Since this cottage has been upgraded and all his money has been spent, it is always necessary to see the construction of the cottage.

As soon as he said go, Lin Chen waved his big hand and said loudly:

"Let's go, take a look!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he immediately walked out, and Li Lizhen and Xu San immediately followed.

Several people went out of the wall, and now it is also called the inner wall.

As soon as I stepped out of the inner gate, I saw rows of brand-new houses neatly located on both sides.

The house is solemn and generous, neat and not rigid.

Li Lizhi on the side looked at such a neat and uniform building, and couldn't help but light up, and even exclaimed directly:

"Husband, these houses are much more beautiful than those in Chang'an City!"

Lin Chen also looked at these houses and nodded with satisfaction.

As you look to the side, there are large factories built of countless blue bricks and bluestones, which are extremely strong.

In this way, Lin Chen was very satisfied with the various construction mechanisms inside and outside the outer wall.

Standing at the door of the inner wall, looking at it, I couldn't help but sigh

: "Although this money is like flowing water, but this money is used on the blade, and this money is worth it!" Li Lizhi followed Lin Chen all the way, and echoed with great satisfaction:

"Yes! This money is

indeed worth it." "

Although this is like flowing money, it is also worth it to make such a big change in the cottage.

Lin Chen looked at these houses, and now the construction is just enough for the mountain people in the village to live, if you want to develop again, the money is still not enough

! Since you have no money, then continue to earn, anyway, you have more skills!

Lin Chen was thinking about how to make money, at this time, suddenly someone rode over from the outer wall.

The two recognized at a glance that this was the chamberlain in the palace who delivered the letters.

The man came to Lin Chen

and Li Lizhen, and hurriedly dismounted and saluted: "Your Royal Highness the Princess, Lord Lin Zhai!"

Li Lizhen took the lead in asking

: "Zhang Neizhi, but there is a letter from the father and queen mother?"

The Zhang waiter hurriedly said yes, took out a letter from his arms, handed it over, and said:

"There is a letter from the queen mother to Her Royal Highness the princess.

After Li Lizhen took it, the waiter hurriedly saluted and said goodbye.

After Zhang Neizhi left, Li Lizhi opened the letter, read the content of the letter in three or two eyes, and couldn't help jumping in shock, and hurriedly handed the book in his hand to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at his mother's nervous expression and was also a little puzzled, and after reaching out to take it, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he looked at the content of the letter.

This letter was written by the eldest grandson, Wuji.

The content of the letter is roughly the recent incident in Chang'an City because of glass. Asked Lin Chen and Li Lizhen how to solve Yunyun.

In the past few months, the glass has been sold repeatedly, and now it has made Chang'an City a copy of it, and it has become worthless!

This glass is not worth much, and the first to jump up and oppose it are the merchants who bought it at a high price at the auction.


businessmen have joined forces and have already jointly sued Lin Chen for fraud at the Yin Office of Chang'an City Mansion and demanded compensation for losses.

Now even the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have begun to jointly sue Li Shimin.

Now this glass shop has become the most hated place for these dignitaries in Chang'an City.

Of course, the one who hates the most is Lin Chen.

The glass business has even affected the business of Zuixianju.

After all, most of the people in this drunken immortal residence have high consumption, and most of them are high-ranking officials and nobles.

When the glass items first came out, they were bought by people with strong family backgrounds, and they wanted to keep their value safe, but they didn't want to lose them directly.

This glass is all over the sky, where is it still valuable.

They also all know that this drunken immortal residence and the glass shop are the same shopkeeper, so naturally they all hold a grudge.

Even Li Shimin was forced by the minister repeatedly because of the depreciation of these things, and he was very annoyed.

Because at that time, he was about to be emptied by Lin Chen for these glass products, although he knew that this glass was not worth much, but he didn't expect it to come to this point. Moreover, he didn't want to offend the Manchu Dynasty's civil and military forces, so after thinking about it, he still let these people dump the pot on Lin Chen.

But even so, the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were persecuted repeatedly after the court, which gave him a headache.

Li Lizhi sighed, looked up at the rows of newly built houses in the cottage, and said helplessly:

"I have been so short of money in the past few months, so this glass has been sold so fast that every family in Chang'an City has ...... The glass is worthless now.

Lin Chen nodded after hearing this, and he also understood in his heart that now that glass is sold in large quantities, it is naturally worthless.

Therefore, Li Shimin was angry, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were also angry.

One by one, they want to keep things as treasures, but now they are worthless, so they are naturally unhappy.

Although the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were cheated by Li Shimin, Li Shimin was the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and they didn't dare to find trouble with Li Shimin, so now the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are demanding that Li Shimin severely punish himself as a 'profiteer'.

Now even the Drunken Immortal Residence has been affected......

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but scratch

his head, and secretly said in his heart: "I'm in a hurry about this matter...... Li

Lizhi hurriedly said

: "Husband, why don't we let it go, saying that what they have in their hands is a unique product in glass, and it is also valuable?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said:

"No, this glass product is a group of each one, and there are many duplicates among them." Even being one-of-a-kind is useless. The amount of glass is there, and it's still worthless. After

failing to make a plan, Li Lizhi thought about several more in succession, and Lin Chen shook his head and vetoed them one by one after hearing this.

He twisted his eyebrows and thought about it for a long time and didn't understand what to do, so he slapped his hand and said loudly:

"It's a big deal, let's go back to the cottage now, if you mess with me, I'm not afraid, anyway, the cottage has also been upgraded, and even if thousands of troops come, you can resist it."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi couldn't help frowning slightly, and said softly:

"Husband, if this is the case, the shops in Chang'an City will shrink back, and we will have no money to earn......

" "Now that the population of our cottage has also increased, and the daily expenses still need to be ...... with money."

Thinking about Li Liqing's words, Lin Chen also felt that it was very reasonable, so he pondered for a moment and said,

"I will try my best to solve this matter." "

What is the husband's solution?" Li Li asked with a puzzled expression.

Lin Chen chuckled lightly and said rather mysteriously,

"Mountain people have their own tricks!"


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