Datang Mechanical Era

Chapter 139 Robot Flying Insect Army

To be precise, "pieces" fell one after another from above. Under the constant pounding, the connection between the platform and the wall of the "Eternal Life Palace" broke.

The entire platform fell towards the bottom of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace".

The corpses of Bai Tianyang, Yun Yaojin, the unconscious Duan Changling, Tian Heihei, and other "No. 98" members on the platform also fell down.

Even the non-lethal weapon in the hand of "Taser" also fell away.

In less than 1 second, Tianyang fell a full 10 meters.

At this time, the Taser was right next to him. Bai Tianyang grabbed it and thought to himself: Maybe it will be of some use, just stick it in the waistband of his pants.

At the same time, through the large crack on the wall of the cylindrical space, he could clearly see that many of the rooms inside had been flooded with water.

The water lifted up the items in the room and rushed them to the bottom of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace".

And just at the bottom of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace", the water quickly accumulated and rose.

During the day, Yang was pawing with his hands and pedaling, but his heart felt cold: It's over! It’s over!

At this moment, his arm tightened - and he was grabbed by Yun Yaojin.

Bai Tianyang met her eyes, and a burst of hope suddenly rose in her heart: There is still hope! There is help!

Sure enough, at the edge of the field of vision, a huge dark cloud quickly rushed over.

It's those robot bugs.

Soon, Tian Yang's eyes dimmed: dense cockroaches, flies, and moths surrounded him, some were lifting him under his body, and some were grabbing his clothes and hair and pulling them up.

At first, the sun was still falling during the day, but its fall was getting slower and slower.

But Bai Yang knew: the turning point was coming! Because the acceleration is decreasing, and sooner or later the direction will be reversed.

Sure enough, 10 seconds later, when Bai Tianyang and Yun Yaojin were less than 1 meter away from the water below, they were finally lifted up by the army of robotic flying insects.

Head towards the gate at the top of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace".

Through the cracks in the dense army of insects, Bai Tianyang saw Duan Changling fall into the water, causing a splash.

Immediately, another "fragment" smashed into the place where Duan Changling fell into the water.

A stream of bright red emerged from below the water surface and spread.

Bai Tianyang squeezed the phone in his hand.


When the army of robotic flying insects lifted Bai and Yun to the top of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace", the water had already filled half of the second floor of the "Eternal Life Palace".

During this process, flying insects fell down into the water from time to time - compared to them, Baitian Yang and Yun Yaojin were too heavy, and the energy in many flying insects was quickly and completely drained.

Fortunately, the passage leading to the first floor is right in front of you.

The flying insect army threw Bai Tianyang and Yun Yaojin into the passage.

Seeing the door to the upper floor right in front of him, Tian Yang was about to stand up and rush forward excitedly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he straightened up, his feet shook violently and he almost fell.

But after he stabilized his body, he headed there again - as long as he reached the first floor, go up the stairs he came from, run faster, and he could get out in 10 minutes at most.



Just as Bai Tianyang crawled to the door, there were two loud noises, and the floor under his feet began to tilt.

And it tilted a full 15 degrees all of a sudden.

Fortunately, during the day, Yang was already prepared. He got down on all fours to increase the contact area with the ground and increase the friction, so he didn't roll backwards again.

But he knew in his heart that something was wrong: "No. 98" must have used extremely overbearing explosives, and the "Eternal Life Palace" had tilted. Fortunately, there was no water on the first floor, so there was still hope of escaping.

But at this moment, Bai Tianyang saw a large amount of blue water pouring out from the door leading to the first floor.

During the day, Yang felt a chill in his heart.

He couldn't help but glance at Yun Yaojin next to him, but found that Yun Yaojin was also looking at him.

Their eyes met, and their eyes told each other: It's over!

Sooner or later, the flood rushed in front of Bai Tianyang and swept away Bai Tianyang from where he was.

In the huge current, the sun was washed up and down during the day.

But he couldn't help but scramble around, trying to find something to steady himself.

Even, as long as his head is above the water, he will shout:

"Clouds shake gold!"



It means don’t give up, keep those robot mice and robot bugs functioning.

Soon, Bai Tianyang was rushed to the place where the platform broke and collapsed. He suddenly discovered that there was a string of things floating in the water, one end of which was fixed to something similar to a drainage outlet on the ground.

Bai Tianyang reached out and grabbed it without thinking.

He actually caught it firmly and was no longer washed away by the current.

Only then did Bai Tianyang see clearly that what he caught was actually a bunch of mice.

They were linked head to tail, and the front body completely filled a drainage outlet on the ground, while the other end of the drainage outlet was obviously empty, so the pressure difference on both sides of the mouse held it firmly there. The mice behind it are all metal mechanical structures, and their bite and grip strength are unmatched by ordinary mice.

On the other side, Yun Yaojin also grabbed another drainage outlet on the ground and stabilized his body in the water.

After the first "big wave" passed, the upper bodies of both men emerged from the water.

Yun Yaojin shouted: "What should I do?"

Bai Tianyang took a deep breath, his mind racing like lightning.

A large amount of water was seen pouring from the first floor, and it was impossible to return the same way.

Is there any other way out?

There is only one way.

"Send all your friends out and look for..."

Before he could say the word "way out", a wave hit him. Bai Tianyang choked on his saliva and coughed violently.

But his meaning had been conveyed in place, and Yun Yaojin shouted: "Okay!"

It can be seen that the flies, cockroaches and mice that were surrounding Bai Tianyang and Yun Yaojin just now quickly dispersed.

Some plunged into the water, and some climbed over the top of the channel against the direction of the water flow from above the sun and the clouds.

Soon, thousands of "robot pests" disappeared.

But the water below is still rising, and there is still a lot of water pouring in from the front channel entrance.

Bai Tianyang could only grit his teeth and hope that those "little cuties" would bring good news as soon as possible.

However, the water rose higher and faster, and soon, Tian Yang's body was floated up, and his whole head was about to be submerged in the water.

"found it!"

Yun Yaojin shouted loudly.

"Where it is, where it is!" Bai Tianyang shouted desperately.

Yun Yaojin suddenly let go of his hand and rushed toward Bai Yang.

At the same time, the water surface completely submerged Bai Yang's head.

Bai Tianyang could only let go of his hand and try his best to get closer to Yun Yaojin.

Seeing the two people getting closer, a black shadow suddenly passed in front of Bai Yangyang.

Immediately, Bai Tianyang felt something tightly wrapped around his waist.

When I looked down, I saw that it was half a person.

To be precise, it was the upper body of a robot, with arms spread out to hug itself tightly.

It looks strangely familiar.

Is it... Zheng Qianha?

This guy who likes to give people test questions and kill them if they answer them incorrectly. At this time, everything from the waist down has disappeared.

Only the upper body was left tightly wrapped around him.

Not only that, Bai Tianyang also saw the remains of a large number of other robots floating in the water.

What I have seen on the first floor of the "Eternal Life Hall", UU Reading Several of Zheng Qianji's "machine ancestors" are here.

Some only have half of their body left, and some only have their torso and head.

In short, they were all dismantled.

In addition to them, there are also those pheasants that brought huge trouble to Bai Yang and the members of "No. 98".

At this moment, each one was twitching in the water like a wind-up toy, doing "ghostly animal movements".

The shock that this scene brought to Bai Yang only lasted for a second.

Because he must run for his life now.

Yun Yaojin was only 2 meters away, but Zheng Qianhe hugged Bai Tianyang tightly and tried his best to prevent Bai Baiyang from getting close to Yun Yaojin.

During the day, the air in Yang's lungs was quickly exhausted, and the feeling of suffocation drove him crazy.

This time is not as suffocating as falling into the water in "Elysium", it is really fatal.

Bai Tianyang gritted his teeth and used his last remaining sanity to carefully observe Zheng Qianhe, looking for a solution.

The old Anling-176!

The central transmission should be in the vest.

Bai Tianyang used his last strength to tear off the clothes on Zheng Qianhe's back and signaled to Yun Yaojin - come here for him.

Yun Yaojin came over, raised his fair hand, first scratched the skin on Zheng Qianhe's back with his long nails, and then dug it in with his hand.

Like a butcher removing offal from a dead pig, a metal object the size of a napkin box was pulled out from the inside with wires attached.

Zheng Qianhe's body instantly softened like duckweed in the water.

Although his eyes were clearly telling Bai Tianyang: He was not willing to give in!

But he still let go of his arms, and the entire half of his body floated away with the current.

At the same time, Bai Yang was feeling dizzy - he had reached his limit.

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