Dawn of the Grey Tower

Chapter 459: Turbid rain

Cheese, fell asleep in the ruins, the intense mood swings and some mysterious power made the mage even no chance to resist. After his body fell, the cloudless night sky began to drip a little bit of rain. A very strange rain enveloped the ruins. Interestingly, although it was not far away, no one else noticed the rain curtain in the turbid current. They even forgot the existence of the mage this night, the numb vigil, rest until the dawn of the next day Suddenly realized that the cheese didn't come back all night.

The tall figure in black robe came from the rain. It is a black robe. In fact, at best, it is just a piece of cloth that is large enough and simply cut. It is only connected by faded silver buttons on the chest to form a shirt. The water droplets fell on the figure like silver thread, but they could not wet the robe on him, because it was already wet and could not be wet anymore.

"Oh, see who this is. The wanderer in the rain, the great wet soul, I can't remember that I once laid a ritual to call you, and here, besides the poor wizard, there seems to be no sacrifice that can attract you. "

The ruins in front of the cheese crashed down, and a huge golden throne pressed them all under the ground. This vulgar throne embellished with gold as a jewel is not dim even in the rain curtain, exuding gorgeous to vulgar glory. The fat monster sitting on it stood on the armrest of the throne with his fat left hand, supporting his multiple chins that could trap flies. The monster wears a crown, and the jewellery and the engraved intricate patterns on it are enough to overshadow the crown of kings in any secular country.

"Broker." The tall figure stopped and said in a voice that seemed to come from the bottom of the water. His voice was weird, but with his ram-like head, this weirdness seemed nothing. There have been very few records about the wet soul, but his believers know that the appearance of the **** in the rain he believes in has every meaning, even though most of the believers who have the luck to see their appearance can only be huge An outline was seen in the rain screen, but it was enough for them to compile it into a book so as to speculate on the meaning of Shendi. But even the most knowledgeable and experienced wet soul priest, he has never seen any record of wet soul showing the state of the ram's head.

"Oh, should I be honoured? You actually appeared here as" the truth ", it seems that this kid has a special meaning in your eyes." The monster said lazily, he seemed to think that the continuous rain in the sky was very Annoying, so a finger snapped and a canopy appeared on the throne. And Chi Huagai is a woman in white who can't see her face clearly. Her posture can almost be called perfect, because in everyone's view, her appearance will be what she wants most. The woman naturally sits on the right thigh of the monster, holding the canopy's handle in both hands, and the thin waist seems to be able to be pinched off with a strong hand in the monster's hand.

"God of love and beauty?" Wet Soul always said not much, but those who talked to him understood what he meant.

The broker pursed his lips, "It used to be. You also know my habits, those useful things, I won't touch them. I'm just a humble scavenger, collecting some collections that others don't want. For example, she What do you think? I rarely find tasteful connoisseurs like you to evaluate my collection. Most connoisseurs scream and run away when they see it. But you are different, great wet soul, Is she more cute than the noisy look before? "

"You are a lunatic." The sheep head figure in the rain commented so much that he did not like what the other party did.

"Hehe, haha!" The monster sitting on the throne laughed, and the laughter was full of joy, "Oh, this evaluation is great! I mean, if you have traveled through countless worlds like you, say me It ’s a lunatic, then I must be one of the craziest lunatics, haha! "

"This is nothing to be happy about." Wet Soul said, the rain began to increase, but there was no slight noise in the rain. The raindrops fell to the ground as if they had not been hindered, and disappeared into the ground. Even at this time, the ground of the ruins of Zhuoliu Town was still dry.

The broker's laughter stopped, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, if the fat face could still make a normal expression.

"No, this is certainly a pleasure. The affirmation from the outside is an encouragement to anyone, even something like me. You see, this little guy at our feet is not just running away because of being denied. Are you bored here? Although we always do n’t admit it, this world has affected us too much, ah, I ’m sorry I forgot, you, not this world. So please take the liberty to ask, “Speaking of this, monster ’s The expression swiftly began, "How long do you outsiders plan to stay here!"

The wet soul was unmoved, but his goat-shaped head began to melt in the rain, and soon disappeared into a black skull.

The terrible anger on the broker's face disappeared quickly, "Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my mind. You see, I actually said the question in exclamatory tone, it was really a low-level mistake."

"I can't answer your question because I don't know what other people think. What I can tell you is that when I get what I want, I leave the world." The voice in the goat's skull was no doubt the same as before. It seems that His voice is not through the flesh organs.

"Well, although this is the same as the answer you gave me at the beginning. But I'm as good as you are telling the truth. After all, how can a weak middleman like me dare to question your great existence?" The broker said. , The tone is full of irony, "I just hope that you and your companions do not ruin the world. I am different from you. If this place disappears, then I will have nowhere to go."

"Liar, we know everything you do on the Western land. You are stealing her power." The black sheep's head is slightly lowered, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, even the huge canopy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I was shocked and started to tremble.

The monster's big mouth grinned and silently laughed, and he sat on the throne, "So that's it, I said how could you condescend to appear in front of me. It seems that nothing can escape your eyes? I'm really I ’m curious, how did you discover all this. How to make a deal, tell me the method, and I will give her to you. "The broker said, pulling the woman on the thigh into his arms," ​​You need it , A body that can carry your actions in this world. Especially, that person is about to die, and no one can restrict you right away. "

Wet Soul didn't answer, just stood still.

"Why? I don't like women? It's a pity, the goddess in the rain, what a beautiful name. Well, I also have other bodies, I can satisfy whatever you want ..."

"Click!" Hua Gai, smashed in the rain, and the heavy rain struck the broker in a wanton way to stop His words.

"You, just enough, destiny." Wet Soul finished, the body collapsed into a transparent water, and with the last drop of rain penetrated into the ground, disappeared.

The monster wiped the rain on his face, and he tilted his head, "Hey, did you guess it? Guess what?"

The voice of disappeared with the throne, as abrupt as it appeared, leaving only the flat, unlandish land not far from the cheese. ...

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