Li Shimin's slap over, instantly stunned Zhao Ping Zhao Ping's

face was full of shock, his eyes widened in confusion, and he looked at Li Shimin incredulously.

I was even more puzzled in my heart, this Lin Chen is a thief! What the hell is going on? After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't understand what was going on? My face was full ......of question marks, and I just wanted to ask

, "Why is this?"

However, just when Zhao Ping was stunned, Li Shimin immediately kicked over again, and shouted angrily

, "Why are you stunned, why don't you send someone to protect your life!"

Zhao Ping came back to his senses and said in his heart: "Your Majesty, is this serious?"

Li Shimin was naturally serious, thinking back to the profit of fine salt, and thinking of the account book handed to him by Guanyin just now, the figure of the flow of water in the inner library was twice as high as the previous coarse salt business.

And now this newly opened restaurant, although it only gives itself three parts of red, but the profit is already more than the previous shops combined.

Where can ordinary people do this kind of business profits? How can he not be surprised that the royal family can have such an income income?

Just as he said before, this Lin Chen is now like the God of Wealth, this is very valuable!

Zhao Ping saw Li Shimin's posture, and the will had already been made, so he also obeyed the order and went to secretly protect Lin Chen.


Zhao Guogong's Mansion

"Get out!"

An angry shout came from the house, and the maid immediately admitted her mistake in fright: "Young master is angry, young master is angry!"

said and exited the door again and again.

The eldest grandson Chong was repaired by Lin Chen in the cottage, and was brought back by the family in the house, and he fell asleep for five days before waking up.

Since he woke up, he has been in a bad temper, and he feels like he wants to laugh at everyone when he looks at him, and he is even more angry.

Throwing cups, smashing dishes, and scolding are common things.

At this time

, a little guy suddenly ran in, and the eldest grandson Chong scolded angrily without looking at it: "Which one doesn't have long eyes?!Get out!"

The little guy immediately smiled

and said: "The young master is a small ......

" The eldest grandson Chong looked up with a displeased face, and saw that it was the most trusted little guy next to him, Ah Da, so he suppressed the anger on his face a little, and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

The little guy Ah Da immediately came to

Changsun Chong, smiled and whispered in his ear: "Young master, the little one found Lin Chen in Chang'an City

!" When Changsun Chong heard this name, his body couldn't help but tighten

, and the anger in his eyes rose, and he hurriedly asked:

"Are you sure it's that kid?!"

Ah Da smiled and hurriedly said

, "It's true, this is what my subordinates have seen with their own eyes!".

When Eldest Sun Chong heard this, the anger in his eyes became even more obvious, and he recalled the picture of being slapped to the ground by Lin Chen with a palm before.

I was even more trembling with anger.

Ah Da observed his words, and also knew that their young master had been worried about Lin Chen's affairs in the past few days, so he hurriedly said:

"Young master, we were on his territory before, and the terrain is naturally unfamiliar, so it is normal to suffer some losses. As

the most trusted person of Changsun Chong, Ah Da also has two brushes, and these three or two sentences suddenly reached Changsun Chong's heart.

Although Changsun Chong knew that his strength was inferior to Lin Chen, who could admit his incompetence?

Seeing that Eldest Sun Chong's face finally softened a little, Ah Da continued to speak: "Young Master, now Lin Chen actually dares to come to this Chang'an City, this is not his Qingcheng Mountain, this is not his Qingcheng Mountain, this is not up to him, don't we have the upper hand?

!" Hearing Ah Da say this, Eldest Sun Chong's face suddenly softened, and he said loudly

: "It's still your kid's brain!"

Ah scratched

his head and said with a smile:

" It's not that the young master has taught him well!

" As soon as he said this, the eldest grandson Chong's face was even more happy, and he opened his mouth and ordered:

"You go to find a few people with high martial arts, catch that Lin Chen, and unload his legs......"

Hearing this, Ah Daman immediately said yes with a smile, and then took the order and left.

At this time, the eldest grandson Chong looked out of the house, and suddenly felt happy, and looked at the sky a little better. Instead, I had some thoughts that wanted to go out and go around:

"Come on, change the clothes of Young Master Ben!"


On the second day, after the eldest grandson Wuji went down to court, as soon as he came out of Hanguang Gate, he saw a familiar figure flashing.

I couldn't help but look to the west in my heart, wasn't that the newly opened restaurant Drunken Immortal Residence? How could this deputy leader of the secret guards, Zhao Ping, appear here?

But after a while, I saw that one person was thrown out of the Drunken Immortal Residence by several secret guards.

I saw that the man was drunken and shouted: "You are so rude! This drunken immortal residence is also a place of arrogance!" Zhao

Ping, the deputy leader of the secret guard, immediately stepped forward and drew his knife and said:

"If you make trouble again, Lao Tzu will immediately arrest you and go to see the official!"

The drunken drunkard, when he saw this Bai Sensen's blade, was full of spirits, and most of the wine was awake, and immediately ran away.


Seeing this scene, the eldest grandson Wuji couldn't help but be a little puzzled, and after thinking about it for a while, he also understood. I heard that this Hanguang Gate recently opened a new restaurant with strange dishes.

As soon as the restaurant opened, it instantly became popular in the entire Chang'an City, and if there were such means, I am afraid that it was also from the hands of that master, right? Thinking of the importance that His Majesty attached to Lin Chen, he also knew Zhao Ping's task.

Thinking of this, there was a little more depth in his eyes, looking at the extremely hot restaurant, he couldn't help but sigh:

"This kind of ability, it is really unmatched!" When

the eldest grandson Wuji returned to the mansion, it was almost noon, and as soon as he entered the mansion, he saw a group of three or five strange faces walking out, walking briskly, walking with the wind, and at first glance, they were all practicing families.

In confusion, he ordered someone to stop him in a hurry.

Those people bit their mouths tightly, and after some inquiry, they didn't gain anything, and in the end, when the eldest grandson Wuji used the punishment, those people finally got rid of it.

We were all invited into the house by the young master, let us help him avenge him, and go and remove one of his legs. The

eldest grandson Wuji, his eyes lit up like a torch, and he immediately asked

, "Who is it?"

Where did those people dare to hide it at this time, when these people explained that it was Lin Chen.

I saw that the eldest grandson Wuji was suddenly shocked, and ordered in a cold voice:

"Give these people to the old man!"

After speaking, he took steps and rushed directly to the eldest grandson Chong's room.

At this time, the eldest grandson Chong had just sent away the master that Ah Da had found, and he was very happy in his heart, so he just waited for the good news to come.

But he never thought that the eldest grandson Wuji suddenly rushed to the room angrily at this time, as soon as he saw his father coming, the eldest grandson Chong was about to salute, but when he saw the eldest grandson Wuji raise his hand, he slapped over.

It was directly thrown on the head of the eldest grandson Chong, and he said angrily: "You kid wants to cheat his father!"


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