Dawn Infinity

Vol 10 Chapter 29: : Dreams and Choices

Chu Hao ran in front of the four, thinking about something as he ran. (Starting)

Although he doesn't know where the Celestial Team is, he has a very strange intuition that all these things are all too familiar... deja vu, a sense of familiarity.

I must have encountered the current situation somewhere, but after thinking about it carefully, I can't recall it. It just vaguely made him feel a little familiar, which is the so-called sense of sight. He must have missed something very important...

But what exactly is it? It must be something very important...

Just thinking about this, Nian Xikong was already out of the range of mental power scanning, and Aoqi immediately explained the reason through the spiritual chain. The further toward the bottom of the goblin kingdom, the smaller the range of mental power scanning, it seemed that something was suppressed. It's normal, but it's not mental power shielding, but mental power scanning range suppression.

(In other words, it was not the ghost of the Celestial Squad, but...In order to shield the Lord of the Rings, it was more difficult to obtain the Lord of the Rings? As I expected, it is really necessary for hobbit talents to get the Lord of the Rings. So... where are the Celestial Team?)

Chu Hao has been on guard all the way. According to his speculation, once he enters the Goblin Kingdom, he may be attacked by the Celestial Team at any time, but until now, they still haven't found any traces of the Celestial Team. It is inevitable that people will be puzzled. Logically speaking, when they entered the Goblin Kingdom, they must have the least defenses. At that time, the sneak attack would be the most sudden and deadly, but...the Celestial Team did not appear... …

What are they going to do like that!

At the same time, in the Orchi team, the dwarves seem to be very comfortable with the environment in the caverns. As they progress gradually, their speed is getting faster and faster, and they seem to have felt that the battle is about to come. As they arrive, their emotions are getting higher and higher (the mental power scan is not connected to their minds), and along the way, they are still discussing something enthusiastically.

"You said, the prince must be here, right?"

"That's for sure! Didn't you hear that the instructor has already said? The prince must be here! Could the instructor be wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah, the instructor can't be wrong...I just worry that we, so few people, will come to attack the goblin's lair, can we...can win?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the surrounding dwarves were silent for a while, but just for a moment, some dwarves shouted: "What are the goblins? Are there any orcs powerful? We defeated them with nearly ten times the number of enemies. A large army of pale orcs! As long as there is a mentor, as long as we are heroic fighters of the class, we will not fail! Defeat the goblins! Rescue the prince! Let us return to our dream hometown! Return to the Lonely Mountain! "

The surrounding dwarves were also excited. They all raised their weapons and shouted loudly. After a while, suddenly a dwarf whispered: "But...will the prince support us? Our doctrine, we Our average wealth, our common labor... Is the prince going to inherit as the king, he, will he support us?"

This time, there was another unspeakable silence among the many dwarves. I don’t know how long it took. After turning a few big bends, suddenly there was a dwarf who said loudly: "The prince will definitely support us... He didn’t just bring a little The people who came to regain the Lonely Mountain alone? Didn't those nobles betray the prince? He is our hero, he must... he will definitely support us, he will!"

"Yes! Will definitely support us!"

The dwarves didn't know if they were deceiving themselves or looking forward to the future. They were running in the tunnel, cheering and supporting each other, their voices became louder and louder. 【First Release】

"After the war is over, I will plant a large piece of land. There will be no nobles to exploit me. I can plant whatever I want. I will plant a large piece of land. I will grow a lot of food. Both my wife and children can eat to their fullness. I want to make the rice noodles pile up in the granary. I will check it out every day, so I can eat it every day!"

After the dwarf said these words, he was slightly silent. The surrounding dwarves exploded with greater enthusiasm. One of the dwarves also said loudly: "I want to dig every day until I get tired, and then I drink and get drunk every day. You have to dig the most and most mines and drink the most beautiful wines. Do this every day. You no longer have to drink the shui wines with water, and you no longer have to endure that the minerals are taken away by the nobles!"

"I also have a dream. I want to build the best sword and the best armor. I want to forge a treasure that can be used to sing epic poetry. I want future children and grandchildren to be able to call me respectful as soon as they hear my name. For the master!"

"And mine, I want to brew the best and best ale in all of Middle-earth! I want everyone who drinks my ale to praise it, and I want those hypocritical elves to also serve my wine. Blushing and arguing, I want to make my wine famous in Middle-earth!"

"I want to make the most beautiful food..."

"I want to explore the entire Middle-earth world, I want to travel to the end of the world..."

"I want……"

Every dwarf expresses his dream loudly. Maybe it was when they were children, maybe it was what they had in childhood, but with the suffering of life, despite the pain of society and adulthood, that little dream They were quickly polished down, and they were no longer so "naive". Until this time, when Chu Hao burned the flames of the revolution all over the Blue Mountains, the passionate feeling of the revolution made them once again possess these simplicity. The dream because they still deeply remember the words of Chu Hao when they mobilized them to go to the Long March to Gushan. It didn’t need to be so exciting, on the contrary, it was very ordinary...

"There, everything you dream of will come true!"

Regardless of how much this statement is true or Chu Hao’s deception, but at least, these dwarves believe...They believe that once they return to the lonely mountain and return to the dream dwarf blessed land, then Their dreams will surely be realized, and before that, all the wars and all the sacrifices were all worthwhile...


Oki led the team to the forefront. He listened to these simple dreams. He listened to the words spoken by every dwarf. He was cautious, as if to say something terrible, even if it was just creating Pastries, barbecues, ale, these things were also said by them, and they also attracted the envy and discussion of the dwarves around them. They seemed to care for their best things, the brightest things in their hearts. At this moment, The dwarves in his mental scan, their faces seem to be glowing, those rough, bearded, dressed in dirty clothes, because of the fatigue of life and the hardship of fighting, and the dusty dwarves... …They all seem to be shining! !

How can they be used as adult meat bombs, how can they be used as consumables!

They... They are also partners who fight side by side with them! !

Such words were transmitted to the minds of Chu Hao through the chain of hearts. At the same time, Oqi wiped his eyes somehow, Chu Hao was silent, Zhang Heng was silent, Tom was silent, and he must be silent too... ...However, Zhang Heng and Tom looked at Chu Hao with expectation and a few requests in their eyes. Only Chu Hao remained silent as iron.

(Dream...? Such a thing, such a luxurious thing...how can there be any dreams, I...can only make a choice.)

Chu Hao still didn’t answer, he ran forward silently, and during the mental power scan, the dwarves still followed behind with their dreams and noises. They didn’t know at all that they were just consumables, they were just consumables. Dwarf self-explosive bomb...

"He is a wise man, he will make the most correct choice."

The silver masked man stood behind the goblin king’s seat, closed his eyes and carefully felt the two blank spaces in his mind that were shielded. There was the most obvious location of the Arctician team members. After he felt it, he nodded to the people behind him. Said: "Get started. According to my previous instructions, the two of you will stop the Arctician team's backup, including their newcomers and weaker players, as well as all the dwarf soldiers, bring more goblin cannon fodder, I I don’t want you to die under the human flesh bomb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two big white guys nodded, and the black mixed-race girl standing next to the silver masked man said: "Captain, just the two of us... okay? "

The corner of the silver mask man’s mouth bends, and he smiled and said: "No problem, I haven’t shot a few horror movies, don’t worry, I will do it if necessary, not to mention that besides the Arctic Island team, there is also Thorin. With Gandalf, I will take action anyway."

Hearing this, the others showed satisfied expressions. Obviously, they were very confident in the silver masked man. At this moment, the two big white men looked at each other and walked away, carrying a lot of them. The goblin soldiers followed the remote passage directly to the rear of the two groups of mental shields, where they would capture the newcomers of the Arctician team and intercept the dwarf soldiers.

After the two big white men were far away, the man with the silver mask closed his eyes again, and his mouth was muttering.

"Chu Hao, you will choose. Sacrifice your players, come to the Celestial Team, become stronger, and then take revenge on the cx organization. You will definitely choose this way..."


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