Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 138 The ferocious robot beauty

That's right, at the same time that the flying insects destroyed the two "98" robots, other flying insects and mice sent her limbs over.

She ran up to "Heizi", reached out and grabbed the latter's arm, and pulled it off hard.

Immediately, Yun Yaojin rushed towards Tian Heihei.

At this time, Yun Yaojin's whole body was covered with shiny metal parts, as well as wires and fuel delivery pipes. It was like a person who had been skinned all over except his head was moving.

Tian Heihe let out a scream in his throat and turned to run away.

Yun Yaojin swung the "Heizi" arm in his hand, and with a "bang", he viciously knocked Tian Heihei to the ground.

Tian Heihei shouted: "Spare your life, spare your life!"

Yun Yaojin's beautiful and charming face showed a mechanical smile. She raised "Heizi"'s arm high and hit Tian Heihei on the head viciously.

one time!

"Don't! Don't! Please!" Twice!


Three times!

"Spare my life..."

After being beaten three times, Tian Heihei could no longer speak. His head was deformed, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his body began to twitch.

At the same time, only two sounds of "dong, dong" were heard.

"Heizi" and "Tugou" fell to the ground, their heads, limbs separated from their bodies.

Only then did the flying insects fly away from them and pounce on other "No. 98" members.

Yun Yaojin and her "Pest Army" brutally killed Tian Heihei, "Heizi" and "Tugou" in just 5 minutes. The other "No. 98" people were all heartbroken.

While they tried in vain to drive away the flying insects and mice around them, they all gathered towards Duan Changling.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Brother Duan, what can I do?"

"Brothers are following you around. The situation is not good now. As the boss, do you have to take action?"

"It's so cowardly to die like that!"

"Killed like a dog."

"Shit! He was killed by rats, cockroaches and flies!"

"Duan Changling!"

Duan Changling said nothing at first, but when his subordinates urged him to become anxious, he suddenly shouted: "Yun Yao Jin! Now, what do you want?"

"What do I want?" Yun Yaojin murmured, "What do I want? Hehe, haha, hahahaha..."

While letting out a heart-shaking laugh, she collected her "skin" everywhere.

Including the cover that had just been lifted off by "Heizi" and "Tugo", as well as the flesh-colored sheaths on the arms and legs.

Exposed metal skeletons, fuel pipes and electrical wiring were quickly covered up.

She regained the appearance of a normal woman.

But her expression and tone of voice still gave off a hint of madness.

It gave Bai Yang the feeling of being like an out-of-control machine.

"Let me think about it." Yun Yaojin said while putting on the clothes that "Heizi" took off just now, "You just split me into six parts and peeled off my skin. Now, you beg for mercy." Yes, right?"

Yun Yaojin walked up to Bai Tianyang, helped him up, and said softly: "Bai Lang, tell me how to deal with them? I will listen to you."

This sentence was said softly and charmingly, restoring the tone of "Dancing Girl Cloud Shakes Gold".

But Tian Yang couldn't help but tremble slightly when he heard it.

"Bai Lang, tell me." Yun Yaojin urged.

Bai Tianyang calmed down and said, "You can deal with them whatever you want, I only want my daughter..."

"Oh~~~" A ghostly smile appeared on Yun Yaojin's face. She suddenly turned around and said to everyone in "No. 98", "Did you hear that? Bai Lang wants his daughter Bai Huixin to be fine."

"I will give the order to let her go now!" Duan Changling shouted.

"And Wang Qingyue!" Bai Tianyang shouted.

Duan Changling said: "Okay!"

Yun Yaojin stood in the center of the platform supporting Bai Tianyang. The mice and flying insects that had been frantically surrounding Duan Changling suddenly moved back half a meter, forming an encirclement and leaving Duan Changling a space to move.

Duan Changling took out his cell phone and dialed.

"Let Bai Tianyang's daughter and Xianghao go...the one named Wang!"

"Give me the mobile phone!" Bai Tianyang shouted, "Give the mobile phone you are talking to to Huixin!"

Duan Changling said to the mobile phone: "Give your mobile phone to Bai Yang's daughter!"

Then, he handed over the phone, and a swarm of flies flew over and handed the phone to Bai Tianyang's hand.

"Huixin, and Wang Qingyue, talk to me when you get to a safe place."

"Okay." Bai Huixin said on the other end of the phone, "Be careful, I'll be waiting for you and mom outside."

Bai Tianyang finally couldn't bear it any longer and burst into tears.

At this moment, Bai Tianyang suddenly felt his feet shake.

Like an earthquake.

Underwater earthquake?

Not quite.

Among the other "No. 98" people around, a few expressions changed slightly.

Bai Tianyang also felt vaguely that something was wrong, but his attention was quickly attracted to Bai Huixin.

"They sent me out, I was in the sewer..." Accompanying this sentence was the sound of water "swishing", which should be Bai Huixin wading in the water.

"I'm on the ground, I'm on the ground." Along with this sentence, there was a burst of noise.

"Are they following you?" Bai Tianyang asked.

"No, no. There are people everywhere and it's very lively. This is... the West Market? I don't know. Do you want that woman to say a few words to you?"

Bai Tianyang was stunned for a moment and said, "Okay."

Wang Qingyue's voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"We should have climbed out of a well in Pingkangfang. There are many people here, so there is no need to worry."

Bai Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief: "Are you sure everything is okay?"

Wang Qingyue said: "Confirm."

Bai Tianyang said: "Where is Pingkangfang exactly? I will come find you as soon as I come out."

Wang Qingyue said: "Let me's the Bodhi Temple, under the bell tower on the west side."

Bai Tianyang said: "Okay, okay. Just wait for me there and don't move."

After that, Bai Tianyang was afraid that the phone's battery would drain too quickly, so he hung up the phone and held the phone tightly in his hand.

Duan Changling said: "Is that okay? Let him go?"

Yun Yaojin said calmly: "You can leave."

Duan Changling was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Yun Yaojin said: "Except for you, others are not good enough."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in "No. 98" started making noise.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"


"These bitches are not good people!"

"Is it useful to be a good person?" Yun Yaojin suddenly raised his voice and screamed.

For an instant, the scene was completely silent except for the heavy breathing of the men in "No. 98".

"Duan Changling can leave, no problem." Yun Yaojin said, "If others want to leave, there is only one condition: kill Duan Changling!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in "No. 98" looked at each other.

At the same time, the flies, cockroaches, and mice that had been pestering them all suddenly moved away at the same time, leaving them room to move.

Bai Tianyang was also shocked by the destructive and vicious nature of Yun Yaojin's move.

But thinking about what she had just experienced and the suffering that "No. 98" had made her suffer, Bai Tianyang also wanted to see what would happen if these people started killing each other.

The ground shook slightly again.

This time, there seemed to be some dust or something shaken off from above.

"No time!" shouted a member of "No. 98".

"Boss, don't blame me!"

The three members of "No. 98" suddenly rushed towards Duan Changling.

Three other people stopped in front of them.

"do what?"

"Get away!"

"I just want to save this dog's life!"

"I want to live. Is there anything wrong with UU reading"

In an instant, the people of "No. 98" were in a mess and fighting.

Duan Changling stared at all this blankly, and suddenly shouted at Yun Yaojin: "You win! If I die, can you let us all go?"

Yun Yaojin sneered: "If you commit suicide, these people will all die!"

"Brother Duan, I will protect you from death!" A member of "No. 98" came to pull him, and another member of "No. 98" next to him rushed towards Duan Changling. The former suddenly took out his "Taser" and knocked the latter down instantly.

Duan Changling shouted: "I won't leave! I won't leave! I won't..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly twitched.

The "Taser" suddenly turned its gun and used the weapon on him.

Two seconds later, Duan Changling fell straight to the ground. Taser took out his dagger and shouted: "Yun Yaojin, look, Duan Changling died in my hands!"

As he spoke, he pierced Duan Changling's neck with his dagger.

boom! Bang bang!

Several huge objects fell down.

One of the objects, half a suitcase in size and shaped like a rockery, fell from the sky and hit the "Taser" squarely on the head.

The "Taser" brain burst and he fell to the ground dead.

Bai Tianyang was stunned, and even Yun Yaojin's eyes widened, seeming to shut down due to shock.

But they didn't have much time to be dazed, because the vibration of the platform under their feet made them unable to stand firmly.

Not only this platform, but the entire space was shaking.

"Go quickly!" Yun Yaojin finally reacted, "They are going to completely destroy the 'Eternal Life Palace'!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a loud "bang".

The platform collapsed.

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