Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 270: throttle

Familiar and unfamiliar corridors, the architectural style here is very similar to the gray tower, only more gorgeous and complicated. Cheese didn't try to open the door again. Walking around in such a place with an unstable spatial structure will probably only make him farther and farther away from his destination.

Anyway, the three of them had also designated the medical room as the meeting place before, as long as they could reach there, it was enough. Thinking of this, Cheese's footsteps kept walking towards the darkness, and the light flickered on the wall, making the robe on his body show the outlines of different shadows.

Some shallow patterns dance on it, disappearing. It is an extremely subtle phenomenon that cannot be seen normally, and it is a scene that can only be faintly captured under a light source with just the right brightness. Although the gray robe on Cheese's body is not 100% similar to his teacher's, it seems to be developing towards that trend. If there is no magic hole on his body, perhaps these lines will be more conspicuous.

Cheese walked for a while, and gradually discovered something abnormal. It seems that this corridor is completely straight, but there is no end in sight when walking. According to the mage's measurement of strides, he had already walked out of the gray tower at this time, that is to say, the space here was abnormal. It's right to be abnormal, if it's too normal here, Cheese will find it boring.

He stopped to take a proper rest, and then observed his surroundings again. Within minutes, he had dismissed most of the options that might have caused such phenomena. It's not that his knowledge is invalid after entering here. This space is not so magical, and it can establish rules outside of the normal operation of the world.

Therefore, cheese still has considerable initiative and can analyze this corridor. He turned his head, and the door he entered was no longer visible, which meant that he was not standing still, he did move, but the movement was not effective enough.

"If the right way doesn't work, try another way."

Cheese's eyes flashed with magic, he hit the ground hard with his crutches, and the sand between the bricks snaked up the pepper wood like a snake, and climbed up his body along Cheese's arm , forming a mysterious creature with a very exotic color.

This is exactly the spell that Cheese invented on the wasteland before, the Dragon Walking Technique. After using this spell, the caster's physical ability will be improved to a considerable extent, which is currently the easiest way to deal with environmental problems in the hands of cheese.

But this time the Dragon Walking Technique was not for him to crawl forward desperately, it was meaningless. If this corridor can engulf the previous walking distance, it is almost impossible to break it through a simple increase without an exponential increase in speed.

After feeling the power brought by the spell, Cheese glanced at the wall on the left, and then stepped on it. Relying on the power of kicking, he bounced back to the other side, and stretched out his palm after a few back and forth , Stick it on the roof with your fingertips.

Crawling like a spider has historically been seen as a useful but not very pretty ability. Assassins and rogues may need it to aid in stealth, and mages are less likely to create spells specifically for it.

But the cheese is a spell weaver, and it will take him no longer to generate a spell than to solve a simple math problem. So under the blessing of Dragon Walking Technique, that palm became the fulcrum supporting the mage's whole body, hanging him in the air.

"Upside down." With this simple syllable, everything in front of Cheese changed, from up to down, from left to right, from hanging in the air to standing upside down on the ground.

And with the subversion of the sense of space, a door that didn't exist originally rotated from the darkness to fill the end of the corridor. The infinite channel created by magic basically upholds a premise, that is, the people in it are consciously perceiving everything around them.

So sometimes people who touch the dark can get out of the maze, and they can close their eyes without being affected. What cheese does is similar to these, but his spells are more effective and direct.

Lightly turned over and landed, the gray robe shook the dust off his body, and pushed open the door in front of him. A gust of strong wind blew out from behind the door, almost blowing the cheese off the ground in an instant, but fortunately he held down the ground with his staff in time to stabilize his figure. After the wind gradually adapted, he finally opened his eyes and saw the scene inside the door.

Behind the door was an empty space, only the humming of the wind echoed in it. Cheese has never seen this kind of situation, but he guessed that if someone builds a building for the purpose of expanding the wind power, so that it can amplify the flow of surrounding air, it will cause such a result.

The question now is whether this is a field that can be set foot, is it possible that it will take the cheese to leave the gray tower, or even leave this world, and enter some unknown distant realm.

If so, then even if the road ahead is not dangerous, he should not continue to explore. In order to get the answer, Cheese took out a piece of extraordinarily rough-looking thick straw paper from his arms, and wiped it on the wall beside him, and the edge of the straw paper began to emit a dazzling bright fire. The shape of this thing comes from the Huozhezi carried by Jianqi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the actual technology used is cheese.

The proof is that even if it was thrown into the wind-ravaged darkness in front of it by the gray-robed mage, the fire still radiated a conspicuous light, floating back and forth in the wind, like a butterfly with no destination. Ordinary fire pockets cannot burn so stably in such an extreme environment.

"The porous cave-shaped structure is likely to be circular." Cheese made a guess based on some shadows and walls illuminated by the fire. The room in front of him, or the space, is likely to be a huge round sphere, with countless passages of different sizes opening on its outer wall, blowing strong winds into it.

These winds are so strong that when the door is opened, the cheese is not sucked in, but almost blown out. Such a structure is likely to be man-made, and naturally it may be difficult to form. The question is whether it is consistent with the problem Cheese has just thought about, and whether it can bring him closer to his destination.

While Cheese was thinking, the second gust of wind blew in front of him, which was as strong as the first one. Without the protection of the staff, he would definitely not be able to stand, and he couldn't even breathe without covering the wind pressure with his sleeves.

It is undoubtedly dangerous to break into a space that can generate such energy. If you are unlucky, he may be scattered in different storms like that fire note, and be torn to pieces by the strong wind.

But on the other hand, Cheese is really curious about why such a building was built and where the wind is provided for it. He looked at the dragon of dust wrapped around the surface of the robe, there was still some time for this spell.

"You have to try." As if making excuses for his own adventure, the gray-robed mage took a step forward cautiously, and slid into the darkness where the wind was whistling.

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