At this time, the eldest grandson rushed to the family behind him, looked at the scene in front of him, and was suddenly stunned.

"This young master is too miserable, isn't it! Not only is his fiancée gone, but he will also be beaten, even if he is beaten, he will be stimulated so much in person!"

"I'm afraid I can't find such a miserable person in this world."

After everyone was stunned for a while, they suddenly saw Changsun Chong, who had fallen to the ground, and immediately reacted, immediately panicked, and

hurriedly stepped forward and shouted: "Young Master!

Li Lizhen's eyes widened at this time, and she looked at Changsun Chong, who fell to the ground, incredulously, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally, she just wanted to show off in front of Changsun Chong, let him see how she and her husband love, so that he could recognize the reality as soon as possible and give up earlier.

But I didn't expect that she just said two simple words, and this eldest grandson Chong actually vomited blood?!

I couldn't help but tilt my head sideways and think:

"I don't have anything to do?"

At this time, Lin Chen looked at the happy look on Li Lizhen's face in his arms, and was slightly surprised, he didn't expect that Li Liqian, who had always been shy, would take the initiative to show affection in front of outsiders at this time. It made his eyes light up.

Then he looked at Changsun Chong, who had fainted on the ground, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, chuckled, and couldn't help but think in his heart:

"This Changsun Chong was first beaten by himself, and then he was sprinkled with dog food by his mother, and he received a critical blow to his heart, tsk......"

At this time, he looked at Changsun Chong on the ground, and it was a little funny to look so miserable.

couldn't help but look down at the little wife in his arms, gently pinched her soft cheeks, hooked the corners of his mouth, and chuckled:

"Husband and wife match, double the crit!" Lin

Chen was originally planning to open a restaurant, but this eldest grandson came suddenly, but he delayed this matter.

He glanced at the family members of the Changsun Mansion who were in a mess, and waved his hand a little impatiently and said, "Throw people down the mountain!"

After speaking, he turned around and left with Li Lizhen.

A group of armor guards behind him immediately led the order to step forward, and took these family members and took the fainting eldest grandson Chong and threw them down the mountain.


The business of this restaurant is open as soon as it is opened.

Lin Chen first spent a lot of money to summon some cooks nearby, although they were not as good as those five-star cooks in modern times.

But these cooks themselves have good skills, and they cook home-cooked dishes.

In addition, Lin Chen's various new dishes are taught like this, and they are accepted quickly. After some pre-job training, these cooks were finally taught to the level required by Lin Chen.

For dishes and the like, modern kung pao chicken, boiled pork slices, braised pork, sweet and sour fish, etc., are all listed in the menu.

The food is there, but this restaurant can do it without wine.

It just so happened that the time for this fruit wine to be brewed was also used in the restaurant. Coupled with the grain wine made by Lin Chen, this wine category can be regarded as complete.

Since it is to open a store, and it is still a restaurant, then this decoration is naturally indispensable.

He first renovated several shops, and then opened up adjacent ones, dividing them into two types: a lobby and a private room. The style of decoration is based on the ancient buildings of the Tang Dynasty, while the private rooms in the interior are designed with various themes.

Such as flower themes, musical instrument themes, starry sky themes, etc., these themes are all beautiful, so that people can also have a different feeling when enjoying food. Of course, these themed private rooms are not cheap.

Lin Chen had already planned, since it was near Hanguang Gate, there must be a lot of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, so naturally they would consume it.

After more than ten days of preparation, this restaurant is finally about to officially open, on the eve of the opening, Lin Chen waved his pen and directly named it "Drunken Immortal Residence".

According to Lin Chen's instructions, Drunken Xianju prepared more than a dozen kinds of dishes on the opening day, and took them to the street to inspect them.

The popularity was attracted, so I started to make reservations for tastings, and each person could only taste one bite.

The opening of other restaurants is a discount promotion, this drunken immortal residence is a lot of money, and you have to make an appointment to try it, and the tasting is just that, and you are only allowed to eat one bite.

That kind of delicious food, only one bite between the lips and teeth, is simply torturous.

This kind of business method has never been seen before, so this drunken immortal residence is completely famous in Chang'an City.

Although the price of this restaurant is extremely high, it has become extremely popular in Chang'an City as soon as it opens.

In just a few days, there is already a lot of income.



eldest grandson of the palace, Wuji, came to the Taiji Palace with a booklet on his face, and when he saw Li Shimin, he hurriedly leaned over and saluted

: "Your Majesty!"

As soon as Li Shimin saw the eldest grandson Wujian coming, he immediately said: "No need to be polite.

Seeing her with a happy face, he then asked

: "What is the good thing about Guanyin?"

The eldest grandson Wujian came closer, handed the booklet in his hand to Li Shimin, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, please see, this is the income of the royal treasury in recent days...... Li Shimin took the

booklet, raised his finger slightly, and opened the booklet.

I saw Li Shimin looking at the numbers on the account, his eyes were shocked at first, then his eyes lit up, and finally he laughed with excitement on his face

: "Good

! good!" "In this short period of two or three months, there have been so many items!

?" Just when Li Shimin was happy, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the hall:

"Zhao Ping, the deputy commander of the dark guard, asks to see him!"

Li Shimin looked at the booklet in his hand, smiled from ear to ear, and said without raising his head: "Come in

!" I saw that after Zhao Ping entered the hall, he directly saluted Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wuji, and reported directly:

"Your Majesty, news came from Anhuamen, and found that the thief Lin Chen had entered the city, may I ask if Your Majesty has arrested him?!"

remembered that he was injured by Lin Chen's organ before, and then he was taken into the cottage for a while, although he later threw himself out of the cottage without knowing what was going on.

Later, I tried my best to return to Chang'an City, and after a few months, my body recovered, and my body was fine, but everything I suffered in the cottage was difficult to settle.

He was the deputy leader of the dignified secret guard, when had he suffered such abuse?

Originally, he was thinking of looking for an opportunity to go to the cottage to find some trouble with Lin Chen, but he was too busy with official business to take a break, and he never thought that this Lin Chen, a thief, would dare to run to Chang'an City.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ping had a sneer on

the corner of his mouth, and said secretly in his heart: "I can't help you in that cottage, I came to Chang'an City and caught you, and there are ways to torture you in the dungeon of the secret guard!"

At this time, the smile on the corner of Li Shimin's mouth was not closed, but when he heard Zhao Ping's report that he wanted to arrest Lin Chen, he was immediately angry, and he got up and walked quickly to Zhao Ping.

With a wave of his hand, he slapped him:

"Catch a fart! he's my god of wealth now!"


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