Hearing this, 'Oops', Lin Chen and Li Lizhen couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, the little son finally reacted, covered his head with his little hands, and wondered:

"Could this be me?"

Could this be the mirror that my brother-in-law just held

? How could it be so clear?

The puzzled probe looked behind her, and the back was exactly what she had seen before.


turned her head again, looked at herself in the mirror carefully, pinched her face, and cried with a 'wow' at the corner of her mouth.

Li Lizhi, who was closest to her, saw

the little son crying bitterly, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked nervously, "What's the matter

, little son? Did it hurt?" Lin Chen also stepped forward, a little puzzled, this was what the two of them were watching just now, this collision shouldn't be so powerful, right? Why are you crying so fiercely?

Both of them have puzzled expressions, looking at the little son who is crying bitterly.

At this time, the little son sobbed and said,

"Why am I so fat...... Such a fat brother-in-law will dislike me......! How can you be the second lady whining

...... "Lin Chen

: "......" Li Liqing: "......"

Hearing this, the two were stunned for a moment, and after glancing at each other, they immediately laughed.

This time they came back and found that the little son had gained a lot of weight, and the two of them only thought that the little son was still young, a little greedy, and they didn't care, anyway, the little son was more cute when he got fat and meaty.

The little son watched the two laugh at her, and suddenly cried even more fiercely, and her voice was about to penetrate the roof and go straight into the sky.

Li Lizhi hurriedly put away her smile and comforted

: "It's okay, it's good to eat less in the future, and you will lose weight soon!"

Hearing this, the little son stopped crying, blinked her eyes, and asked:

"But didn't Sister say that if you eat more, you can grow up earlier? What if you eat less and don't grow up?"

Li Lizhen: "......"

She didn't expect that this coaxing of the child would be taken seriously by the little son.

But seeing that the little son was so sad now, he turned his head sideways and thought about it and explained:

"Sister is lying to you, I want you to eat more and take care of your body."

As soon as the little son heard this, he suddenly became even more aggrieved, and

said with tears in his eyes: "Sister is lying! You said that you will grow up if you eat more! You said it! Woo woo

......" Li Liqing

: "I ......

" Lin Chen saw this situation, so he leaned down with a smile, hugged the little son and said softly:

" A child is like a tree, it has to bask in the sun and drink rainwater, so that it will have luxuriant branches and leaves, and when there is wind and snow, it will not be blown down, so that every year will pass, he will slowly grow into a very beautiful tree.

"So your sister didn't lie to you, eat well, only by eating can you get better, and when you grow up, you will become a very beautiful girl." The

little son blinked his eyes, crystal tears hung on his long eyelashes, looked at Lin Chen with a puzzled expression

, and asked with a sob: "Really, will the little son become a beautiful girl?"

Lin Chen nodded with a smile and said

, "Brother-in-law promises!"

Hearing this, the little son finally stopped crying, then turned his head, looked at himself in the mirror, and blinked his eyes twice.

He pursed his mouth again and cried:

"Woo woo...... Why are you so fat!Woo woo woo

......" Lin Chen

: "......" Li Liqing:

"......" ......

In the end, the little son was finally tired of crying and fell asleep in Lin Chen's arms.

At this time, Li Lizhi looked at the fitting mirror again, this fitting mirror was very large in size, and it was extremely clear.

Nowadays in Datang, dressing and fitting can only be watched by others.

But what others see in you is not the same as what you see.

Even if you wear a nice dress, you can't check it yourself.

Now with this mirror, it is different, this mirror can reflect the upper body effect of clothes, and there are some jewelry matching, which is also more intuitive.

As a woman, she is naturally the one who knows women best. If

this fitting mirror is sold in Chang'an City, it will definitely be in short supply at that time! Thinking of this, Li Lizhen's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she looked at Lin Chen with a happy face: "Husband, we will make more of this fitting mirror and sell it in Chang'an City when the time comes, and we will definitely have a lot of income!" Lin

Chen looked at Li Lizhen mentioning business, and he was even more excited, and couldn't help but smile and agree:

"Then listen to the lady! Make more of this mirror and sell it!" Hearing

Lin Chen so happily snuggled up to himself, Li Lizhi couldn't help but look at Lin Chen with deep affection

, and said softly: "Husband, it's so good for the slave family...... Lin

Chen laughed, and said loudly:

"I'm not good to the lady, who am I good for?"

Li Lizhi was very obedient and lay in Lin Chen's arms, looking at the sleeping little son with a smile, and her heart was even warmer.


A few months later, the fortifications and housing facilities in the cottage had been completed.

After a few months, the mountain people in the cottage finally took on a new look according to the drawings drawn by their village owner.

At this time, Xu San was in the house to report to Lin Chen and Li Liqing, the details of the construction this time.

"The owner of the village, the wife of the owner of the village!"

"A total of 800 houses were built this time, including 10 factories, a wall 35 miles long, 1,000 traps, 200 large institutions, and 800 small institutions.

At this time, Li Lizhi looked down at the account book, couldn't help frowning, and said,

"Husband, this time, we have not much money left in our account.

Lin Chen was slightly stunned, he made a lot of money, but he didn't expect to spend it so quickly.

It's really a lot of money,

but it's worth it to be able to expand this cottage.

Now this is only an extension of five miles outside the village, and it has already cost so much, so it is estimated that more money will be used for subsequent construction.

It seems that this road to making money is still a long road!


Thank you for the big reminder! And everyone's moon cakes, thank you very much!

The little author reminds you that the weather has changed rapidly recently, so you should wear more clothes and pay attention to your body!

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