Dawn Infinity

Vol 10 Chapter 28: : Coincidentally and fight with...!

What kind of world is the world of reincarnation, and why are there worlds caused by various movie plots?

In many ways, art is actually a variety of coincidences. If there is no artistic coincidence, then many arts will not be logically established. For the simplest example, if it is a war novel or a war movie The protagonist, who has bad luck on the battlefield and is shot by a stray bullet, then it is likely that the story will end at the beginning. Although the reality is more bizarre than the movie, if the novel or movie is really transformed into the real world, then Come so many coincidences? Then so many happened to be? Coincidences and coincidences in the real world exist, but it is basically impossible to fall on one person or a group of people so frequently, and most novels or movies themselves exist because of these coincidences and coincidences. Once they become reality According to the laws of logic and reality, most novels and movies can’t come true at all. For nothing else, just because the protagonist happens to have one or two coincidences and there are mistakes, then the whole plot will be completely broken. . (Starting)

Take this predecessor of the Lord of the Rings as an example. When Thorin and his party were surrounded and captured by goblins and were about to be tortured and killed, why did Gandalf arrive at that time? Not one step earlier, not one step too late. It happens to be that time. You know, Thorin and the others are separated from Gandalf from Rivendell. After passing through the mountains and forests, there is such a distance between them. Why Gandalf? Just happened to arrive at their most dangerous moment? If there is no such coincidence, then the entire prequel to the Lord of the Rings will end at this moment, and there are so many stories afterwards?

But the fact is that after the main **** space came out, there was indeed an almost infinite world of reincarnation. Of course, Chu Hao had just left the category of rookie novices, so he didn’t know if there was anything other than movies in the reincarnation world, but he has already I have experienced several movie worlds, but logically speaking, the movie world that cannot be made real is actually realized. It is as if there is an invisible all-powerful hand that unites countless coincidences and coincidences. , Forming a general plot in the movie world.

Chu Hao already had doubts about this and began to speculate. Although it was due to lack of information, he was also psychologically prepared. For example, the main task given by the Lord God this time is closely related to Thorin and his party. If Thorin dies, then The task is considered a failure, then... how should the Lord God handle this relationship? If the Arctic Island team only follows Thorin, then there is no way to take advantage of the general trend to fight against the Celestial Team. Is the Lord God a mortal mission released?

With such an inquiring mood, Chu Hao led the team and the dwarven soldiers to find a cave entrance on a mountain, and immediately saw the scene that surprised them the most. This even made Chu Hao a little bit stunned. Finished. 【First Release】

Because through the entrance of this cave, the mental power scan directly found Thorin and his party inside, including all the dwarves and hobbits such as Thorin. Although Gandalf has not been seen, it is obvious that Thorin etc. People just fell from the cave to the cave, and then began to be besieged by the goblin group, but at this time they were not captured instantly as in the plot. On the contrary, they can also resist the attack of the goblin group, and they are fighting and retreating. To get out of the cave passage.

This is a coincidence! ?

After Chu Hao and others left Rivendell, they parted ways with Thorin and others. Later, they experienced two blue mountain defense battles in the Blue Mountains, and also experienced this dwarf tribe migration. The time on the road has passed, even if No matter how accurate Chu Hao's calculations were, he would definitely be deviated from Thorin and the others. Sooner or later, could it happen that he just happened to meet Thorin and the others to reach the Goblin Kingdom? It's not such a coincidence...

But this is the fact. When Chu Hao and others arrived, it happened to be when Thorin and others fell into the kingdom of goblins, and at this moment, Thorin and others were still fighting with the goblins and had not yet been captured. It was just right, as if there was a big hand who controlled everything was manipulating the plot.

As soon as Chu Hao's heart moved, he secretly remembered the scene in front of him, but he couldn't think about it at this time. He immediately led the crowd into the cave. There were countless dense passages in the Goblin Kingdom, but fortunately there was Mental power scanning, don’t be afraid of such a maze. The most troublesome thing is the dwarf soldiers. There are too many of them. In such a maze channel, they are actually a drag on the advancement of everyone. The speed is much slower than the few in the Arctic Island team. Double it.

In the mental power scan, Thorin and others have been completely suppressed by the goblins. First of all, the difference between the numbers of the two sides is too large, and there are more than tens of thousands of goblins in the goblin kingdom? At this moment, there are tens of thousands of goblins coming one after another, besieging Thorin and others, and in the range of mental power scanning, there are densely packed goblins coming.

What's more, Thorin and others fell into the cave of the Goblin Kingdom from a height of at least tens of meters. They are now almost dizzy and weak, and they can even take up weapons to resist. Thanks to their vindictiveness. Because of this, but in a rush, he was continuously besieged by goblins, and he was about to be captured.

Seeing this, Chu Hao couldn't take care of anything else, and immediately shouted through the chain of mind: "According to my previous instructions, read Xikong, please! Use your strongest strength, fastest speed, and the most hidden The way, follow the hobbit to find the Lord of the Rings, my request is, no matter what happens to us, you must never return to us, be sure to get it the first time you find the Lord of the Rings. It can be said that you are actually my biggest trump card and trump card, and all the dwarves and all the early layouts are just to delay you. The core of this layout...is you! Now...go!"

Nian Xikong nodded silently, but she did not run forward immediately, but took a bit from her pocket, and then took out a small yellowish fruit in vermilion, she put the fruit in her mouth slowly Slowly chewing and swallowing, and then said: "Then I, go." In the voice, a black line of Nian Xikong's fingers swept out, wrapped her in a direct shot, and in the blink of an eye it was a hundred meters away. Only a few seconds before and after, it was very close to Thorin and the others.

After Nian Xikong left, Chu Hao immediately said to the others: "The situation is urgent. I have said what should be said before. Now I will be divided into two groups. First, I, Zhang Heng and Tom, the four of us will go first. , To help Thorin and others, at least there will be no life-threatening danger until Gandalf and the large forces arrive. After that, all of you... will be under the temporary command of Oki. You must stay with all the dwarven soldiers, at least In this way, you don’t have to worry about being attacked and killed by a large number of goblins. Your mission is very simple. Protect yourself and keep yourself alive without causing negative points for the team. Aoqi, your mission should be heavier, and Stray , Gangluer protects the newcomer together, and at the same time leads the dwarf soldiers to come and join us as soon as possible."

After Chu Hao said this, not only Aoqi, but the others were also a little surprised. It wasn't that they would be divided into two teams. It is normal that Zhang Heng and Tom, who are strong among the seniors, rushed to the battlefield first. It’s the robot t800, which can’t die easily, and it’s normal to leave at the same time. But what’s not normal is that the remaining members of the Arctic Island team, the temporary team leader, actually passed through a horror movie Oki. Rather than the old veteran Sterry, this inevitably makes people mumble. In fact, Sterry lowered his face secretly, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

Aoqi was also taken aback for a while, but his character didn’t think deeply about it. Instead, he was dominated by a trust and courage to do things. He got hot in his chest and immediately patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry. ! I must bring them safely to see you! Is there anything else I need to order?"

Chu Hao smiled at Aoqi, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe you, if there is an emergency, such as encountering the Celestial Squad or something, you can act according to your intuition or thoughts, but you must not go blindly. Desperately, it is best to delay time, wait for us to come to support, or Nian Xikong to get the Lord of the Rings, that's it."

Aoqi nodded. While he was still excited about this trust, Chu Hao nodded to Zhang Heng Tom, and the four of them strode forward and ran forward. This speed was faster than that of a large group. It was much faster. Under the guidance of the mental power scan, everyone quickly rushed into the maze of passages and headed towards Thorin and the others.

At the same time, in the range of the mental power scan, Thorin and others have been captured by the goblins and their weapons have also been confiscated, but I don’t know why, the goblins did not directly kill the ring. At the same time, in the spirit According to the force scan, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins squatted in the shadows and escaped the goblin’s search. At this moment, when he was about to leave the goblin army, he was spotted by a goblin. This goblin fell into the deep valley abyss in the scuffle, and all this was not discovered by the goblin group and Thorin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but as Bilbo Baggins fell into the deep valley abyss, a black shadow He chased straight from top to bottom, but just when the black shadow was about to approach the falling Bilbo Baggins, suddenly a whip shadow from the darkness hit the black shadow quickly. This whip The influence was so powerful that it shattered the black shadow almost instantly, and then the existence of the black shadow was embedded into the rock, and the rumbling sound was like a rocket bombarding the rock in the middle of the mountain.

In the darkness, a yellow-skinned young man sneered, planning to rush towards the huge rocks inlaid with black shadows, but soon he stopped, because the fallen Bilbo Baggins had already moved away from where he was. The farther he hesitated, he finally retracted the whip, jumped directly into the deep valley, and went straight down where Bilbo Baggins was.

In this way, after ten seconds or so, when Bilbo Baggins and the man with the whip had disappeared in the shadow of the deep valley, the huge rocks burst fiercely, and Nian Xikong walked out of it without injury. She watched the dark valley silently, and saw that she suddenly took out a rubber band and tied her long hair into a ponytail, and then she jumped directly into the dark valley...

In this dark valley, I can't see my fingers, the only thing visible is Nian Xikong's eyes...blood red, like a bloodthirsty demon...

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