Early in the morning in the Zhao Guogong Mansion

, a small servant ran to the gatehouse in a panic.

was led by the guards to the study of Sun Wuji, the eldest prince of Zhao Guo.

As soon as the little guy saw Zhao Guogong, he hurriedly knelt down, and said with a bitter face:

"Guogong, something happened to our Zhuangzi...... Hearing

this, Zhao Guogong's eldest grandson Wuji was shocked, this Zhuangzi is an excellent land he bought at a great price, and the annual income of Zhuangzi is not low.

Usually someone takes care of it, and it is reported at the end of each year. I didn't bother with anything, and now something happened.

Thinking of this, the eldest grandson Wuji's eyebrows tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

The little guy didn't dare to hide it, and hurriedly poured beans into the bamboo tube, and said clearly about the things on the Zhuangzi:

"Returning to the country, I don't know where the news came from Zhuangzi recently, saying that there is a group of bandits on Qingcheng Mountain, and the grain they grow has a very high yield per mu, so that those thieves in the cottage can eat and drink without worry.

"The farmers above this village got the news, and our wheat harvest has just been harvested, and the yield is not high. And they ...... Only...... Go directly to Qingcheng Mountain!"

"Now...... Now there is no one to use in this Zhuangzi......


Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji was shocked in his heart, and there was a burst of anger on his face:

"These people are all people who have worked in the village for generations, and they have never left Zhuangzi, how can they easily run away with a group of bandits?

!The little guy hurriedly shook his head and said, "This ...... The villain didn't know...... "These farmers are all the same as they have been discussed, and they are all gone!" When he first got the news, he was still blindfolded.

As soon as he reacted, he quickly pulled a person and interrogated him for a long time before he learned these things from the farmer's mouth, and it was really unclear how much this yield was.

The eldest grandson Wuji couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart, he had heard of this Qingcheng Mountain, but when did there be these thieves on this mountain? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but

clench his fist and hammer it heavily on the table, and shouted angrily: "What is the county order of Lai'an County for?

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji slightly restrained his emotions, waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, the old man will find another way to deal with this matter, you can retreat first!"

The man hurriedly surrendered.

Eldest Sun Wuji rubbed his eyebrows, what is going on recently, there has been no movement in the palace about the marriage between Eldest Sun Chong and Princess Changle.

I also went to the palace several times to inquire, and every time His Majesty and the Empress shirked it for various reasons. It's not that the princess is unwell, or they cherish the princess and want to stay longer, so they keep dragging it out.

Now the wedding items in this house have long been purchased, but this bride can't welcome the door. These things were enough to upset him, and there was a bandit popping up here.

The peasant households who dared to rob him were all

robbed by the bandits. Instead of farming for other people, these peasant households went to farm for the bandits

! Isn't this a big joke?

No! This matter must be explained!

Thinking of this, the eldest grandson Wuji did not stop, and hurriedly got up and walked outside the house.

The two adults who were waiting watched the eldest grandson Wuji walk out angrily, and they were still wondering.

After the eldest grandson Wuji, who was not good-looking, saw the two of them, he remembered that the next person had reported that the two of them had something to do.

He restrained his anger slightly, and asked, "Do you have something important to do with the two adults?"

Then Lord Wang and Lord Li saw the angry look on the face of the eldest grandson Wuji at this time, and they knew that today was not the right time.

Now that it's almost time for the autumn exam, I originally wanted to find Zhao Guogong to write a letter of recommendation to the children in the family, and it would be easier to get in, but now I am afraid that it will not be possible to do it like this.

The two glanced at each other, shook their heads like rattles, and hurriedly replied: "It's okay! It's okay! Xiaguan suddenly remembered that there was something important at home, and he would visit him another day!"

and left directly.

When the eldest grandson Wuji saw the two leaving, he immediately beckoned his subordinates and prepared to wear official uniforms and enter the palace.


Since Li Shimin of the palace heard the eldest grandson Wujian say that there were such a divine object as sweet potatoes in the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain, although he pretended not to care, he had been thinking about it in his heart.

I counted my fingers for a long time, counted the days, calculated the time, and if it was a harvest, it would be a matter of the past few days.

What is the yield of sweet potatoes?

Li Shimin, who was reviewing the folds before the dragon case, couldn't help but look up at the weather outside, as the weather was good today, it was the weather suitable for harvesting crops.

This sweet potato was very delicious when he heard Guanyin say it before, which inevitably reminded him of the roasted corn he had eaten in that cottage.

The delicious feeling is still unforgettable, and now this sweet potato is not only delicious but also filling. If this production is also good, it can be promoted ......

This sweet potato ......

Li Shimin thought about this in his heart, but his subordinates kept moving, and continued to correct the twists and turns in his hands.

It's also very boring to watch that it's all inconsequential greetings from local officials.

As soon as he put down a recital, Li Shimin was stunned in his heart, and hurriedly picked up the recital that had just been corrected.

It's ......

Li Shimin looked at the fold and was going to write 'read', but he didn't expect to write the word 'sweet potato'.

Looking at the vermilion handwriting, he froze in place ......

The recital, which could have been reviewed in half a day, took almost a day. I don't know how many 'sweet potato' ...... were written in the middle

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Li Shimin was still a little absent.

The eldest grandson Wujian looked at Li Shimin who had been a little absent-minded for the past two days, so he asked: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Li Shimin reacted instantly, and hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Nothing to do...... nothing"

The eldest grandson Wujian looked at Li Shimin as if he didn't want to mention it, so he didn't say more.

When he went to bed at night, Li Shimin thought about sweet potatoes in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, so he stared at his eyes and lost sleep again.

When the eldest grandson Wujian dined the next day, he said casually as if unintentionally: "The palace has nothing to do and calculates the time, and now the sweet potatoes are also harvested...... Li

Shimin heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at the eldest grandson Wuji, and then turned his head again, pretending not to care.

Seeing this, the eldest grandson Wujian smiled slightly, he has been married for many years, how could he not know that Li Shimin has something in his heart, he just tried it slightly, and he knew that he was worried about the sweet potato, and he couldn't pull his face to take the initiative to mention it.

Thinking of this, the eldest grandson Wujian smiled softly, and asked tentatively:

"Your Majesty, do you want the concubine to repair a letter and ask Changle how the yield of this sweet potato is?"

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