The eldest grandson Wujian had just sent the letter, and Li Shimin had already begun to wait like a year.

He then moved all the twists and turns to the queen's palace for correction, although he didn't say it on the face, but the eldest grandson Wujian was exquisite, how could he not know that His Majesty's move was to know the yield per mu of sweet potatoes for the first time.

The day after the letter was sent, he had just finished dealing with political affairs, and he came to the palace of his eldest grandson Wujian early.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Shimin pretended to ask casually: "Guanyin, what ...... I'm afraid that

Changle has received the letter......" The eldest grandson Wuji, who was busy, saw Li Shimin coming, and hurriedly got up and replied: "The concubine calculates the time, Changle should have received the letter a long time ago, I'm afraid it was delayed on the road." Your Majesty hasn't eaten yet, right? Why don't you enjoy one or two at the concubine's place?"

Li Shimin's face was disappointed.

He also nodded, accepted the invitation of the eldest grandson, and sat down to dine together.

After Li Shimin ate the meal absentmindedly, he saw a chamberlain coming quickly, holding a letter in his hand, and bowing to Li Shimin and his eldest grandson.

Li Shimin saw the letter in the hand of the waiter at a glance, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly got up and said loudly: "Hurry


The eldest grandson Wujian looked at Li Shimin's face with surprise from time to time, and suddenly had doubts, but finally calmed down.

I couldn't help but ask a little strangely: "Your Majesty, what did Changle say in this letter?"

At this time, Li Shimin was still immersed in his own shock and couldn't react. Hearing the voice of the eldest grandson, he was stunned for a moment and handed the letter to the eldest grandson Wujian.

At this time, Li Shimin's heart was even more turbulent.

Looking at the entire Tang Dynasty, the best land is his royal manor, and every year he will also cultivate some fine wheat and millet in this manor. Get some good seeds, so that they can be distributed to the people and planted.

But even the grain produced by this best land is only about 300 catties. Most of the ordinary people planted are 200 catties, and the high-yield ones are less than 300 catties.

Even if it is 500 catties, I have never heard of it, but now the sweet potatoes planted by

Lin Chen not only exceed 500 catties, but also ten times that of 500 catties! What kind of concept is this? This is equivalent to all the output of more than 100 mu of the royal manor! Qingcheng Mountain, where Lin Chen is located, has many mountains, and the output of one acre of mountainous land is more than the sum of more than 100 mu of good land in the royal manor?

Li Shimin shook his head after thinking for a long time, still not believing what was written in the letter, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Is it a mistake written by Changle?" "

How can there be such a high yield?"

When the eldest grandson Wujian read what Li Li said in the letter, he was also stunned.

"Five thousand catties

?!" "Yield per mu?!"

The eldest grandson Wujian was also a little unbelievable, although when he was in the cottage before, he had seen the number of fruits under the sweet potato, but this fruit was still large and small at that time, although he had already expected that it should be much higher than the average grain yield.

However, I never thought that this grain could have such a high yield per mu

! This is 5,000 catties!

In addition to being stunned, I couldn't help but look at Li Shimin and ask

, "Your Majesty, ......

this yield?" Both of them were puzzled at the same time, and they didn't quite believe that this sweet potato would have such an amazing yield.

Li Shimin even picked up the letter again, looked at it carefully, and finally frowned, shook his head and said

: "This is probably exaggerated

!" At this moment, a report suddenly came from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, Zhao Guogong asks to see you outside the palace!"

Hearing the voice, Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wujian reacted at the same time, and after the two glanced at each other, they looked out of the hall together.

At the same time, I secretly screamed in my heart that it was not good.

I'm afraid that this eldest grandson Wuji came here for the sake of Changle again.

Li Shimin's face was embarrassed for a while, and he suddenly had no idea: "This ...... What should I do?" The methods inside and out have pushed this Changle marriage again, and I don't know how to explain this matter now.

After all, he had personally agreed to this marriage before, and if he opened his mouth at this time, he didn't know where to put the royal majesty?

The eldest grandson Wujian frowned and thought for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, this matter should be handled by the concubine!" After all, it is not a way to drag it out like this.

Li Shimin looked at the eldest grandson Wuji, and saw that her face was calm and measured, he couldn't help sighing, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work......

" The eldest grandson Wujian smiled softly, shook his head lightly and said: "I can share the worries for Your Majesty, this is the matter of the concubine

!" Since the two had already discussed the rhetoric, Li Shimin ordered aloud: "Come in!"

Then the eldest grandson Wuji entered the hall and saluted the two first.

Then he opened his mouth to report: "Your Majesty, the minister has something important to report!" Hearing

that the eldest grandson Wuji was not here for Li Liqing, Li Shimin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The eldest grandson Wuji then said directly: "The minister recently got the news that there are a gang of bandits in Qingcheng Mountain in Lai'an County who have planted and harvested some strange grain, and even threatened to have a yield of 5,000 catties per mu! After hearing this, the farmers of several nearby mountain villas went to take refuge one after another, and several nearby villages have been affected, and now I am afraid that there are not many manpower.

When Li Shimin heard this, Huo Ran raised his head and asked eagerly: "5,000 catties per mu?!" The

eldest grandson Wuji nodded heavily, and said with a disdainful smile: "......5,000 catties?

Your Majesty, the minister thinks that this gang of bandits is doing this to confuse the people's hearts, and they have ill intentions, and they are suspected of plotting chaos! I hope that Your Majesty will see clearly!" After

the eldest grandson Wuji finished speaking, he bowed his hand again, and the emperor would never tolerate the existence of such people who bewitch the people. He is confident, and His Majesty will definitely be angry about this!

As everyone knows, Li Shimin's mind is full of sweet potatoes at the moment, and he was still skeptical just now, but now when he heard the eldest grandson Wuji say this, he believed it a little more.

"If you can really produce 5,000 catties per mu...... It's good for my Datang!

" He muttered quietly, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but shoot the case directly, shouting: "That's great!"

Hearing this

, the eldest grandson Wuji suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Shimin, his expression full of bewilderment.


Demagoguery of the people! Intention to plot chaos!

Why is it so good?

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