Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 271: guest in the wind

Cheese, who slid into the darkness, closed his eyes. He heard the sound of the door closing behind him, and he was sure that he would never return to that door again. Judging from the results of previous investigations, this space is very wide, and the structure that is still sliding under the feet also shows that its shape is indeed very close to the hollow ball guessed by Cheese.

The gray robe stretched out the staff in front of him, and let the pepper wood and the stone bricks rub against each other to create a little spark. This not only slows him down, but also tells him whether there is a hole in front of him as soon as possible. At present, Cheese is most worried about falling into an invisible vertical hole, just like the door when he came in. If the angle is too bad, it is not impossible to fall.

The wooden staff hit the empty space, and Cheese tried hard to stop his figure with his feet. But in the next second, a gust of wind erupted from under his body, like the eruption of a gap spring, and the gray robe with his eyes closed was blown into the air.

Cheese held the staff in one hand, and the robe that floated away in the other hand. The magic power turned the soft robe into wings that could act as hang glider. Under normal circumstances, this kind of wings will not help the fall, but when the wind at the bottom is strong enough, a small expansion of the area can bring a lift that cannot be ignored. With this power, the cheese will not completely lose the autonomy of movement.

But to be honest, it's not a very euphoric state, it's one thing to soar in the blue sky, in a dark space where you don't know if you're going to hit a wall the next second, or attract the attention of something else Flying is another matter.

For safety, cheese had to enable dark vision, even though he knew how dazzling his blue glowing eyes would be in this world where no light could be seen like deep water. Thinking about it better, there won’t and shouldn’t be other existences here, right? The environment here is unsuitable for any creature that does not feed on moving air.

To be precise, there are no creatures in this world that can really feed on the wind. If there is, then it actually adopts the same strategy as the filter-feeding creatures in the ocean, swallowing a large amount of air in one gulp, and absorbing the air that can be contained in it. Partially absorbed when eaten.

However, unlike water bodies that can carry a large amount of nutrients, it is by no means pleasant to filter-feed in the air. Wind energy can carry too little material to meet the needs of biological activities at all. Unless, that creature is not part of the natural ecology, but some kind of magical creature limited to legends. for example…

"Feathered snake."

Cheese, with magical aura in his eyes, saw the only figure other than him flying in this space. Its huge and elegant body was swaying in the wind, swimming in the air like a whale. That kind of leisurely and comfortable posture makes people feel calm, and there is no fear or disgust towards it.

The so-called Feathered Serpent, in terms of appearance, is a snake-like creature with feathers forming wings. This name is very general, and there are also names such as Wind Snake, Flying Snake or other transliterations based on local languages ​​in different regions.

In fact the taxonomy of couatlas, if there is such a subject at all, is rather complex. Feathered snakes in almost every region have subtle differences, ranging from the number of wings, the shape of the serpentine body, to color, type of food, and even the degree of intelligence. It can be said that if you don't see two feathered snakes that are more than 90% similar in appearance, you can regard them as completely different species.

Among the known feathered snake species, Cheese only knows one that can grow so huge and have such an elegant posture. It is called Kukuruken in the place where it was discovered. In local beliefs, it is the **** in charge of the wind. Its status is somewhat similar to the spirits on the grassland, but there are fewer in number, and it is even the only one in mythology.

So for the **** among the feathered serpents, the mages who have no faith gave it a species name, Titan Feathered Serpent. Of course, there is no problem in calling her or Kukuruken directly.

This has never been a problem, because Cheese never thought that one day he would appear directly beside this giant beast. The legendary **** did not emit any other easily detectable information other than vision, which was completely different from other existences with the same title. The more powerful the creatures, the stronger their sense of presence, even if you want to cover it up, it's not easy.

The same is undoubtedly true of the gray-robed mages. Their study and use of magic makes these individuals who are only human beings exude a sense of existence beyond the same kind, which is very difficult to hide in front of sensitive creatures. For example, werewolves can smell wizards and witches from hundreds of meters away, and vampires will also avoid these aliens among ordinary people to ensure that their dark lives will not be disturbed.

Cheese knows that his attempt to reduce the sense of existence is probably meaningless to the giant beast in front of him, because before he knows it, the huge and soft wings have circled behind him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And the head that didn't look like a snake at all, but was closer to a lizard had already appeared obliquely below him. Before he knew it, he had been coiled by the feathered snake's body.

It seems that apart from being big, this creature is also light enough and fast enough.

"Can we communicate in words?"

In an empty environment, even the sound becomes nothingness. Cheese had to use a little magic power to make his voice spread without being out of shape. He didn't want unnecessary hostility to be caused by yelling or murmurs.

"If you wish." Feathered Serpent's voice is very soft, like wind, a wind that actually blows past your ears and disappears suddenly, leaving only a slight touch of wind. It obviously wasn't talking with its throat, it should have roared like thunder from its mouth big enough to swallow cheese.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I want to know where this is? Or, it is located in a certain geographical location in the world." When seeing Kukuruken, Cheese had a bad premonition. The only God of Feathered Serpents probably shouldn't exist in the Gray Tower.

However, sometimes the answer is more surprising than guessing. "You know where this is, north of Dragon's Ridge Mountain, the desert of the world, your home. I am the tenant in this tower of yours, and you are the master."

"No, I'm not. I'm just his apprentice."

"Perhaps it is. But it seems to me that there is no difference between you. So why are you here? Apprentice."

Cheese felt a wind that was different from the strong wind holding him up. It was the power of the feathered snake, the power of the wind god.

"I'm lost. This tower has become strange, I am no longer familiar with it."

"Then the wind has led you here. Very well, very well."

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