dare to use the word Datang. I want to see this. I haven't seen such a courageous person in Chang'an for many years."

What Wu Shigui said is true. In recent years, the wind in Chang'an has been tense. What is courage? Can it be eaten? Can it save lives?

This year is better. After all, His Majesty seems to have encountered some happy events and has relaxed a little.

In previous years, I don't know how many people were arrested and taken to the prison in Chang'an County for no reason.

Thinking of this, Wu Shigui walked over with his hands behind his back.

Just a few steps out, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Wu Shigui rubbed his eyes hard, thinking that he was old and blurry.

But when he looked at the back carefully, his heart suddenly jumped and his chest hurt.

It's him... it's him... it's him...

The emperor!

The crowd was so crowded that an elderly person couldn't squeeze through, but Wu Shigui was different. He seemed to be full of strength at this moment.

Some discordant voices suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Who are you? Why are you squeezing?"

"Ouch, you stepped on my foot."

"No, what's going on behind me? What are you touching... I'm a man, ouch, don't poke me."

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