After the eldest grandson Chong knew that his cousin was cut off like this, he had been pressed with anger in his heart.

I can't go up or down, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Even the maid who was waiting for Changsun Chong in the past two days looked at him with a gloomy face all day long, and he was terrified, for fear that something would go wrong and anger him.

The anger held in my heart will only get bigger and bigger.

His Majesty also agreed to his marriage to his cousin, thinking that it was a foregone conclusion, and that he would be able to form a pair with his cousin.

But he never thought that a bandit would jump out halfway and take it away.

Who is his eldest grandson Chong? He is the son of the dignified Duke of Zhao Guo, and he will inherit the title in the future.

In terms of knowledge and background, how could a thief who was Lin Chen be compared to him

? Only a person of his rank and dignity could match Princess Changle, what kind of thing was he Lin Chen?

Thinking of this, the eldest grandson Chong's eyes were cold, a pair of big hands clenched into fists, slammed on the coffee table on the side, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Lin Chen! you wait!"

After speaking, he walked out of the courtyard and whispered a few words to a small servant.

I saw that the little guy was a little embarrassed and said, "Young master, this ......

If the master knew that he was afraid that he would punish the little ones......" The eldest grandson Chong's eyes were fierce, he turned his head and glared at the little guy, and said coldly: "If you don't hurry up to organize people

, this young master will sell you now!" Hearing this, the little guy was shocked, and hurriedly said: "The young master is angry, the little one will do it

!" The eldest grandson nodded with satisfaction, and finally explained: "Don't let your father know about this matter!"

Where did that little guy dare to say anything, he immediately answered yes, and then went to finish what Changsun Chong had arranged.


It rained a few times in Qingcheng Mountain

, and the mountain road was not easy to walk.

I saw that in the mountains and forests of Qingcheng Mountain, there were thirty or fifty people, walking cautiously forward.

These are none other than Changsun Chong and others who are preparing to go to the cottage to seek revenge.

After the eldest grandson Chong decided to make Lin Chen look good on the day he was beaten, he began to collect manpower.

After knowing that he was dealing with a thief, this eldest grandson Chong deliberately selected some more strong men in the mansion, and spent money to hire more people, and gathered a full fifty people to come to this cottage.

Changsun Chong was naturally very satisfied with the strong and healthy people he selected, and he also inquired, there are mostly some farmers farming on this Qingcheng Mountain, and it is not a climate at all.

He is still full of confidence in this revenge.

It's just that what Changsun Chong doesn't know is that although these mountain people on top of this cottage are farming, which one of them is not brave and good at fighting?

They fought against the Jingwei Army twice, and they won a great victory.

It's just that this is the second defeat of the imperial court and the loss of face, and Li Shimin ordered these news to be strictly blocked.

It is naturally not unusual for Changsun Chong to be able to get such news.

The group came to a place where the weeds were green, but Changsun Chong suddenly stopped everyone.

I saw that he looked at the surrounding environment very vigilantly and found that it was surprisingly quiet.


more he thought about it, the more strange he became, and Changsun Chong, who was afraid of falling into the trap, turned his head and pointed to a person and ordered in a deep voice: "You take a few people to explore the way!"

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately received the order and took people to check the news.

After waiting for a while, they really saw that the person who inquired about the news came back, and several people walked forward, but they didn't find anything abnormal, so they returned the same way and hurriedly informed Changsun Chong.

Changsun Chong looked up at the silent mountain forest, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

Didn't these thieves guard the mountain gates?

However, seeing that the person who inquired about the news came back safe and sound, and did not find anything suspicious, he put aside his doubts and continued to walk.


Li Laosi had already discovered that a few people were sneakily exploring the situation in the mountains, and it seemed that they were exploring the way.

I thought that I would take down a few people immediately, but I suddenly remembered that I had learned an idiom from the owner of the village, which was called luring the enemy to go deeper.

Then he retreated again, a sly smile flashed on his dark face, and after watching the men probe around, he returned the same way.

Li Laosi waited like this for a long time, and saw dozens of people jumping out of the grass on one side.

The men followed the route they had explored before, and kept going.

As soon as Li Laosi saw these people appear, he immediately beckoned, and the mountaineers patrolling the mountains behind him immediately stepped forward, and the shouts of killing immediately came out.

At this time, Changsun Chong and his party were walking forward cautiously, but they never thought that many big men would suddenly jump out of the grass on the side.

The men didn't say a word, but beat them with sticks.

As soon as Changsun Chong saw this situation at this time, he knew that he had already been ambushed, although he was outnumbered, but these people were suddenly caught off guard, and now they were already in a passive situation.

Faced with such a passive situation, Changsun Chong's expression tightened, and he hurriedly ordered: "Retreat quickly!"

Although the order was given, these family members had already been mixed up with the mountain people patrolling the mountain, where was there still a chance to retreat.

said that it was a scuffle, but in fact, most of these family members were beaten by Li Laosi and them, and they had no chance to fight back at all.

In three or two clicks, he was completely controlled by Li Laosi and others.

At this time, Li Laosi looked at the subdued people, and scolded coldly: "With the kung fu of you three-legged cats, you still dare to come to Qingcheng Mountain to spread wild?!

He was already unconvinced, but at this time he was even more angry, only to see Changsun Chong glaring at Li

Laosi angrily, and said angrily: "You gang of bandits, if you have the ability, you will fight in an upright manner, what kind of heroes are you hiding behind and sneaking attack?!"

Li Laosi was annoyed when he heard that Changsun Chong was so agitated, and with a wave of his big hand, he lifted Changsun Chong's collar and lifted him up from the ground.

Originally, Li Laosi was born burly and strong, and he stood normally with Changsun Chong only reaching his shoulder, and lifting people up at this time was as easy as lifting a chicken. And Changsun Chong barely touched the ground on his toes.

I saw Li Laosi staring at him, looked at Changsun Chong, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha! Just your two taels of meat, it's not enough for me to fight!"

At this time, Changsun Chong was carried by Li Laosi, his feet were about to leave the ground, but his hands were still tied, and he couldn't resist.

In addition, this Li Laosi was extremely rude to him, and under the shame and anger, he finally couldn't help but blow himself up and said:

"Presumptuous! I am the eldest grandson Chong, the son of Zhao Guogong, don't let you village master come to see me quickly!"

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