Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wuji went out of the gate and sat on the carriage on the way back.

Recalling the signed agreement, Li Shimin couldn't help but squint his eyes, and said secretly in his heart:

"This Lin Chen really refuses to eat at all, this kid just relies on this sweet potato

, and this time he won't make less money!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but scold: "This kid is too profiteer!"

But now that the sweet potato agreement has been finalized, and the two parties have officially begun to hand over, he is finally relieved.

Thinking of such an astonishing yield of sweet potatoes, he would plant all those sweet potatoes near the royal estate next year, and wouldn't he harvest even more when the time came!?

And after the eldest grandson Wuji went through this way, he finally understood that this Lin Chen's talent was probably not an ordinary person.

Besides, being so valued by His Majesty, it seems that this identity must be more than just a thief.

Thinking of this, the eldest grandson Wuji couldn't help but be shocked, and now that he thinks about it, he can't help but be glad that he didn't do anything more out of the ordinary.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as being beaten!

I have to say that as an important adviser by Li Shimin's side, the eldest grandson Wuji has such a vision and judgment of judging the situation that no one can match.

Through his observation in the past few days, he can be regarded as getting to know Lin Chen, a strange person like Lin Chen usually looks calm and breezy.

But if you are good, it will be fine, if you take the initiative to provoke him, you will definitely not be able to please the good fruit to eat.

Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wuji returned to Chang'an City without saying a word.


In the main hall of the Zhao Guogong Mansion

, the eldest grandson was anxiously turning around in the hall, at this time he raised his head and looked at the sky outside, it was almost night, and this day was about to pass.

His eyes were full of anxiety, and he walked quickly to the door and asked the family, "Has my father ever come back?"

The family shook his head and replied, "Master Hui, the master has never returned!"

The eldest grandson Chong turned around again in disappointment and returned to the hall.

He is waiting for the eldest grandson Wuji here for nothing else, so he wants to ask about the marriage with his cousin Li Lizhi and when the date is set.

As long as he thinks of Li Liqing, he can't help but be fascinated.

It was so quiet and elegant, so beautiful that it was too beautiful to look at, and he had never seen anyone more beautiful than his cousin.

He had long wanted to marry her back as a wife, but she was too young.

Later, after waiting for Li Lizhi and Lu, he immediately begged his father to go to the palace to ask for marriage.

Finally, His Majesty finally agreed to this marriage, and he thought that he was about to start the marriage, but he waited left and right, and there was no movement for several months.

I also asked his father to go to the palace to ask a few times before, and when he came back, he just said that he should wait, but after so long, there is no explanation.

He originally wanted to ask his father to go to the palace again, but he caught up with his father and didn't come back for a few days.

He didn't explain before leaving, and he didn't know where he went, so he had to wait.

At this time, he looked up at the sky outside, it was already dark, and he was afraid that his father would not come back today.

Changsun Chong, who was already hopeless, heard the next person report at this time: "Young master, the master is back!"

Hearing this, Changsun Chong was overjoyed, and immediately got up and went to the door to greet him.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, he saw the eldest grandson Wuji coming over.

Eldest Sun Chong immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "Father is back!" Eldest Sun

Wuji nodded expressionlessly, and walked straight into the main hall.

The subordinates hurriedly served tea, and at this time, Changsun Chong looked at his father and said with concern: "Father, you have not been in the house for a few days, and the child is very worried!"

Looking at the concern in his eyes, he opened his mouth to explain: "For my father, I went to deal with some political affairs, and I was in a hurry. When

the eldest grandson heard that he was going to deal with political affairs, he put his mind at ease, and thought of the things he was anxious about before, so he spoke again:

"Father, when did Your Majesty say when the marriage date between the child and the princess

will be?"Hearing the eldest grandson Wuji say this, the eldest grandson Chong was instantly blindsided, and he didn't know why his father suddenly refused to mention it so strongly.

Suspicious, he asked, "Father, why is this? His Majesty has already agreed to the marriage between the child and the princess." The

eldest grandson Wuji looked at his son like this, and also knew that he was very attentive to Changle, if he didn't make this matter clear, I'm afraid he wouldn't give up.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth to explain: "Now that Princess Changle has married someone else, His Majesty also knows about this matter, so in the future, the two of you have never had a marriage contract!"

Hearing this explanation, Changsun Chong was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

The face was even more incredible, and a voice kept flashing in his mind:

"She is already married to someone else'

......" "She is married......

" "......

"No! The two of them have already had a marriage contract, how can this be? How can this work?"

"She is my eldest grandson Chong's wife, how can she marry someone else

?!" "Who is that person?!" How dare you rob his people?!

" Thinking of this, Changsun Chong eagerly asked, "Who is she married to?!"

At the same time, he kept guessing in his heart, which minister in the court was the son, or the noble family. But after thinking about it for a while, I haven't heard of any of them getting married in these days.

Eldest Sun Wuji had already expected such a reaction from Eldest Sun Chong

, and sighed slightly and said, "She married Lin Chen on Qingcheng Mountain in Lai'an County and became his wife.

As soon as he heard this, Changsun Chong instantly became angry, stood up with a "rub", gritted his teeth and repeated:

"Mrs. Zhai? She actually married a thief?!"

I thought it would be an official eunuch, but I didn't expect it to be a little thief! The more Changsun Chong thought about it, the more angry he became, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Seeing Changsun Chong's reaction, Changsun Wuji couldn't help frowning, and recalled that in the cottage, His Majesty respected that Lin Chen so much, and that Lin Chen could grow such a divine thing, he must be a hidden master.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth to warn:

"Father tells you that this matter has become a foregone conclusion, whether you want it or not, Your Majesty has acquiesced.

"And also issued an order, to hide this matter, you had better rot this matter to the bottom of your heart, and don't go to Lin Chen's trouble!" Hearing his father's

anger, Changsun Chong instantly suppressed his anger, sat down slowly, and nodded obediently on his face.

But his eyes narrowed slightly, hiding the disbelief in his eyes, and he said with hatred in his heart

: "Lin Chen! The revenge of taking his wife, how can he stop here!" "

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